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"Then stay with me tonight."

Jeonghan looked at the man beside him with adoration as he nodded his head in response, he quickly type a reply to Seungkwan so that the latter will not worry. Seungcheol then pulled him closer to his side and pressed a kiss on his forehead before turning his attention to the movie in front of them again.

"So you like this kind of movie?" Seungcheol asked Jeonghan a moment later while craddling the boy's soft locks.

"Mmh, I like watching horror movies but I get scared so easily in real life haha. Isn't it weird?"

The two were currently watching "The grudge" in Netflix.

"Well, that makes you adorably weird." Seungcheol smirked at him, pinching his cheek.

Jeonghan let out a giggles as he stared at his boyfriend. "What about you? What kind of movies do you like?"

"I don't really watch movies, whenever I have a free time, I prefer going to the gym and work out."

"Oh so that's why you have a very nice abs and biceps." Jeonghan unconsiously praised until he realized what he had just said.  "I-I mean, going out to the gym really has it perks right? haha, it did give you a very healthy looking body. "

Jeonghan was a bit flustered. He sounded like a simp. But seriously who wouldn't when his man looked this perfect.

Jeonghan's mind then wandered to the memories earlier were the two of them went in for a swim on the beach.

Seungcheol was only wearing a black khaki short and was shirtless. His eight pack abs were on full display, his biceps were toned and his chest sturdy plus the tattoo that covered his upper back was very attractive to look at that it made Jeonghan gasped audibly.

The man really makes him feel things that he have never felt before.


Jeonghan was startled as Seungcheol called out his name.


"You're spacing out. What's wrong? Are you sleepy?"

"Ah yes yes, I'm already sleepy." Jeonghan lied as he fake a yawn. He really needed to get a hold of himself. Seungcheol patted his head softly while asking: "Then, shall we head upstairs?"


Jeonghan can't seem to remember how it started or who initiated but somehow him and Seungcheol ended up making out in the bed.

"Seungcheol-ah" Jeonghan called out the man's name as his boyfriend started kissing his neck. He tilted his head to the side, giving Seungcheol a better access. His hands raking through the man's hair.

Jeonghan bite his lower lip as he tried to stop making weird noises but it was so hard when his boyfriend was peppering soft kisses all over his neck.

If feels good.

Doing intimate things with the man you love is surely different.

"Kiss me." Jeonghan needily whispered as he looked at Seungcheol through his long lashes. His cheeks were adorned with a beautiful color of pink. His eyes glassy as if someone was about to make him cry.

Seungcheol looked at him with intense gaze that made Jeonghan trembled in excitement.

"Just tell me if you wanted me to stop." was all Seungcheol said as he lowered down his head and captured Jeonghan's lips into a deep kiss.

The two shared a long kiss until Jeonghan felt Seungcheol's hand slipping inside his shirt. He also felt the hard thing against his leg that made him blush even redder.

Am I ready for this?

Jeonghan asked himself as Seungcheol started leaving love bites around his neck and chest.

No, I'm not, I think I need to be mentally ready at this sort of things.

"Uhm..C-Cheol can we s-stop for now? I'm sorry but I think I'm not r-ready yet." Jeonghan shyly said at his boyfriend.

"You don't have to be sorry love, you have every right to say no everytime you feel uncomfortable and besides I can wait, we don't have to rush things."

Jeonghan hugged Seungcheol as he teared up a little bit. He felt so loved and respected as of the moment. So this is what it feels like when your consent matters to your partner and will not force you into anything you don't want to.

"Thank you." He mumbled under his breath as he kisses Seungcheol on the cheek.


The next morning, Seungcheol drive him home. Jeonghan give Seungcheol a goodbye kiss as they parted.

When he turned around, Seungkwan was already at the door looking at him with a teasing smile.

"So how's your date?" The boy greeted him with a question.

Jeonghan knew Seungkwan already had a grasp of what is happening so there's no need to deny it and Jeonghan wanted to come clean.

"Let's go inside first."

Jeonghan then spilled out everything to his little brother. Everything without leaving a single thing behind.

About the restaurant's incident where he had almost trafficked by a syndicate. How he and Seungcheol met and how Seungcheol save him. He also told Seungkwan about his past and about his crazy ex-fiance that made his life miserable back then and how the man went to Korea in order to find him and how Seungcheol save him once again.

"You've gone through a lot Hyung."

Seungkwan was crying after hearing the story as he hugged his Hyung. "I'm so happy that you have finally someone right now whom you can rely Hyung, who will protect you at any cost and will make you feel the love that you truly deserve."

Jeonghan smile into the hug. He's really lucky to have Seungcheol.

After the two shared a heartwarming moments. Jeonghan look at the time and made a gasp.

"Oh no, it's already 9:20 am, I have class at 10" Jeonghan panicked as he stood up to get ready.

"Hyung wait." Seungkwan shouted at him.

Jeonghan stopped his track as he looked at the boy, "What? Is there anything you need Seungkwana?"

"Nothing, just wanted to say that make sure to cover all the mosquito bites in your neck, Hyung."

Jeonghan's face was beet red as he dash into his room.


It's a little hot

Jeonghan complained in his head. He was wearing a turtle neck but the weather is humid that it made him feel hot.

He was on his way to his class, walking down the hallway like a zombie when someone suddenly stopped him from his track.

Jeonghan looked at that someone and he squinted his eyes as he saw that it was the junior who keeps bothering him.

"Sunbae, are you okay? You're sweating a lot." The boy stepped closer to him and suddenly wipe some sweat from his forehead.

Jeonghan pulled the boy's hand away and said: "I'm fine Jaehyun, what are you doing here? You should be in your class."

The junior give him a sweet smile and scratched the back of his head. "I saw Sunbae at the distance and wanted to say hi."

"Jaehyun, I already told y-" Jeonghan said seriously.

"Oh crap I think my class has started, I need to get going Sunbae, See you later."

The boy named Jaehyun started running to the opposite direction. Jeonghan sighed. It's so obvious that Jaehyun was avoiding the topic again.

Jeonghan continued on his way but little did he know someone was looking at him with a desperate look in their eyes.

**To be continued...

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