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The following chapter may contain NSFW stuff/sex scenes (18+) that may make some readers feel uncomfortable

Readers Discretion Is Advised


"Then why don't you make a mess out of me, Daddy."

Jeonghan's face flushed red upon realizing what he had just said. His intrusive thought really got the best of him this time and the adult BL Manhwas Seungkwan lend him a few days ago was also messing up with his system.

BJ Alex, Painter of the Night and Window by Window were some of the BL's he had just read. The story was good but it was full of erotic moments.

But then again, when thinking about those things, Jeonghan was sure, he was more than ready. It's just that Seungcheol respected him a little too much that the man didn't make a bolder move on him yet and Jeonghan was too shy to initiate things.

That's why in their 8 months of relationship, the two still haven't gone into third base, let alone fully doing the deed.

It's now or never.

Jeonghan hardened his resolve as he made up his mind. Tonight, he wanted to give his whole self to his boyfriend.

"Let's talk in my room." Seungcheol's hot breath was tickling his ear as the man got a hold of his hand and took him upstairs.

Upon entering the master's bedroom, Jeonghan suddenly found himself being pinned against the wall next to the door, both of his wrists were held right next to his head as Seungcheol kisses him hungrily on the lips.

"Mnnnnmh" Jeonghan bit back a moan as Seungcheol's tongue pry open his lips and started licking the roof of his mouth. Their tongues meet and dance against each other. Jeonghan tried to fight back for dominance but instantly got lost not more than 5 seconds as soon as the battle started.

The kisses his boyfriend was giving to him as of the moment were surely different. This one was more hot and intense that it made his knees go weak.

When Seungcheol pulled away, a silver string glistened. Jeonghan found himself slumped against Seungcheol's chest as he was still catching his breath. His strength leaving his body as he felt like a puddle of goo under the man's embrace.

"I'm telling you one last time love, you can push me away if you're still not ready yet." Seungcheol tilted his face and stared deeply into his eyes with lust, Jeonghan felt like he got lost in the man's midnight black orbs.

But he had already made up his mind and had no intention of going back on his decision so without a word, Jeonghan leaned forward and presses a firm kiss on his boyfriend's lips inorder to give his answer.

Tonight, he wanted to make love with his man.

Seungcheol suddenly pick up Jeonghan into his arms like the boy weighed nothing and kisses him again, but this time it was slow and sensual. His hand reaching towards the door handle and smoothly lock it without breaking the kiss.

Jeonghan wrapped his legs around his boyfriend's waist as he tightened his arms around his neck when Seungcheol suddenly started moving and walking towards the king sized bed.

"Relax love, do you think I'll let you fall?" a deep chuckle sounded against Jeonghan's ear as he burrowed his face against Seungcheol's neck.

"But I'm a bit heavy." He muttered under his breath. Even though he has a lean body but Jeonghan was still a boy after all.

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