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"Uwaaa Chicken and Beer is the best!" Jeonghan shouted excitedly as he opened his fifth can of beer.

"Hey Hyung, take it easy, we've just started and you're drunk already." Seungkwan tried to steal the beer on Jeonghan's hands but Jeonghan had a strong grip on it.

"My baby cutie tangerine~ Don't worry, Hyung is not drunk okay~"

"Hey Seungkwan! Don't ruin the fun! why don't you buy another set of beer downstairs."

The two of them were hanging out in Hoshi's apartment.

"Shut up, Hamtori." Seungkwan glared at Hoshi who was drunk as well. "Aissh, What do I do with the both of you, I'm not buying anything!"

"Seungkwannie Seungkwannie~" Jeonghan started hugging him and acted cutely.


"Can you sing a song for me."

Seungkwan's interest was piqued. He has a passion for singing and he love it when someone ask him to sing for them.

Jeonghan really knows how to stop him from nagging them. 

"Okay Hyung, what song do you have in mind and I'll sing it for you."

"One last cry." Jeonghan answered flatly while chugging down beer.

"Who hurt you my brother?" Hoshi asked laughing at Jeonghan's choice of song.

"Hurt? Me? Why would someone hurt me? It's not like I like someone and he broke my heart hahaha. So why would someone hurt me? Hahaha." Jeonghan laughed so hard, tears started to gather at the corner of his eyes.

"He's definitely drunk." Seungkwan whispered next to Hoshi who was also a giggling mess. "Why am I even talking to you?"

Seungkwan then cleared his throat and started singing, a melodious beautiful voice sounded inside the entire room:

"My shattered dreams and broken heart
Are mending on the shelf
I saw you holding hands
Standing close to someone else
Now, I sit all alone
Wishing all my feeling was gone
I gave my best to you
Nothing for me to do
But have one last cry
One last cry
Before I leave it all behind
I've gotta put you out of my mind this time
Stop living a lie
I guess I'm down to my last cry"

While Jeonghan was listening to the first verse of the song, a single tear fell unnoticed from his eyes. He had thought that alcohol would make him forget what he had just saw this morning but the scene was still so vivid in his mind.

Seeing Seungcheol with a woman was one thing but seeing the man he like so much smiling to that woman and placing a kiss on her cheek was another.

Jeonghan started sobbing.

Seungkwan stopped singing in an instant and went into his Hyung's side. "Hey Hyung, why are you crying?"

Jeonghan tried to stay silent and bit back a sob. "I'm fine, Seungkwana, your voice just moved me to tears, that's it." He give Seungkwan a smile at the end of his sentence.

"Hyung, tell me what happened, I know something was wrong or else why would you drink this much?"

Jeonghan kept his mouth shut until the door bell in Hoshi's apartment suddenly ring.

"Oh it must be Vernon." Seungkwan said in a blush. "I invited him earlier."

"Then, go on welcome him." Jeonghan wiped his tears immediately as he assured Seungkwan that he's okay.

Seungkwan stood up and excitedly opened the door for Vernon but what made him speechless is the unexpected person next to him.

"Hello Sir, I didn't know you were coming as well. Come in, come in."

Seungkwan bowed his head respectfully at Seungcheol as he welcomed them. His gaze then moved into Vernon asking for explanation.

When Seungcheol finally entered inside, Seungkwan dragged Vernon outside Hoshi's room.

"Hey what's happening? Why the hell is your boss here?"

Instead of answering his question, Vernon stepped closer to him and engulfed him into a hug. "I miss you."

Seungkwan returned the hug as well. "I miss you too but don't change the topic."

Vernon then answered directly: "The boss said he badly needed to talk with our sister-in-law so that's why I brought him here."

"Sister-what?" Seungkwan asked again as if he's just hearing things.


"So you m-mean your Boss and my Hyung are a thing???" Seungkwan was shocked at the revelation, he couldn't believe it.

His Hyung was really keeping things from him. Seungkwan pouted at the thought but then again he didn't tell Jeonghan about him and Vernon either.

After they entered the room, Seungkwan felt the heavy atmosphere inside.

His Hyung was drinking down beer in one go while trying to ignore Seungcheol's existence while the man was looking at his Hyung's back with longing expression.

"Did they fight?" Seungkwan whispered next to Vernon.

"I don't know."

"Now I understand why Hyung were crying earlier." Seungkwan deduced.

Jeonghan not wanting to see Seungcheol as of the moment excuse himself by a pretext of him not feeling well.

He entered inside Hoshi's room and laid on the bed, not long after a knocked on the door can be heard.

"Jeonghana can we talk for a moment?"

Jeonghan stayed silent and close his eyes. He didn't want to face Seungcheol right now.

"I'm coming in." Seungcheol informed him.

Jeonghan felt someone's presence in the bed, followed by a deep voice beside him. "Why are you ignoring me?"

"Why are you here?" Jeonghan questioned back as he opened his eyes to glare at the man.

"Did you cry?" Seungcheol asked in a worry as he noticed the redness around Jeonghan's eyes.

"I didn't, something just fell in my eyes earlier, why would I cry." Jeonghan retorted back.

"I'll get to the point. I saw you at the cafe this morning. I was about to approach you but then you left hurriedly."

"Why would you bother?" Jeonghan lips trembled as he's fighting back tears. "You're with your girlfriend anyway."

"You asked me why I'm here right? It's because of this, I know you'll jump into your own conclusion. I don't want any misunderstanding between us Jeonghana." Seungcheol said seriously to him.

"W-what do you mean?" Jeonghan asked in confusion.

"The woman you saw earlier was my mother." Seungcheol stated that made Jeonghan sat up in abrupt.

"What? She's your mother? B-but she looks so young."

"I can bring you to her tomorrow."

"N-No need." Jeonghan declined instantly.

Jeonghan felt the torn in his heart vanished upon knowing the truth.

Seungcheol was right. He really was just jumping into his own conclusion.

"Uhmm but why are you explaining this all to me?" Maybe it was because of the effect of alcohol but Jeonghan found himself a little braver as he stared at Seungcheol eyes without breaking eye contact.

Seungcheol leaned in closer to him and cupped Jeonghan's face in his hands, stroking his thumb over Jeonghan's cheek softly. A smitten expression was written all over his face.

"I like you, is that enough of a reason for you?"

***To be continued...

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