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"Finally the exam is over!" Sungkwan shouted in delight as they head towards the entrance of the university.

"I'm sure you'll do well Seungkwana."

"Thanks Hyung, same to you so let's call for a celebration tonight?"

"I can't, I have a duty today, actually I'll head now in the restaurant directly."

"Aww what a pity, then let's celebrate tomorrow since its weekend."

"Sure, let's invite Dokyeom and Vernon also."

Jeonghan notice the blush in Seungkwan's face as he mentioned a certain name.

"Cool, lets invite them, the more the merrier right?" Seungkwan let out an awkward laugh.

It's been five days since Seungkwan met the boy named Vernon. He admitted that he was attracted to the handsome foreign looking boy and Vernon was also giving him signals.

For now the two of them was slowly getting to know each other but Seungkwan felt guilty around Jeonghan since he didn't told the older about them yet but knowing how sharp Jeonghan is, Seungkwan knew his Hyung got an inkling about him and Vernon already.

"See you later Hyung"

Jeonghan bid his goodbye as well and started walking towards the restaurant's direction.

Upon his arrival, he greeted his boss and co-workers first and then went off to the staff room to change into their resto uniform.

As usual, Jeonghan was stucked with washing the dishes. Others may not like working at the back but Jeonghan prefer this kind of solitude over a task which requires interacting with a lot of people. Just thinking about it made his energy drained a little bit.

When Jeonghan was given a twenty minutes break, he decided to go into the storage room to relax a little bit.

His mind then wandered into a certain someone which occupies his dreams in these past few days.

Jeonghan was sure he like Scoups.

His heart beat so fast when he's around the man. He also felt really happy when he sees him. The man's presence alone made him feel safe and protected and everytime they made a physical contact, the butterflies in his stomach started going wild. He also really misses Scoups when he's not around.

If the above-mentioned weren't an indication of liking someone then he don't know anymore.

"Hey Jeonghan someone was looking for you." Jeonghan's daydreaming was cut off abruptly by one of his co-worker.


"Yes, there's no other Yoon Jeonghan in this restaurant right? you silly."

Jeonghan wondered who might be looking for him at this moment because he has only a few circle of friends and his co-workers met them already.

Could it be...

Jeonghan started getting excited at the thought of Scoups might be the one looking for him.

He admitted he was delusional but everyone can wish right?

So before meeting the person, Jeonghan tied up his shoulder length hair into a ponytail and made sure his appearance was okay as he sprayed a little fragrance on his uniform.

And then he went out.

But life is really full of surprises.

Instead of the person he was really looking forward to, the man who appeared in front of him was the last person he ever wanted to see.

Jeonghan's world crumbled and his whole body trembled in fear upon seeing his walking nightmare.

He wanted to get away.

He wanted to run but his body wouldn't move.

"Hey baby, did you miss me?"

No, this cant be.

"Relax, your co-workers might think I am bullying you. You don't want to make a scene in this restaurant do you?"

Jeonghan looked at the innocent people inside the restaurant and gulped nervously. He knew what this horrible person is capable of.

"Follow me."

The man heads towards the table located at the far end corner. He pulled a chair and made Jeonghan sit on it while he sat at the opposite side.

"Jeonghan, My Jeonghan~" The man sing songs, a creepy smile forming at his lips. "For three fucking years, you hid so well, let me applaud you for that." and then he started clapping earning a few glances from the tables near them.

Jeonghan breaks out cold sweat. What should he do? He needed to escape. He would never let this monster control his life again. His head was clouded with fear but he needed to think rationally.

Until he felt his phone in his pocket.

That's right!

Jeonghan bowed his head and fumbled with his phone under the table, his fingers were trembling so bad he almost drop his phone.

He went into contacts and search for Dokyeom's number as he nervously type a message.

"Look at me when I'm talking to you." Jeonghan flinched at the warning tone of the man opposite next to him.

Finally after a few seconds, Jeonghan managed to successfully sent the message. He just hope Dokyeom will read it instantly before its too late.

The man suddenly stand up and held him in his arms. "Let's go."

"B-but I'm s-still on d-duty." Jeonghan protested as he tried to remove the man's hand from his arm.

"Do I look like I fucking care?" The man give him a deadly stare. Jeonghan immediately shut up as he catch a glimpse of a gun on the man's trouser.

"Jeonghannie is everything okay in here?" The owner of the restaurant walked towards them.

The man tightened his grip around his arm, Jeonghan almost wince.

"E-verything's fine Sir. I'm sorry for the inconvenience but can I clock out early today, s-something came up and I need to go h-home."

"Of course no problem, you can go home early but are you sure you are okay? You looked really pale right now."

"Don't worry Sir, I'll take care of him. I'm his boyfriend by the way." The man butted in and introduces himself politely to the restaurant owner.

"My name's Chae Hyungwon."


Dokyeom and the other members were at the gym inside the villa working out. It was one of their favorite past time. After an hour and half, the boys was kind of tired and decided to stop. Dokyeom returned in his room and took a shower.

He was currently drying his hair with a towel when his phone beep indicating that he received a message.

It was from Jeonghan.

Dokyeom opened it and read the message:

Dokyeom-ah by the time u read this, I want u to track my location, I opened my GPS. I'm in danger and pwlease I need ur hewkp savee me..

"Shit! Our sister in law is in danger, I needed to report this to the boss."

*To be continued

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