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"Jaehyun, can't you let us go?" Jeonghan softly asked the boy, hoping that there is still some goodness left hidden inside Jaehyun.

"Don't keep me lock up in this place, I have a life to live and graduation is just around the corner, Jaehyun don't ruin my future please."

Jeonghan looked at the boy infront of him with utter sadness.

"Sunbae, I'm sorry but I can't let you go because you are mine. I will take care of you from now on." Jaehyun tucked the side of Jeonghan's hair as he added; "Don't worry, I'll talk with my older brother not to hurt you ever again."

"Jaehyun you're not getting my point, what you did to me was a crime, you held me against my will and It can get you to jail." Jeonghan stated trying to put some sense inside Jaehyun's head. "Do you want to ruin your future too?"

"If that means I can keep Sunbae by my side then I don't care about my future anymore. I know one day, Sunbae will love me too."

Jeonghan bit the inside of his lower lip in annoyance. There's no point in talking some sense into this brat. He needed to think of another way in order to escape this hell excuse of a place with Chan.

"Then, can you unlock the chain around my feet, It hurts."

Jeonghan pointed at the shackle around his right ankle that was a little too tight.

Jaehyun noticed the redness of the skin around it and concern laced in his eyes, "I'll go get the key from my brother right away, Sunbae."

After Jaehyun had left, Jeonghan and Chan were the only one inside the room. Jeonghan called out Chan who was still silently sitting on the floor to settled next to him in the bed.

"Chan-ah come here, Hyung have something to tell you."

Chan reluctantly got up and sat next to Jeonghan on the bed. He was still silent and tense. Jeonghan grabbed the kid's trembling hands and soothes circles around it.

"Chan, let's leave this place together."

Chan stared at the pretty Hyung beside him and mumbled the next words lowly under his breath.

"But I don't have a family waiting for me outside Hyung. I'm an orphaned."

"Silly kid, of course I'm your family now." Jeonghan caressed Chan's hair as he added, "and besides me, there are plenty of Hyungs waiting for you out there. We'll be your new family from now on Chan-ah."

"There are other Hyungs?" Chan asked curiously.

"Yes, there are ten more Hyungs and one tiger who will love and protect you from now on."

"A tiger?" Chan giggles at Jeonghan's words.

The two keep chatting with each other. Jeonghan forget his dilemma for a moment until the door suddenly opened again.

It was Doyoon and his three bodyguards.

Jeonghan held Chan closer to him.

"After taking my brother away from me, now you wanted to take my slave too? Chan come here!"

Chan scurried towards his master side instantly while eyeing Jeonghan with sadness.

Jeonghan wondered where the hell is Jaehyun but Doyoon seems to read his mind.

"Incase you might start looking for my brother, he's peacefully sleeping right now. Don't worry nobody's going to interrupt us this time."

Prior to this, Doyoon was still seething in anger in his room. He couldn't accept the fact that his little brother and Seungcheol are so head over heels for this bitch.

Because aside from his beautiful face what does this wench have?

So when a moment later when Jaehyun entered inside his room asking for a key because Jeonghan had asked him to unlock the shackle,Doyoon couldn't take it. If he could just ruin Jeonghan's face then...

An idea suddenly popped inside Doyoon's mind.

Doyoon acted remorseful infront of Jaehyun, even making his little brother a drink as a form of peace offering. Jaehyun took the said drink without even knowing that his older brother had put some substance in it.

"Sleep tight my dear brother, let's see if you'll still like that bitch after seeing his grostique face later."

Back to the present,  Doyoon ordered his two bodyguards to hold Jeonghan arms tight. Jeonghan struggled for a bit but it was a futile attempt. His heart dropped at the pit of his stomach when his eyes had caught the thing that was on Jaehyun's hand.

It was a bottle of a strong type of acid.

Jeonghan gulped nervously. He knew Doyoon will use it against him.

"Why do you hate me so much?" Jeonghan couldn't help but asked. He had no idea why Doyoon hated him so much to the point of doing horrible things.

It seems that Doyoon had another deeper reason of hating him.

"It's because you stole him away from me."

"Your broth-"

"I'm not talking about my brother."

Doyoon stride over to him and held Jeonghan's jaw with force. "I'm talking about Seungcheol, bitch."

Jeonghan was in utter shocked. How did Doyoon know Seungcheol?

His mind were running with different questions when Doyoon suddenly opened the bottle, emitting a strong stench in the air. "Let's see if Seungcheol will still like you after seeing your hideous face."

Time stilled for a moment.

Jeonghan closes his eyes knowing that he couldn't stop Doyoon, given at his current situation.

But when Doyoon was about to pour the acid in Jeonghan's face, a hand suddenly appeared in his sight, snatching the bottle away from his grip.

"Don't hurt my Hyung." Chan took all his courage as he disobeyed his master for the very first time, dropping the acid towards the marble floor causing the liquid to spill and bottle to break into pieces.

Doyoon looked at Chan with evil eyes, he couldn't believe that the slave he had trained so well for years just betrayed him. He walks over towards the kid and started hitting him.

"Stop don't hit him!" Jeonghan yelled in despair as he saw Chan getting slapped by Doyoon.

"Lock him up in a basement and don't feed him for days." Doyoon ordered to one of the guard.

"Chan! No! Please don't take him!" Jeonghan cried out as Chan's weak body was being dragged outside the room.

"Shut up!" Doyoon turned towards him and slapped him also. "It's all because of you!"

Out of rage, Doyoon ordered the two guards to do whatever they want to the wench. They can beat him up or whatever for all he care.

Doyoon leave the room fuming in anger.

The old geezer guards looked at each other. How could they beat up the beauty in front of them, its a pity to do so. A sly smiles formed into their lips as they thought of something better.

After all, its not like everyday, a beautiful person was given to them freely, so might as well make the most out of it.

The two of them started dragging the pretty boy towards the bed.

"No! let me go!" Jeonghan didn't back down without a fight.

But before they could even pinned him down, the two guards halted all of their movement when they heard a crisp sounds of gunshot downstairs.

The two guards bolted outside the room to see the situation below.

Jeonghan being left alone finally heaved a sigh of relief. A smile made its way into his pale lips.

He just knew it was them.

Seungcheol had finally found him once again.

And true to his words, the door opened a minutes later revealing the man he had longed to see.

***To be continued...

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