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"Jeonghannie after you're done with your chores, please close the restaurant for me, I will head first, my son was running a fever. I'll leave the key on the counter."

"Okay boss, I'll be done here in just a few minutes. Hoping for your son's fast recovery, bye."

After Jeonghan's boss bid his goodbye too and left, Jeonghan returned his attention on washing the plates.

He worked part time on this restaurant as a Dishwasher. The pay was good and his boss was very pleasant to him. It's enough to cover some of his daily necessities.

Jeonghan was currently attending college, and because he was smart, he didn't need to worry about the tuition fee in the university as he was a full on scholar but his food and rent was a different story, that's why he needed to find an extra income.

Finally done with washing the dishes and mopping the kitchen floor, Jeonghan wipe some of his sweat.

It was already 11:40pm. A little bit too late since he usually clock out at 10:00 o'clock in the evening. Well, it's not surprising since the restaurant was really full pack earlier and two of his co-workers were absent.

Jeonghan went into the staff room to change into his comfy clothes. He was only wearing a white sleeveless shirt where it was hugging his slim body perfectly. Even though Jeonghan was a guy, he was on the slimmer side. A pretty boy with an innocent charms on him were surely to described his features.

He was in the middle of changing when he heard the bell chimed indicating that the restaurant door opened.

Someone came in.

Jeonghan quickly put his oversized brown shirt on and went outside to tell the possible customer that they were already closed.

But when he arrived at the counter. He was shocked to see a man in his late forties covered in blood and was holding a knife. The man's eyes were desperate and Jeonghan could also see the panicked in there. He concluded that the man who suddenly barged in was running away from someone.

A few seconds later, three men cladded in black clothing entered in the restaurant too.

Jeonghan was shocked he couldn't even move his limbs. What in the action movie is this?

The man who was drenched in blood hastily approach Jeonghan and held him hostage while shouting at the men in black not to come near or else he will kill him.

Jeonghan was so confused and was too scared to speak. He was trembling like a leaf when he felt the cold tip of the knife resting against the side of his neck.

How did it turn out like this? Jeonghan silently asked himself while he felt like crying.

The three men stopped their advances as the crazy man took a civilian hostage.

"Sir please let me g-" Jeonghan tried to plea but was instantly cut off.


He tried again to struggle but the man had a vice-like grip on him.

"Drop your weapons." The crazy man ordered.

The three men clad in black slowly drop their weapon while communicating with their eyes.

"Morales, the boss might show you a little mercy when you'll come with us obediently." One of the men said in a monotonous tone.

The old man laugh hysterically while shouting back "Mercy my ass! Tell your boss to fuck off!"

Jeonghan was then dragged away by the man like a ragdoll out of the restaurant.

"Don't follow us."

Jeonghan didn't know where the man was taking him but after some time they finally stopped moving somewhere in a dark alley.

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