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The following chapter may contain NSFW stuff/sex scenes that may make some readers feel uncomfortable

Readers Discretion Is Advised


"Open your mouth, love."

Jeonghan complied willingly. A sparks of pleasure erupted inside his body when Seungcheol held his chin and explored his mouth.


A muffled moan escaping Jeonghan's lips when his boyfriend sensually sucked his tongue with vigor before tasting every nook and cranny of his cavern. Saliva dribbles down his chin as he was getting kissed senseless by the man, when he was getting out of breath, Seungcheol slowed down on kissing him before pulling away, a string of spit connecting their lips, glistened after.

Jeonghan was gasping for air heavily. His cheeks heated at the thought that if their make out session continued for another minute, He was sure he will come just from the kiss as he was getting wet down there, the wet spot on his silk navy pajama was evident.

Seungcheol stared at the beautiful mess underneath him. His eyes darted towards Jeonghan's plumped swollen lips that was still slightly agape, sucking for air, to his cheeks that were flushed red and to his set of beautiful eyes that was now glassy with tears. Seungcheol was in awe at how breathakingly and seductively beautiful his boyfriend is, and this sinful sight of Jeonghan was only for his eyes to feast.

Jeonghan noticed how his boyfriend was staring intensely at him. He felt conscious all of the sudden so he asked with uneasiness; "Was there something on my face?", In which Seungcheol unexpectedly replied with a yes.

"What?" Jeonghan prodded further.


A melodious laughter escaped Jeonghan's lips upon hearing his boyfriend's remarks. He found it corny yet sweet but hearing compliments from your significant other surely brings another level of happiness and confidence.

Jeonghan trace his index finger towards Seungcheol's thick eyebrows down to his high nose bridge and lastly brushing his fingertips towards Seungcheol cherry colored lips. "You're the most gorgeous man I've ever laid my eyes upon on." Jeonghan also complimented his partner, his heart welled up in joy upon hearing a deep chuckle from his boyfriend so he wanted to compliment him further.

"You are kind, strong, smart and dependable." Jeonghan then leaned closer and whispered the next words into Seungcheol's ear out of shyness, "and you are also good in bed..." he trailed off before pulling away without knowing that his last words had a great effect on a certain someone.

Seungcheol, In one swift movement shifted into a sitting postion, pulling Jeonghan closer to him and made the boy straddle his lap. He wasted no time as he pulled Jeonghan silk navy top pajama, pulling it over his head as he throw the piece of clothing on the floor. His hands rested on Jeonghan's waist, holding him in place while his lips attacking the boy's neck eliciting a loud moan from him as he sucked deliberately on the skin around it until it turned into a deep shade of red.

"Ah! Nnnn..haaa....mnnn..."

Jeonghan encircled his arms around his boyfriend's neck as Seungcheol started bucking his hips while still sucking and licking his neck. His boyfriend's hard-on was pressed directly into his still clothed ass but the friction and sensation of being humped dry made him almost insane.

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