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"Where is he, Seungkwana?"

"He's asleep Hyung." Seungkwan then move over to the side in order to let the man in.

Seungcheol sauntered over to where Jeonghan is and there, he saw his boyfriend sleeping in the L-shaped sofa with Hoshi, the two youngsters were cuddling.

"I'll take him home." Seungcheol eyes darted towards Shua before prying Hoshi away from Jeonghan as he carried the sleeping boy bridal-style in his arms.

"Shua, I'll call you later, I need to talk to you about some things." His eyes then landed to Seungkwan before he continues; "I need your help too, Seungkwana."

Both of them nodded their head before the man.

Seungkwan having a guess already of what his Hyung needed help with couldn't help but feel giddy inside.

"You're not coming with us? we're leaving." Seungcheol inquires the young man.

"No, Hyung, I'll sleep here tonight." Seungkwan decided to just stay over because he needed to gossip and spill some tea towards Hoshi and Shua.

After the couple had left, Seungkwan met Shua's eyes and then the two of them started screaming.


The next day, Jeonghan woke up with a little headache from being drunk last night. He slowly sat up and massage his temple lightly when a pill of painkiller medicine was handed to him along with a glass of water.

Still half-asleep, Jeonghan mumbled under his breath; "Thank you Seungk-" but stopped immediately as soon as Seungcheol appeared in his line of sight.


Jeonghan roamed his eyes around and that's when he finally noticed that he was in their own bedroom.

The last memory he had last night was that they were celebrating with Joshua and then he got drunk in the middle and fell asleep.

"I brought you home last night." Seungcheol answered his unsaid question while making him drink the medicine first. Jeonghan then thanks the man as he handed the empty glass back.

His eyes then turned into a squint as he glared at Seungcheol. Jeonghan finally remembered how he was shamelessly acting like an emo teenager last night in front of his friends just because of this man.

"Why did you went there last night? I thought I made it clear yesterday that we're having a sleepover and you seems so fine with it, happy rather."

Seungcheol noticing Jeonghan's sour mood made an attempt to redeem himself. He carefully held Jeonghan's hand and muttered an apology.

"I'm sorry love, I know I was wrong. I did try my best to stop not bother you yesterday but I can't really sleep without you being next to me."

Seungcheol then stared at Jeonghan with a supposed to be puppy eyes that made Jeonghan burst out in laughter.


"Why?" Seungcheol made a funny face this time which made Jeonghan laughed a little harder, tears started forming in his eyes.

"Haha...just stop."

A wide smile graced upon Seungcheol's lips as he watched the gorgeous boy full with laughter. Damn! the things he would do just to make this cheeky angel happy is totally beyond him.

Jeonghan was still laughing until he noticed how Seungcheol was well dressed up.

"Are you going somewhere?" His brows started to furrow again.

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