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"Calm down, Nobody's going to hurt you now." 

When Jeonghan heard the unknown man's words, he was skeptical for a moment but when his eyes met the gaze of the said man, he finally breathed a sigh of relief.

The man seems reliable.

Maybe because of exhaustion and his mind finally freed from fear of being kidnapped, Jeonghan fainted for the second time that night.

Seungcheol reluctantly catch Jeonghan from his side as the person fell against his arms. Jeonghan's finger that was clutching at his suit earlier finally let go.

Dokyeom who was looking at the scene from behind through the front mirror displayed a teasing smile.

Seeing his stoic boss somewhat flustered holding a beautiful person in his arms was a very rare sight to see.

After a few turns, at the gate of the villa, the car finally stopped.

"Boss we're here."

Dokyeom get out of the car and went to the back in order to carry the sleeping beauty but much to his surprise his boss was already carrying the said beauty and went ahead of him.

Dokyeom let out a knowing smile.


When Jeonghan finally woke up. He was in a king size bed. There was no one inside and when he looked down, a well-bandaged arms greeted his sight. Jeonghan tried to get up but when he got suddenly dizzy, he give up and just looked at the white painted ceiling instead.

"Where am I?"

He asked himself as he roamed his eyes around. The wounds on his arms though wrapped in a bandaged still hurt a little.

Jeonghan couldn't still believed what just happened to him earlier. The unexpected event happened so fast it takes a toll on his mind. He was still alert and fidgety, all he wanted was to go home and just hug his precious pet stone, Dolljongie. Is that too much to ask?

Tears cascaded down his cheeks as soft sniffles follow.

The sad scene inside the room were being watched by several men at the control room.

"DK tell us what happened. He was the civilian that Morales took hostage earlier. Why did you brought that person here?" Jun asked in confusion.

Dokyeom still had a goofy smile on his face, decided to finally answer. "Correction, The boss brought that person here. It wasn't me." He winked to Jun as if he was spilling a tea.

Dokyeom told everyone a gossip in the room. Jun, Mingyu, Minghao, and Wonwoo were all ears.

"So that's what all happened. In conclusion I think our boss will no longer be a single man."

"Eeeh. Our boss is just kind. He's just helping an injured person. From what I see he just took a pity on that young person though."  Minghao boredly answered as he looked down and admired his black painted nails.

Listening to Dokyeom's gossip were surely just a waste of time.

"You are really no fun." Dokyeom retorted back as he went out of the control room.

Seeing that the person finally woke up. He decided to take a visit.

Jeonghan tired from crying, decided to close his eyes and sleep again. His eyes swept at the time on the wall clock. It was already past 3:00 am in the morning. He remembered that he actually has a class at 7:00 am later, so he needed to think of a good excuse if ever he will be absent.

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