『 Chapter Thirty One 』

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Read till the end 🤭

𝓨𝓸𝓾𝓻 𝓟𝓞𝓥

"Eaghk!" I clung to a tree branch for dear life. This sniper spot was shit.

The girls and I did an assassination attempt which ultimately failed.

Maybe the reason why we failed was because Miss Bitch's teaching was totally undoable! Like, a bunch of 14 year old girls can't seduce their teacher!

"Jump and I'll catch you." Called out a familiar voice.

"Go away, Akabane!" I responded out of instinct, until my arms and legs told me I didn't want him to go away.

"If I go, you'll be stuck by yourself~" I could practically hear his smirk in his voice.

"Wait- please help me down," I asked in the politest tone I could muster.

"Just jump," he instructed, he didn't seem to be joking at all.

"The hell are you on!? I'm not gonna fucking jump! Ima die!" I screamed at the stupid idea.

Maybe this tree branch wasn't so bad anymore. I'm sure I could get comfy.
I mentally cried as I accepted my fate.

"You're not gonna die, I won't let you hit the ground." Akabane reassured me.

I hesitated for a moment before I decided to trust him. Well, I didn't have much choice anyway-

"Promise I won't die?" I asked him. My tone reminded myself of S/N.


"WHY DID YOU SAY IT LIKE THAT?! I CANT TRUST YOU ANYMORE!" I yelled in frustration and paranoia. Fuck my trust issues, man.

"Look, you either jump and I catch you or live in that tree. Your choice."

"It's scary!!" How did I even get up here until the first place?!

"Close your eyes and jump. It's literally impossible for you to hit the ground, right now."

"Fine..." I sat up on the branch... and jumped!

I felt myself fall into firm arms as a familiar scent engulfed me: an annoying scent.

I opened my eyes, one at a time, only to see a smirking ( kinda handsome I guess ) face staring at me.

I felt blood rush to my face. I could only assume I looked like a tomato and kicked my legs in the air.

Akabane was carrying me bridal style and it was pretty embarrassing. No one else was around to see us but it was humiliating, nonetheless.

"T-Thanks-" I averted my eyes from him, just looking at the trees. Wow, nature is so nice.

"Now you owe me~" Akabane's eyes were playful and his smile was cheeky.

I scoffed, "as if." I turned to walk off but he grabbed my wrist and spun me around, yanking me forward.

I was only a few inches away from his chest, I had to look up to meet his eyes. Pray for my neck!

"What should I make you do?~" he pretended to ponder for a moment.

"I'm not gon-" I was cut off with soft lips on mine. A hand supported the back of my head as Akabane kissed me.

I was paralysed in shock and my body wouldn't move. The kiss wasn't passionate or full of lust, it was more like an innocent kiss between teenagers.

He broke away after a few seconds. His lips forming his usual smirk.

"I'll consider that as payment~" Akabane, like the bitch he was, walked off like he hadn't just stolen my first kiss.

The realisation hit me like a fucking truck. Akabane kissed me, for fucks sake!

• *° °

569 words hehe

Anyway uh that happened. I didn't write it very well so forgive me.

Did u like that or was just absolute shit? Pls tell.

I kinda gtg so see u in the next one
Also Ty for 15K reads when it's barely been two months 😭


signing off~ 14/11/23

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