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"I like you, is that enough of a reason for you?"

Jeonghan was left speechless upon hearing Seungcheol's words.

This is reality right? I'm not dreaming am I? Jeonghan asked himself since Seungcheol confessing to him was just too good to be true. He was afraid that what if all of these moments right now were just a fragment of his imagination.

Jeonghan looked at the man in front of him.

Seungcheol's face were just an inches away from him, his minty breath was fanning against his own. Jeonghan's heart was thumping loudly against his chest, his cheeks was flushed red due to their close proximity and if Jeonghan would leaned in closer then....

And that's what Jeonghan did.

He leaned in and connected their lips, but as soon as his lips brush over Sungcheol, Jeonghan instantly pulled away.

"I'm sorry. I acted without thinking." Jeonghan was so embarrased, how could he jump on the man suddenly without even a permission.

Seungcheol let out a hearty chuckle at Jeonghan's cuteness. He sneaked an arm around the smaller boy's waist and pulled him closer, cupping Jeonghan's face in his hand in order to looked at him directly in the eyes.

"Don't ever be sorry over something like this." Seungcheol stated before closing the gap between them.

Jeonghan eyes went wide as Seungcheol started kissing him. His whole body felt like floating in water as waves of pleasures washed over him.

So this is how it feels?

Jeonghan slowly closed his eyes as he let the man kissed him. He tried to kiss back but he was a bit clumsy and clashed his teeth against Seungcheol accidentally. He mumbled a little sorry against the kiss and let the man lead him. It was his first time to be kissed like this after all.

Jeonghan encircled his arms around Seungcheol neck, running his fingers through Seungcheol's black hair as the man wanted to deepen the kiss. Seungcheol swipe his tongue over his bottom lip asking for permission and Jeonghan opened his mouth willingly in submission. A series of moan erupted from his lips when Seungcheol finally invaded his hot cavern.



Jeonghan felt embarrassed at the sound he was making but Seungcheol tongue swirling against his own, tasting him was making Jeonghan's mind a little hazy.

The kiss felt too good.

The two were in their own world, sharing a deep passionate kiss when the door suddenly opened and someone came in.

Jeonghan suddenly pushed Seungcheol away while catching his breath heavily. His eyes travel towards the door and breathed a sigh of relief when he saw that it was Hoshi

Drunk Hoshi was walking towards the bed with his eyes closed, a tiger plushie was on his right arm.

The boy crawled into the bed and sleep peacefully.

Jeonghan cast a shy glance at Seungcheol and said. "Let's go to the balcony." Jeonghan got up from the bed.

"Wear this." Seungcheol removed his coat and let Jeonghan wear it. "It's cold outside."

"Thanks." Jeonghan said, melting at Seungcheol's sweet action.

The two watched the serene sky outside. The crisp air hitting their skin but for some reason, the two of them felt so warmth.

"The moon is really beautiful tonight, isn't it?" Jeonghan asked the man beside him as he pointed his index finger at the view before them.

"You are far more beautiful." Seungcheol looked at him and his lips curved into a smile as he saw the younger blushed.

"Jeonghana." Seungcheol called the latter.

Jeonghan looked up to him and met his eyes.

"Let's talk about us."

Jeonghan suddenly felt shy as he recalled how the two of them shared a kiss to each other just a minute ago.

"Do you like me?" Seungcheol asked him straight to the point.

Jeonghan stared at the handsome man before him along with his racing heart. Heck, it was love at first sight for him even. A blush adorning Jeonghan's cheeks as he finally confess.

"Yes, I like you too a lot."

Seungcheol smiled, pulling the tomato red face Jeonghan into his arms as he whispered; "Then from today onwards, may I have your permission so that I can finally call you mine, Jeonghana?"

Jeonghan's hug tightened around the man as he eagerly nodded his head, muffling his voice against Seungcheol's shirt. "Yes, I am yours."

Seungcheol lifted Jeonghan's feet off the ground out of happiness as he spun around earning a sweet laughter from the younger. When Seungcheol finally put Jeonghan down, he pulled Jeonghan closer to him and presses their lips once again, this time sharing a slow and sensual kiss under the starry night sky.


The next morning, Jeonghan woke up with the sweetest smile in his face.

Everything felt so lovely and beautiful.

He took a cold shower and made a breakfast for two before waking up his little brothers.

Seungkwan looked at him weirdly. "What's up with you Hyung? you're too energetic and it's still too early." Seungkwan looked at the time in the digital clock mounted on the wall and his eyes swept on the 6:00 AM displayed on it.

Hoshi who was woken up as well felt like a zombie. "It's still too early Hyung~" He whined, wanting to sleep again.

Jeonghan ignored them and told them to eat. He also asked Hoshi to lend him some clothes as he'll go somewhere.

When everything was set, Jeonghan bid his goodbye at the two. "I'm going out for today and Kwannie, maybe I'll be back after dinner at our place, so don't wait for me okay? bye guys!"

After Jeonghan left, Seungkwan yawned and stretched his arms. "So much for a two days sleepover, Hoshi I'm leaving after lunch too. I have an appointment as well."


"Dokyeom-ah, good morning" Jeonghan greeted as he entered inside the black car in front of the apartment building.

"Good morning." Dokyeom greeted his sister-in-law. His eyes swept a glance at Jeonghan again.

"You look amazing today." Dokyeom complimented. "I mean you're already beautiful but today, I can tell there's something different about you."

"What do you mean?"

"Did something good happened?" Dokyeom raised his brows in a teasing manner.

"You're thinking too much."

"Am I?" Dokyeom laughed at Jeonghan's guilty face. The boy literally wear emotions in his eyes.

"Let me tell you something, Last night the boss..."

Jeonghan's ear perked up at Dokyeom's words. "Your boss what?"

"Nothing." Dokyeom laughed. He was just teasing Jeonghan.

"By the way where are we going?" Jeonghan asked Dokyeom as they change route. "This is not the way to Seungcheol's house."

"We're going to the Beach Villa, relax."

"So, we're going to a beach!?" Jeonghan asked excitedly. He loves going to the beach.

"No, a Desert." Dokyeom seriously said before laughing out loud.

The two of them throws banters against each other throughout the whole drive.

His sister-in-law was really fun to tease.

**To be continued...

(A/N: Next chapter is 😏)

Sike! 🤣

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