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Seungcheol and his members were currently having a dinner in a famous restaurant downtown and since they were VIPs, they got a special room only for them.

The food taste good and also to their liking.

Everyone was having a good time.

"Our leader is the best!" Mingyu cheered as he stuffed his mouth with delicious meat and drink beer afterwards.

Dokyeom, Wonwoo, Jun, Minghao, and Vernon also praised their boss for treating them with dinner.

Seungcheol might be scary to others but he is very warm to the people he loved and cherish and their job might be dangerous but he always make sure that no members from his organization will get hurt under his watch.

As time goes by, everyone was being chaotic. 

Mingyu and Dokyeom started arguing about something again while Wonwoo was in the middle of them being their mediator.  Minghao and Jun started speaking Chinese with each other, who knows what they are talking about and Vernon was silently drinking his beer in the corner looking so lost.

Seungcheol might be the only one sober. Not to brag but his alcohol tolerance was actually very high.

He excused himself and went to the washroom.

When he opened the door, a familiar person suddenly staggered towards him. Luckily he caught him in time.


He said in the back of his mind, and from the looks of it, Jeonghan seems drunk already.

He observed first and when Jeonghan looked at him, the pretty boy started laughing.

He seems to recognize me. Seungcheol said in his mind.

"Coups-ya why am I seeing you? I must be drunk haha. Are you real or not?" Jeonghan said and suddenly started hugging him, catching him off guard.

Out of reflex, Seungcheol immediately held the boy in his arms.

"I must be dreaming. " He heard Jeonghan's muffled voice against his chest.

"You're drunk."  Seungcheol commented and then a series of giggles from Jeonghan erupted. "Why do you sound so real?" Jeonghan look up to him and started questioning him.

"Let's get you home already."

After Seungcheol said those words, He noticed Jeonghan's expression suddenly turned into a mellow one.

"Go home? Coups-ya I can't gooo home, My brothers are still there but I don't want to go back because Shua is being weird to me."


Seungcheol then unconsiously curled his fingers into a fist when Jeonghan added: "He keeps touching me, I don't like it."

Maybe it was Scoups strong sense of Justice but he couldn't bear when someone was being taken advantage of.

The door suddenly opened and a person abruptly came in.


That person called Jeonghan's name.

Jeonghan then looked at the person who had just arrived. "Shua."

So it was the person Jeonghan was talking about.

Sungcheol tightened his arms around Jeonghan in a protective manner.

"Who are you? Let go of him." Joshua aggrievely said as he saw Jeonghan in another man's arms.

Seungcheol looked at Joshua with disdain in his eyes. The audacity of this motherfucker to question him.

"I'm taking him home, so back off."

Joshua didn't back down either. He smiled at Jeonghan gently like coaxing a puppy. "Jeonghana come here, Hoshi and Seungkwan were already waiting for you."

Upon hearing his friends name, Jeonghan looked at Joshua, contemplating.

The atmosphere was really heavy as if a fight will about to break out at any moment until a very loud voice came in.

"Heeeyyyyyy Everyone what's happening here?" Drunk Dokyeom loudly announced. He sneakily glance at Seungcheol and the two then came with a tacit understanding.

"Hiii boss, Hiii Jeonghan, Hiii uhm I don't know your name, who are you cute boy." Dokyeom pinch Joshua's cheek in process as he passed by.

Seungcheol without a word finally left with Jeonghan while Joshua was being kept by DK.

"Hey what's wrong with you? Move!" Joshua was really annoyed at this moment as the guy didn't move an inch, instead the guy kept getting closer to him, too close for his liking.

"I'm Dokyeom by the way, now tell me your name and I'll move."

Joshua frustrated, said his name in annoyance. "It's Joshua okay, now get out of my way."


Dokyeom teased Joshua as he enjoyed watching his pretty annoyed face. This kind of guy was really his type. A little bit feisty.

"I'm not joking, move out of my way."

Dokyeom pretended he didn't hear a thing Joshua says while calculating the situation if his boss finally left already.

Joshua out of fury suddenly throw a punch at him.

Dokyeom easily dodged it as he grabbed both of Joshua's hand, pinning the boy against the wall. "Oh Feisty aren't we?" Dokyeom whispered next to Joshua's ear.

Joshua glared at Dokyeom with hatred. This whole situation was absurd. He should be enjoying Jeonghan's company and these strangers just came out of nowhere and ruined everything.

"Okay, now you're really mad." Dokyeom slowly pulled away from Joshua before darting off "See you next time, cutie."

Joshua being left behind wanted nothing but to punch that smiling face.



The next day, Jeonghan woke up with a head ache.

Ugh! My head hurts, I don't want to drink ever again

He mumbled himself as he massage his temple lightly.

"Seungkwana." He called out but no one answered.

When he finally opened his eyes wide, he was shocked to see that he was not in his own room.

What happened yesterday?

Where are Seungkwan and Hoshi?

Jeonghan sat up abruptly. The room seems familiar until he remembered that it was the room where he stayed before.

But why am I back in the villa?

Jeonghan tried to remember until scenes after scene from yesterday's event keeps coming back in his memories.

So he was not really dreaming when he met and hugged Scoups yesterday.

It was real.

"Jeonghan you're so shameless! How could you do that! You even hugged him! You are so brave Yoon Jeonghan!"

Jeonghan kept talking to himself. He was so ashamed, How could he ever face Scoups again?

He was so clingy yesterday, He bet Scoups was really annoyed by him now.

He should sneak out before someone came in.

When Jeonghan was about to get out of the bed, a deep yet raspy voice suddenly sounded next to him.

"Where are you going?"

***To be continued...

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