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Jeonghan looked over his shoulder as he heard the familiar voice and just as he thought the familar face of his junior from university appeared in his line of sight.

"Oh, Jaehyun, what are you doin' here, the restaurant is about to close."

The younger teenager infront of him has a sheepish smile on his face as he started saying:

"I was just passing by and I suddenly remembered that Sunbae's working in this restaurant, I bring my car so-" Jaehyun stopped mid-sentence as he saw a tall man clad in black clothing walked over to them and hung his arm over his Sunbae shoulder.

His eyes twitch for a second at the new comer.

"I'm sorry did I make you wait for too long?" His Sunbae asked, looking up to the other man with a blush on his pretty face. His smiling eyes curved into crescent moon that made him look even more breathaking. The man then smiled back at him while saying something.

While looking at them, Jaehyun knows something was going on between the two and his hunch was then confirmed when his Sunbae introduced them to each other.

"Jaehyun, this is my boyfriend Seungcheol and Cheol-ah this is Jaehyun, my junior at University."

Jaehyun unconsiously curled his hands into fist as he gritted his teeth but he have to maintain his nice image to his Sunbae so with a bitter taste in his mouth, he still politely greeted the man while bowing his head.

"Nice to meet you Hyung. I'm Jeong Jaehyun."

Jaehyun wanted to punch the man when he just got a curt nod in return. It feels like the man was looking down on him.

"Jaehyun what did you say earlier?" Jeonghan asked as he couldn't seem to hear what Jaehyun was trying to say before.

"Huh, oh nothing Sunbae, I was just passing by that's it. I need to get going, see you tomorrow Sunbae." Jaehyun then turned around and exited the door with a deadly glare plastered on his face.


"The boy from before, stay away from him."

Seungcheol looked deep into Jeonghan's eyes with a serious expression while trying to convey his words.

His boyfriend might be the brightest person ever but Jeonghan have really no sense when it comes to danger.

His heart is too good to see evil in people around him which made him an easy target.

Jeonghan stared back at Seungcheol with a teasing smile while jokingly said, "Why? are you jealous Mr. Choi?"

His words was supposed to be a joke but his heart pounded loudly against his chest and a deep blush crossed his cheeks when his boyfriend suddenly put an arm around his waist while pulling him closer.

The man then whispered the next words into his ear.

"Yes, I'm a very jealous person love and I don't want any other man to desire what is already mine."

Seungcheol pulled away after but not before placing a kiss on Jeonghan's lips which made the boy burrowed his face against Seungcheol's chest in order to hide his blushing face.

"You are really not good for my heart." Jeonghan complained as he lightly hit Seungcheol's shoulder with his fist.

Dokyeom just let out a sigh of singleness as he watched the two in the front mirror. It's not that he wanted to watch the couple it's just happened that he have two eyes.

"Boss we've arrived."


The days went by in a blur and in a blink of an eye It's already been 8 months since Jeonghan and Seungcheol started dating each other.

The past few months were Jeonghan's happiest moments. Seungcheol made him experience a love like no others.

The man was really too good for him that there are times when Jeonghan started questioning his selfworth.

Did he really deserves the man's love and everything good that is happening in his life?

But everytime Jeonghan felt like he was falling into the dark abbys, Seungcheol would always be there for him, pulling him into the light, guiding him and assuring him with everlasting love.

Jeonghan was really thankful from the god above that he couldn't ask for more. He already got the best boyfriend anyone could ever ask for.

Seungcheol really means a world to him.


Seungkwan and Jeonghan were currently studying for the upcoming final exam. It was the last semester of the class and they were about to graduate soon but the person opposite next to him was distracting him from answering the test material.

"Hyung is there any problem?" Seungkwan couldn't help but ask Jeonghan as the boy let out a sigh again for the fifth time.

"Seungkwana~" Jeonghan whined as he fell into a despair again.


"Help me. I don't really know what to give him on his birthday." Jeonghan looked at Seungkwan as he addressed his problem. His lips were pursed into a pout.

"Seriously Hyung?" Seungkwan laughed at his Hyung's dramatic ass. "I thought you have a really serious problem."

"But it is a serious problem." Jeonghan retorted.

The problem has bugging his mind for weeks. He really wanted to give Seungcheol a gift on his birthday and he wanted it to be special but from Jeonghan's point of view, Seungcheol already got everything.

"Hyung you don't need to buy Seungcheol Hyung an expensive gift. Hell! you can even give him a piece of candy and he will treasure it for life. Trust me."

"Stop joking around." Jeonghan whined again.

"I'm not joking."

"But I want it to be special and memorable." Jeonghan shyly mumbled under his breath.

Seungkwan stared at his Hyung's pitiful appearance and then a bright idea suddenly formed in his mind.

"Hyung you wanted your gift for Seungcheol Hyung to be special right?

Jeonghan nodded his head at Seungkwan's question.

"You also wanted it to be memorable right?"

Jeonghan nodded again.

"Then let me tell you something."

Seungkwan leaned in forward and whispered his idea to Jeonghan's ear. Jeonghan's face turned into a variety color of red as he listened to Seungkwan's absurd idea.

"You are crazy!"

"Why is that crazy? That is the best gift you can ever give to Seungcheol Hyung that is special and memorable in his birthday." Seungkwan laughed as he winked at the older while Jeonghan was trying himself not to murder his beloved little  brother.

**To be continued...

(A/N: Chapter 20 is for rated 20+ ?? Let's see😜😏)

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