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"Shall we head upstairs and take a look of what's happening there?" Dokyeom suggested to Wonwoo in which the latter refuses in an instant.

"Nah I'm good here, you go there and make yourself no.1 on the boss hate list."

"Why?" Dokyeom asked innocently.

"Seriously DK? then should you go up there and interrupt their moments? I'm sure the boss will be happy, he'll reward you later." Wonwoo sarcastically said.

"Oh now that I remembered, Did I always interrupt a moment of you and Mingyu everytime I went without a notice into your shared room?" Dokyeom looked at Wonwoo with a teasing smile. "That's why you're always glaring at me?"

"Shut up, I'm not talking to you." Wonwoo ignored Dokyeom, his face suddenly heats up at the moment.

"Oh come on! Talk to me, I'm bored."

"Talk to the wall." was Wonwoo's savage response as he completely ignored Dokyeom.

A moment later, Dokyeom saw his boss walking down the stairs, carrying his sister-in-law in his arms. The corner of his boss lips slightly raised as he listened to whatever his sister-in-law was saying.

"Holyshit! Did my eyes just play tricks on me? Did you see our boss smiling?" Dokyeom whisper yelled at Wonwoo to the shocking scene he had witnessed. "Man, our boss is so down bad for our Sister in law huh." He was snickering until Seungcheol walked over to them.

Dokyeom then suddenly cleared his throat. "Boss"

Jeonghan's eyes light up as soon as he saw the other two. He kindly told Seungcheol to put him down as he wanted to expressed his thanks to Dokyeom and Wonwoo.

Seungcheol reluctantly put him down.

Jeonghan then stride over to the two and give each one of them a hug as he expressed his thanks.

Dokyeom suddenly felt the temperature dropped as Jeonghan was still giving him a hug. His eyes slowly darted towards his boss and he was sure his boss was drilling a hole into his head by how intense the man was watching them.

Dokyeom instantly pulled away from the hug. "I'm glad you're safe Jeonghana."


Wonwoo escorted Jeonghan into the car while Dokyeom and Seungcheol stayed behind in order to discussed some important matter regarding the situation. After Jeonghan was seated inside the car, Wonwoo went back into the house again.

Jeonghan being left alone, met with a sudden crisis as he saw his reflection in the front mirror.

How will he explain the whole ordeal to Seungkwan without making his little brother worry.

Jeonghan's head hurts as he thought for a solution but he couldn't think of anything.

Not long after, Seungcheol went inside the car alone, occupying the driver's seat.

"Where's Wonu and Dokyeom? they're not coming with us?"

Seungcheol looked at him and replied: "They're coming back later."

Jeonghan had an inkling of why the two had stayed behind, he tried to ignore it but the worry was evident on his face.

"Don't worry, no life will be taken, just teaching that bastard a little lesson not to mess with you again and maybe giving him a little injury that will left him scarred for the rest of his life."

Jeonghan felt goosebumps after hearing the words from Scoups. Dokyeom and Wonwoo may sounds friendly and nice but their line of works made Jeonghan realized that those men along with their leader right here are the type of people you will never want to make an enemy with.

"Shall we head now?"

"Uhm." Jeonghan hummed in response until he remembered that he don't want Seungkwan to see him in this state so with a bashful face, Jeonghan asked Scoups for a favor.

"Coups c-can I s-stay at your place tonight? I don't want my little brother to see me in this state and I kno--" Jeonghan's rumbling was then cut off by the man.


Jeonghan looked at Scoups with a puzzled look. "Seung- what?"

"My real name's Choi Seungcheol and you're welcome anytime at my place Jeonghana, no need to explain further."

Jeonghan hides the blush on his cheeks as he finally heard Scoups real name.



Choi Seungcheol

He was silently calling the man's name in his head, liking the way how it sounded.

"Thank you Seungcheol-ah."

Seungcheol hummed in response, looking away while Jeonghan hung his head low feeling shy all of the sudden. Both are wearing a wide smile on their faces.


"Oh no, what happened to your pretty face?" Minghao was holding Jeonghan's chin, inspecting the bruise around his cheek.

"Teach him how to cover it up." Seungcheol ordered. "I'll be back later." He added, looking at Jeonghan before leaving Minghao's room.

"Leave it to me, I'll make sure no one will notice what you're hiding in there." Minghao confidently said while rummaging on his drawer.

"Uhmm thank you...?"

"You can call me Hao."

"Thank you Hao and sorry for bothering you like this."

"You're not a bother silly and besides you're our sister-in-law, you're equally important just as our boss."

Jeonghan face reddened as he denied, seriously Dokyeom was just creating a rumour in this household. "I'm not, Dokyeom was just talking nonsense to all of you."

"Oh gurl! trust me, you being our sister-in-law is not a nonsense okay? Remember the first time you were here? I also thought that our boss just took a pity on you but have you notice the way he looks at you now?"

Jeonghan shook his head, how would he notice when he couldn't even maintain a two seconds eye contact with Seungcheol.

The two just chat casually while Minghao presented a primer and concealer to Jeonghan and teach him how to apply the cosmetics.

After the product was applied, Jeonghan was in awe as he looked at his face in the mirror.

"The bruises was gone..."

Now, He will not make Seungkwan worry any longer.

"Thank you so much Hao."


After the whole ordeal, Jeonghan went back into his normal life, attending classes while working part time job at night.

It's almost a month since he hadn't seen Seungcheol and only god knows how much he misses the man.

"Hyung! Hello I'm still talking to you." Seungkwan snap a finger in front of his face.

Jeonghan finally came back into his senses.

"Uhm yes Seungkwana?"

"Are you sleepy? you can sleep first Hyung, don't force yourself just to watch this movie with me." Seungkwan said in a worry. His hyung is really selfless, always pleasing other people before his own.

"I'm fine, don't worry about me. I just zoned out a little."

"Hyung my mother just sent me my allowance this month. Let me treat you tomorrow."

"No need Seungkwana."

"But I want to, please... there's a new opened coffee shop near our school."

Jeonghan just sighed in defeat as he nodded his head in agreement. If he himself was stubborn then Seungkwan's stubborness is to the next level.

But Jeonghan wished he hadn't gone with Seungkwan into that Cafe.

His heart was slowly breaking into pieces as he saw Seungcheol with a beautiful woman inside.

**To be continued...

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