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"Dad you can't do this to me! How could you decide my future on your own. Don't I have a say in this?" Jeonghan was on the verge of tears as he shouted in protest.

"Son, you know our company suffered a great loss and in no time it will lead into bankruptcy, do know that I'm accepting their offer while thinking about your future."

"Dad we can start anew, we can move to a smaller house and I'm going to start looking for a job. " Jeonghan persuaded again but to no avail.

"You think it was that easy? Jeonghan you are too young to understand things. My decision is final." Was his father's last words before walking out.

"Mom please tell dad I don't want to get married." Jeonghan cried and plead to his mother again.

"Son why are you so against the marriage, Hyungwon is good for you and you got along well with him right? and Chae Corporation really help us big this time. Your marriage is the only way to save our company."

Jeonghan sighed in defeat as he went into his room.

At one point maybe Jeonghan genuinely like Hyungwon but that was before the incident happened. The two grew up together since their parents were also friends and business partners.

Hyungwon was a good kid, He always take care of Jeonghan and always made him happy that Jeonghan even develop a crush on him.

Growing up, Hyungwon was always on his side acting like his older brother but when they entered highschool, Jeonghan slowly notices Hyungwon's other side.

He hates it when Jeonghan was talking to other people. All of his potential friends were driven away by Hyungwon making him a kind of loner.

"Jeonghana you don't need anyone else. You always have me." was Hyungwon's words for him.

Since Jeonghan was three years younger, Hyungwon couldn't keep him company all the time since they have a different grade.

Jeonghan tried to approached his classmates but everyone seems to avoid him.

As the days passed by, Jeonghan felt sadness.

Until one day, a new transferred student from his class got close to him. He really like his newfound friend because he was funny. In order to keep his friendship with the newboy, Jeonghan kept it a secret from Hyungwon.

The two secretly hang out after class and talked. Jeonghan felt happy after a long time. He felt free.

One night, he got into his dorm a little bit too late. The lights were still off and Jeonghan was about to click the switch on when a hand suddenly grabbed him by the arm making him yelp in surprise.

Jeonghan clicked the switch and was surprise to see Hyungwon.

"Hyung why are you here? Why didn't you turn on the light? geez you scared me."

"Where were you?" the serious tone of Hyungwon made Jeonghan gulped nervously.

"I w-was at the library, I found an interesting book to read and didn't notice that it was getting a little bit late." Jeonghan lied through his teeth.

Hyungwon looked at him intently. Jeonghan looked away and decided to change the topic. "Hyung have you eaten? Let's eat together."

The days went by smoothly. Jeonghan and the new transfer student get closer than ever before. They are now each other's bestfriend.

"Tae-tae you look so beautiful in this hairpin, let me buy it for you."

"Then I'll buy you one too, Hannie."

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