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"We're here." Dokyeom stopped the car as they finally arrived at the luxury villa in front of them.

"Wow." Jeonghan got out of the car, his eyes sparkle in amazement at the picturesque view in front of him.

The smell of the ocean filling his nose and the gentle breeze blowing away his hair made him love the place.

"It's so peaceful and quiet here." Jeonghan commented.

"Let's go, the boss is waiting for you."

Jeonghan nodded his head as they head towards the main house.

Not so faraway, Jeonghan spotted Seungcheol on a patio. He waved a hand and Jeonghan's eyes lit up when Seungcheol wave in return.

"Ah how nice it is to be young and in love~" Dokyeom said out of nowhere.

Jeonghan ignored him, walking faster as he knows Dokyeom will about to tease him again.

"Good morning Seungcheol-ah" He beamed as soon as he arrived in front of Seungcheol.

"Good morning." Seungcheol welcomed him with a hug and a peck on the lips.

A blush spread on Jeonghan's cheeks at the sudden action but the natural gesture of Seungcheol made him realize that this man right here is really his boyfriend.

He's finally in a relationship.

Jeonghan returned the hug with a warm smile. The two were hugging so sweetly until someone made a coughing sound behind them.

Jeonghan pulled away. He momentarily forgot that Dokyeom was actually with them.

He was so embarrassed that Dokyeom had saw everything.

He was sure that the man will tease him to no end again.

"Boss I think I'll get going." Dokyeom bid his goodbye as he wave at the two "or else I might interrupt something." He added before departing.

Jeonghan made a confuse face at Dokyeom's comment.

What will he be interrupting? He silently questioned in his head.

"Don't mind him." Seungcheol pulled a chair and made Jeonghan sit on it while he settled himself on the opposite side. The location of the patio were great as it faces the ocean.

"Let's eat."


Jeonghan was almost salivating at the seafood delicacies in front of him.

Marinated crabs, prawns, lobsters and buttered shrimps.

All the foods that were prepared was all his favorite. Maybe it's just a coincidence?

Jeonghan started eating and couldn't help but praise at how delicious the food was.

"I'm glad it is to your liking." Seungcheol started to make a small talk.

"All of these are my favourites actually." Jeonghan replied as he thankfully smiled.

Jeonghan notice that one of Seungcheol's love language is act of service.

Just like now, Seungcheol always peeled some shrimps for him or even cracking a crab leg, pouring him a glass of drink and always wiping some sauce that were smeared at the corner of his lips.

The man was really treating him like he was some kind of disney princess.

And Jeonghan actually love it.

Being pampered by your significant other is actually quite nice.

"I'm so full." Jeonghan commented after eating a little too much that it made him sleepy.

"Let's go upstairs?"

Jeonghan nodded his head like a docile puppy. "Okay, actually I'm quite sleepy."

Seungcheol slung an arm around Jeonghan shoulder as they went inside the house.

As they arrived at the master's bedroom, Jeonghan was in awe at the scenery inside.

A picturesque view of the ocean is full on display against the floor to ceiling glass window.

"Wow, It felt like I'm looking on a painting."

Jeonghan was enjoying the breathaking view when a pair of arms suddenly wrapped around his waist. His boyfriend was hugging him from behind. Jeonghan leaned a little on the man's chest as they enjoyed the view together.

"I'm glad you like it here." Seungcheol said, kissing the top of his head.

"Actually I love the ocean so thank you for bringing me here Seungcheol-ah." Jeonghan tilted his head and place a chaste kiss on Seungcheol's cheek.

After a few minutes of admiring the scenery, Jeonghan eyes started to droop. "I want to sleep."

Seungcheol then guided him into the king sized bed.

Jeonghan laid down instantly and yawned. Seungcheol laid next to him and craddle the smaller male into his arms.

"Are you okay with the aircon's temperature or it's too cold?"

Jeonghan snuggled closer to the man and replied, "I'm fine and besides you are very warm anyway." Jeonghan giggles at the thought of Seungcheol as a human heater.

Seungcheol was slowly patting his head, lulling him into sleep. "After you wake up later, let's go fishing."

"Really!?"Jeonghan beamed with excitement as he also really love to catch a fish.

"Really." Seungcheol assures him with his words.


After Jeonghan woke up around two in the afternoon, Seungcheol was true to his words and went fishing with him, but Jeonghan's bucket was empty as he didn't catch any while Seungcheol catch 5 big fishes.

The couple also ride a kayak and swim on the beach. The whole afternoon were spent very well as they also started getting to know more of each other.

At 6pm the two of them had their dinner.

The rest of the evening, the two were just having a quality time.

Jeonghan was too happy he didn't notice the time until Seungkwan send him a text message: Hyung are you coming home tonight?

Jeonghan looked at his watch and was shocked to see that it was already 11pm.

"Oh shoot! It's that late?"

The two of them were currently watching a movie in the living room, while snuggling closer at the couch.

Jeonghan stared at Seungcheol with an uneasy expression.

He was torn of going back or to stay for the night.

"Jeonghana, whatever your decision is, I'll respect it." Seungcheol looked at him directly in the eyes while tucking a single strand of his hair that was out of place behind his ear. "If you want to go I'll drive you home and If you want to sta-"

"I want to stay!" Jeonghan blurted out, staring at Seungcheol. "I want to stay with you  Seungcheol-ah." He added almost in a whisper.

"Then stay with me tonight."

**To be continued...

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