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Jeonghan's mind was still all over the place as he quickly made a beeline towards the door and excitedly opened it.



Both uttered at the same time.

Jeonghan's smile slowly faded as his expression turned into a wary one as he noticed that the young man before him was reeked of alcohol.

"What are you doing here?"

Instead of answering his question, the boy lunged forward and held him into a tight hug.


"Jaehyun let go right now! You're drunk!" Jeonghan tried to pull away but for some reason the boy was unexpectedly strong, he didn't even budge.


"Let...go..." Jeonghan was still pushing him away when Jaehyun suddenly dragged him further inside without breaking the hug and lock the door.

"Sunbae, I tried..."

Jeonghan heard the boy's sniffling sound above his head.

"I tried to forget you but I can't..." The boy then started crying. "I know that you made it clear to me from the very beginning but my mind and my heart still wants you."

Jeonghan was taken a back when Jaehyun let go of him and started kneeling infront of him while holding both of his hands like his life depended on it.

"Sunbae. I like you for a long time, why can't it be me?"

"Jaehyun stand up. Don't do this. You're drunk right now, let's talk when you are sober." Jeonghan was trying to get the boy to stand up.

"Why is it him? What do you see in him?" Jaehyun was still muttering under his breath, his eyes brimming with tears. "Why can't it be me, Sunbae?"

"Because I love him." Jeonghan stated a matter of factly. "I love him so much that I can't even imagine my future life without him Jaehyun. Seungcheol is the only person I want to grow old with and the only person I want to spend my lifetime with. Sorry."

Jaehyun suddenly let go of his hands and slowly stood up.

"I see." The boy stated, wiping down his tears. "I'm sorry if you saw me in this state Sunbae, I just can't seem to hold my emotions." He smiled through tears.

"Can I hug you one last time? I promise I'll never bother you again Sunbae." The boy requested with utter sadness in his eyes.

Jeonghan looked at the boy and nodded his head as he felt sorry.

Jaehyun stepped closer and hugged him.

"I hope someday, you will also find the right person for you Jaehyun." Jeonghan patted the boy's back one last time and was about to pulled away but what he didn't expect was the unforeseen turn of event that takes place next.

"I'm sorry Sunbae." Jaehyun whispered against his ear the same moment he felt a stinging pain at the back of his neck as something was being injected into him.

"But you are the only right person for me."

Jeonghan eyes went wide in horror as he pushed Jaehyun away.

"You! What did you-"

He couldn't even finish his words as strength rapidly leaving his body. His vision suddenly doubled and his knees buckle as he staggered and fell down the floor.

Jeonghan felt so helpless as his mind became hazy.

"Don't worry Sunbae, It's only a sedative, it's not harmful to your body."

Jeonghan was still aware of his surroundings but he couldn't move his limbs nor he can produce a sound out of his lips. It felt like he was trapped inside his own body. He can only blink his eyes as tears fell down his cheeks.

"Don't cry Sunbae." Jaehyun knelt beside him and wipe away his tears. "I promise I will take good care of you from now on, we belong to each other now, you are mine Sunbae."

A sudden ringtone suddenly resonated inside the house. Jaehyun's eyes then darted towards the ringing phone on top of the coffee table.

He pick up the phone and look at the caller. "Daddu"

A smirk displayed on his lips as he declined the call but the phone suddenly ring again and again. His eyes then landed on Jeonghan who was still on the floor. "Sunbae, a pest keeps calling. We better go."

Jaehyun walks over to him, brushing his thumb over Jeonghan's supple lips, a wide smile forming on his face before picking up Jeonghan on the floor as if the older weighs nothing.

"Your new home awaits you, Sunbae."

Jeonghan stared at the boy with pure betrayal in his eyes. How could Jaehyun do this to him? He thought that Jaehyun was a good junior and was a polite kid, but was it all for a show?

He even let his guard down as he felt sorry for the boy only to find out that Jaehyun was literally a wolf in sheep's clothing.

He hated him.

He hated him to the core.

Jeonghan wanted to shout, slap and confront Jaehyun but his body was failing him to do so.

He was like a lifeless doll in the man's arms.

Jaehyun headed towards his car and open the passenger seat where he carefully settled Jeonghan and put him in seat belt before scurrying over towards the driver seat.

He was in utter joy as he started the car.

Finally, Sunbae is mine.

Jaehyun silently rejoice. It didn't matter if Jeonghan didn't even love him for now as long as they are together, everything will be fine.

Seung what ever his name is can fuck off himself.

Jaehyun thought as he keeps regarding the man as the pest that keeps coming between them. His eyes gaze fondly at the unmoving pretty Hyung next to him.


Jeonghan keeps chanting his lover's name at the back of his head like a mantra as he was fighting back sleep.

He didn't want to close his eyes.

Didn't want to be unconscious either.

Who knows where Jaehyun will taking him.

He wanted to see Seungcheol. He wanted to feel his warmth, his scent, his embrace that always made him feel safe and protected.

He wanted nothing but his boyfriend.

He knew Seungcheol will always come and save him just like the other times before.

He knew, he will.

Jeonghan's eyes keeps drooping. He was fighting back with all his might but he was already at his limit.


Jeonghan chanted one last time before his eyes started closing as sleep finally seeps into his system.

**To be continued...

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