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The rays of sunlight seeping through the window blinds woke Jeonghan up from his night sleep.

Peeking his one eye open, he search for the warmth of a certain someone only to find out that the other side of the bed was already empty.

Jeonghan slowly sat up, rubbing the sleep off his eyes using the back of his hand when the bathroom door suddenly opened revealing Seungcheol only in a towel, fresh from the shower.

Waterdroplets still dripping from the man's wet hair down to his chiselled chest and abs which made Jeonghan ogled at the fine man.

"Good morning, love." Seungcheol came up to him and give him a peck on the lips.

"Good morning." Jeonghan murmured still staring at Seungcheol's body in a daze which earned him a chuckle from the man.

"Should I not go to the company today?" Seungcheol tilted Jeonghan's chin as he asked in a husky voice. His lips move closer to Jeonghan's ear as he whispered; "Just say it love, and we'll never leave this room until you say so."

Finally getting a hold of himself, Jeonghan blushed as he slightly push the man away. Seungcheol's words sounds so tempting and who was he to decline such gorgeous man right?

But not today.

"Stop tempting me, I'll need to accompany Chan for his enrollment today." Jeonghan hastily jump out of bed and pushed the man towards the closet room in order to get dressed.

After the man dissapeared from his line of sight, Jeonghan finally let out a breath he didn't know he was holding as it took everything in him not to throw himself at the man earlier.

While Seungcheol was in the dressing room, Jeonghan went inside the bathroom to do his morning routine. Taking his time leisurely as he took a warm bath, brush his teeth and do his skincare. After he's all done, Jeonghan got out feeling refresh.

Seungcheol helped him dry his shoulder length hair which then turned into a little make out session after as the man tempted him once again. This time Jeonghan forgot all his reason as he finally give in and encircled his arms around the man's neck.

(A/N: spell MARUPOK 🤣)


Soft moans reverberated through the room as their tongues danced against each other, their breath mingling in the air between them. The kiss took a little longer until both of them pulled away gasping for air.

"We should stop fooling around."Jeonghan commented as his eyes landed on the digital clock on the wall. "Geez, you're gonna be late for work again, you should set a good example to your employees and not the other way around."

Seungcheol being reprimanded by his little rabbit can't help but only stared at Jeonghan with a smitten expression written all over his face. "Okay, love."

Jeonghan then fixed Seungcheol's necktie which was now a little crooked. A blush adorning his cheeks as he remembered how he tried to untie the silk earlier from the man's neck.

"There, it's all good. Let's have a breakfast first."

Jeonghan held Seungcheol's hand as they went downstairs.

After they had their fill, Seungcheol finally went off to work along with his second in command Dokyeom but not before giving a goodbye kiss to his cute little rabbit and a gentle pat to Chan's head.

Aside from being well-known in the underworld. Seungcheol also manages the Choi Corporation, the company his father had given to him. He even made the company more successful after his reign making him one of the most sought-after bachelor in the country until now.

But that bachelor title will gonna end soon.


"Hyung." Chan called out to Jeonghan and Wonwoo somewhat embarassed. "I'm really nervous. I don't know anyone at school. What if they don't like me there?"

Jeonghan held Chan's hand to ease the kid's nervousness. The three of them were currently at the school director's office.

"Chan, what is there not to like about you? you're a good and sensible child. You are very polite too, I'm sure everyone will come to like you, don't be too hard on yourself buddy." Wonwoo ruffled Chan's hair after giving a words of encouragement.

The atmosphere seems to lighten up after Chan boost his self confidence, thanks to his two Hyung.

When Director Kim finally arrived at the office, he immediately bowed down his head out of respect to the three visitors. Two days prior, Mr. Choi one of their biggest sponsor had already given him a few words, so he already know who these people are and one of Mr. Choi's demand was for the kid's absolute safety in School.

"Good morning, Director."

"Good morning everyone, please be seated."  Director Kim has a wide smile on his face as he called his secretary to cater their needs.

After filling out the enrollment form, the process went very smoothly. Even the school principal and Chan's adviser also came to welcome the kid warmly.

Jeonghan and Wonwoo was overjoyed as they saw how the School Director, teacher, principal and even the staff in school was very pleasant and accomodating to Chan.

Looking at Chan who was still a little shy around strangers, they know their little brother will definitely find friends around his age soon.


Meanwhile at the company, Seungcheol was currently reviewing some important documents when a knock on the door to his office suddenly sounded.

"Come in." He answered in a monotonous voice, adjusting his glasses as he put the document down the table.

"Boss." Minghao and Woozi bowed their head out of respect before the taller one handed Seungcheol the brown envelope containing Doyoon's information and whereabouts.

"Boss, we've got a problem. No wonder we couldn't easily capture that Doyoon bastard, it seems that the White Mamba Organization provided him protection for quiet a while now."

White Mamba huh.

Seungcheol had an unreadable expression on his face.

If there is another organization that is as powerful as them then it would probably be the White Mamba.

Their leader Vladimir, a Russian-Korean with a dual citizenship runs the organization solely after killing his own father, the previous Don.

While Black Phantom Organization only involved themselves in operating high class Casinos and is known to be the biggest supplier of illegal firearms and weapons to big shot organizations underworld, they will never deals with operations that involves innocent people.

White Mamba on the other hand deals with everything that is known to be inhumane, you named it.

So far the two organization has no dispute with one another as White Mamba is one of the big shot organization that the Black Phantom Organization supplies weapons with.

The relationship of the two biggest organization was civil and is just purely business.

Guess this time, Seungcheol needed to visit Vladimir himself.

***To be continued...

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