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In a luxury canopy bed, a naked person can be seen curled up in a ball while hot tears silently cascaded down his cheeks as another man started leaving a trail of wet kisses on his shoulder blade making his skin crawl in disgust.

"You know what Doyoon, the more you resist me, the more I wanted to defile you so badly." Vladimir whispered against the smaller boy's ear, his hand slipping down Doyoon's inner thigh, rubbing the smooth skin around it.

"Fuck you!" Doyoon cursed the man behind him but he made no move and just stayed still knowing that the man will always have his way with him anyway wether he likes it or not and that, he learned it the hard way.

"Tsk..such vulgar words doesn't suit your pretty mouth baby." Vladimir chuckled as he rolled over on top, holding Doyoon's chin as he force the boy to made an eye contact with him.

"You're crying again."

"Should I smile then?" Doyoon sarcastically replied as he tore his gaze away from the unhinged man, biting back a sob.

"We should do something about that temperament of yours baby, how about I give you some really good loving tonight hmm?"

Doyoon keep his mouth shut as he glared at the man.

Contrary to the news spreading that Vladimir had provided him some protection, it was more likely that the man was keeping him against his will.

Maybe it was Divine's retribution for the bad things he did back then but Doyoon realized that he would rather die at Seungcheol's hands, the only person he loved than to be with this crazy man for the rest of his life.

Now, he knew the feeling of being held against one will, the feeling of being powerless and the feeling of being treated like a slave. Guess, Karma has really it's own way of biting him back in the ass.

And if there is one thing that he truly regretted, it was when he accepted the help of the psycopath back then without knowing that it was all just a trapped. The man was just waiting for his downfall and like a knight in shining armor, Vladimir came to his rescue after he had hit rock bottom.

Doyoon was so oblivious as to what is Vladimir's true intention back then, so he accepted the offer right away without knowing that he himself had put his own head into the mouth of a poisonous snake.

"Fuck, that feels so good."

After messing with his mind and playing with his body for a long time, Vladimir sat up and lit a ciggarete while craddling his hair like a lover.

Doyoon turned his back against the man, hot tears started to burned in his eyes again as he felt dirty and disgusted.

"I heard you tried to escape again." The man started talking. Doyoon could feel Vladimir's grip in his hair tightened but he remained silent.

"You never learn do you. I thought I had made it clear in the first place that you will never leave this place until I say so."

Vladimir grabbed Doyoon's hair rather harshly making the boy groaned in pain as he leaned down blowing a ciggarete smoke straight to Doyoon's face making the boy cough badly.

"Remember, you belong here. You belong with me."

Doyoon raise his hand as he slap the man across the cheek.

"You truly disgust me, I will never belong to you. I will never be yours. You may own my body but you will never own my heart!"

Doyoon heaved a deep breath after yelling the words out in anger that he failed to notice the hurt look in Vladimir's eyes flashing within a brief seconds.

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