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And it landed on Mingyu or more like Mingyu difinitely made sure to catch the bouquet. His towering height and long limbs made it so much easier for him to achieved his goal.

Everyone has smiles plastered all over their face as they watched the handsome giant. They all cheered up on him silently.

On the other hand, Wonwoo who was at the far back since he didn't even participate at catching the bouquet wondered why his boyfriend suddenly caught the flowers.

His train of thought suddenly vanished when the crowd in front of him started to dispersed on the side and at the end of the line, there he saw Mingyu who was looking at him with such intense gaze but nervous smile.

The tall and handsome man took big strides towards him and handed him the bouquet of flowers.

"For you."

Although Wonwoo was in utter confusion, he still received the flowers and look at the man before him with a smile. "Gyu, what's happening here?" He asked his boyfriend, his eyes roam around the place and that's when he noticed that everyone was looking at them with expectant eyes making him shy at being put in the sudden spotlight.

Mingyu with his clammy hands, looked at the apple of his eye infront of him before letting out deep breath as he gathered enough courage in his heart.

Even though they've been together for how many years, Wonwoo still manages to take his breath away. Just looking at his man, already brought him to paradise.

"Babe, I just want you to know how much you mean a lot to me." Mingyu started his speech, his right hand move upward and softly caress Wonwoo's left cheek.

Biting his bottom lip, Wonwoo tried to suppress the happiness surging in his heart as he already figured it out what his boyfriend is planning to do so.

His man really never fail to surprise him.

"Being with you made me realized how wonderful and beautiful a love could be between two people and I can't even imagine my life waking up in the morning without you by my side. I love you and I want you to be with me for the rest of my life so-"

And just like a fairy tale come true, Wonwoo's heart started pounding against his chest out of happiness, a lump forming at his throat as he watched his man, kneeled on one knee before him just like a prince.

The sunset glow hitting Mingyu's face at the right angle making the man even more ethereal with his sunkissed skin. A pair of tiny fangs appeared a little when he smiles. His black hair slicked back showing his handsome as hell face.

But no matter how perfect and handsome the man before him exist, he still clumsy as ever.

Mingyu didn't mean it, but he clumsily drop the ring as it fell out of his grip and rolled on the ground making everyone burst out in a fit of laughter.

Wonwoo couldn't help but chuckle at his boyfriend's clumsiness as the man hurriedly pick up the engagement ring from the ground but this imperfect side of his boyfriend made him love the man even more.

He will always love everything about Mingyu.

It's okay babe, go on...

Wonwoo mouthed at the now embarrassed man. The crowd grows quite again, anticipating the exciting part to unfold.

"I'm sorry for dropping the ring." Mingyu gave his boyfriend an apologetic smile and his heart melt when Wonwoo assured him that it's nothing to worry about.

Composing himself once again, Mingyu stared at Wonwoo with such love in his eyes, his voice enigmatic as he finally uttered the words from the bottom of his heart.

"Jeon Wonwoo, my so called forever business partner, Will you marry me?"

Time stilled for a moment as the two of them looked at each other's eyes. They were in their own world, savoring the love they had for each other.

Wonwoo found himself muttering an emotional "Yes" his eyes glistening with tears. Mingyu slowly slip the ring on his finger before engulfing him into a softest hug. The man even spun him around like he weighed nothing .

"Gyu stop, put me down!" Wonwoo protested in between laugh.

"You're light like a feather, babe."

Mingyu put him down, he adjusted Wonwoo's glasses before placing a soft kiss on his pink lips. The kiss they shared filled with so much love and happiness.

Everyone in the crowd started cheering for them, the newlyweds even cheered for them the hardest.


At the wedding reception, everyone enjoyed the mini program, the members had prepared for the couple.

Seungkwan, Dokyeom and Hoshi even serenade the newlyweds with a romantic song called "The reason of my smiles" where Jeonghan and Seungcheol slow dance through it.

Their first dance as a newlyweds.

(A/N: you can listen to the media I attached above. It's a BSS song🥰)

Jeonghan snake his arms around Seungcheol's neck while his husband gently held him on the waist, both are swaying to the rythm of the music. Their forehead pressed against each other as they felt each other's hearbeat.

Other lovers joined them at the center and started dancing to the song slowly too.

"Thank you for everything, love." Seungcheol place a soft kiss on Jeonghan's forehead before staring at his lovely husband with eyes full of love.

"Thank you for coming into my life, thank you for completing the missing piece in my heart and thank you for making me the happiest man alive."

Jeonghan also stared at his husband lovingly, his fingers gently stroking Seungcheol's hair from behind.

"You're so cheesy."

He teased the man as he started tearing up yet again.

"But I love how cheesy you are, I love how you make me feel so special at every given moment, I love how you are treating me like a princess, I just love everything about you." Jeonghan said heartily, a thumb suddenly brushes over the corner of his eyes, wiping his tears away. Seungcheol's words then came on next.

"Because you are love, you are my princess, my queen, my angel, my goddess, my everything, my home world."

Jeonghan bury his face against Seungcheol's neck, trying to hide his burning cheeks.

Seungcheol's chuckle at his husband's cute action. "Why are you so shy love, I'm just telling the truth."

"You're not could you say those things so bluntly!" Jeonghan complained earning a hearty chuckle from his husband.

"Because it's you. If it's not for you, then I'd never bother saying such things."

Jeonghan couldn't help but smile, his stomach filled with so much butterflies from his husband's smooth words.

"You deserve to hear it love, you deserve all the best in the world and If I could then I'd get you the moon and the stars and give it to you."

Jeonghan started laughing out loud, gosh this man and the way he uttered those words with such straight face is beyond him but deep inside he felt so happy.

"Mr. Choi, you are really good at making my heart flutters tonight huh, I think you deserve a special reward later." Jeonghan bit his lower lip as he stared at the man with suggestive eyes.

Their gaze met. Jeonghan felt the intense gaze Seungcheol was giving to him, making his whole body shivers with excitement.

"Then, I'll be looking forward to it, love." Seungcheol smirk before closing their distance as he captured Jeonghan's lips into a gentle kiss.

The next day, Seungcheol and Jeonghan flew to Italy first for their honeymoon trip.

***To be continued...

(A/N: 😏😏😏)

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