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A man in his late 50 stepped out from a black Rolls-Royce car, followed by several mens behind. He was holding a cane and has a visible claw scar on his right cheek. Even at old age, the man still undeniably exudes a powerful and scary aura.

He was after all the previous leader of Black Phantom Organization.


Seungcheol greeted the old man who resembles him a lot and bowed his head out of respect along with the other members.

His father stoic face broke into a smile as he welcomed his son for a hug before pulling away and looking at him sternly: "You stubborn brat, your mother is always asking about you, you never visited us nowadays. Don't give my wife a headache and visit us on this upcoming weekend."

Seungcheol just give up on the idea of making out a reason because his father has really no room for negotiation once his "mother" is involved.

They went inside the mansion and the two walked inside Seungcheol's study room to catch up.

"Son, you are not getting any younger. You're almost 30 years old, your mother wants nothing but only the best for you."

"I'm only 27 father." Seungcheol retorted as he sat on the sofa, crossing his arms over his chest.

"I'll get to the point. Your mother invited the eldest Daughter of Jang Corporation over dinner this Saturday, make sure to show up and accompany her. Your mother likes her a lot."

Here we go again

Seungcheol wanted to facepalm as he knew where this topic is leading to.

"Father, you know I'm very busy, I don't have time to play a lovesick teenager at this moment."

"Son, I once had your position before, I know how dangerous and busy your line of work can be but still look at me, I got married and found the love of my life. Your mother is the most wonderful thing that ever happened to me."

Seungcheol slightly scrunched up his nose while listening to his father's whipped words. I didn't sign up for this

"Just try to know her. Trust me Son, when you find the right person you'll know it, your heart will surely tell you."


On the other side of the room, Jeonghan finally got up from the bed when his empty stomach grumbled.

I'm hungry.

He wanted to go out but afraid that he might bump into Scoups father by incidence. Staring into nothingness, Jeonghan jolted awake when the door suddenly opened and a tall and huge man entered.

The man seems familiar until Jeonghan finally remembered that it was one of the three men who barges in the restaurant he work part time with.

A tray of food was in his hands and a silly looking apron hugged his sculpted body.

Jeonghan felt amused. Contrary to his build which was supposed to be intimidating, the man had a charming smile and full of positive aura around him.

The man reminded him of a big puppy.

"Hello, Sister in Law. My name's Mingyu."

Jeonghan eye's widened as he questioned back: "Sister in Law?"

"You're our Sister in Law right? Dokyeom told us everything about you."

Jeonghan started to scold Dokyeom in his mind. The boy really started telling nonsense to the people around him. He smile awkwardly and respond. "No, I'm not. How can I be any worthy of your boss. I'm not."

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