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"Good morning, my princess."

Jeonghan woke up to a sweet greeting coming from his boyfriend. His lips automatically curved into a smile as he stretched his arms out and rolled over so he was lying on top of Seungcheol.

"Good morning, Dadduya." He pressed an eskimo kiss towards the man before lying his head down against Seungcheol's chest, listening to his boyfriend's heartbeat. "What time is it?"

"It's past 10 already."  Seungcheol replied while placing a soft kiss on the top of his head.

A whine then escapes Jeonghan's lips, "It's that late? but I'm still sleepy."

"You can sleep some more, love." Seungcheol started running his hand across Jeonghan's hair, feeling the soft locks against his fingertips while a soft sigh slipping past Jeonghan's lips as he shut his eyes, drifting to sleep once again in the arms of his boyfriend.






The second time he woke up, its already lunch time. 

"Hyung!" Dino called in excitement as he saw his Hannie Hyung heading towards the dining table. 

"Chan-ah" The pretty man ruffled his hair which made him giggles. His eyes then darted towards the tall man next to his Jeonghan Hyung and he suddenly keep quite.

Chan thought that the stoic man will ignore him but a wide smile plastered on his face as the man also ruffled his hair.

"C-Cheollie Hyung." He shyly called out the name which his Hannie Hyung had told him to call the man in a cutesy nickname.

Jeonghan cooed at the interaction of the two. His heart filled up with joy as he saw how Chan was slowly opening up to them.

The table was filled with many delicious food. Mingyu had cooked quite a lot with the help of Jun and Dokyeom since everyone wanted to throw a little party for the new member of their household.

"Can I r-really eat all of these, Hyung?" Chan asked to no one in particular and everyone look at him, a series of answers then followed after.

"Of course, you can eat these all! We made it especially for you, our new dear little brother." Mingyu said with a proud smile.

"You can eat all you want Chan, We also made a cake for you, I'm sure you will like it." Jun stated as he give the smaller boy a sweet smile.

"I made a pizza for you Chan!" Dokyeom loudly announced as he pointed the pizza on its spot on the table.

A series of response also from another members, one after another made Chan emotional. His eyes started tearing up.

In his previous state as a slave, food is something he always needed to work hard for in order for him to eat. If his master was in a good mood, then he can eat two times a day. Doyoon also drilled in his mind that a good slave will always eat at the floor next to its master's feet.

So when Chan was welcomed with this overwhelming changes, he didn't know how he should act.

His whirling minds suddenly at ease as he felt Jeonghan's arm around his shoulder, giving him gentle pats. "Welcome to your new home, Chan." Jeonghan whispered softly to him, ruffling his hair once again.

Chan roamed his eyes around. He still had a doubt because everything that transpired in these past few days was just too good to be true but when his eyes met all of his Hyungs gentle gaze towards him that held no malice, along with their warm and welcoming smile, Chan knew he was finally at the right place. He was not alone anymore, he was finally at home.


-2 days later-

Jeonghan's original plan was to move in the villa after his graduation, but because of the whole ordeal and for his safety as well since Doyoon was still on the loose, he had decided to move in his boyfriend's place more earlier than he had expected and Seungcheol's couldn't be any happier.

Now, the two of them were under in the same roof and started living together.

Jeonghan also took a whole week's absence from the school in which his professor had granted, since the final exam was over and everyone was just preparing for the graduation that's just around the corner.

As of the moment, Jeonghan was busy pulling out all of his clothes from his suitcase in order to place it inside the wardrobe next to Seungcheol's clothes but his face reddened when he noticed a fair share of his clothes that were already in there.

Come to think of it, I think I basically live here even before I moved in.

Jeonghan giggles at the thought because it's true. He did have stayed here more often compared to his and Seungkwan's shared apartment.

But the thoughts of living together under the same roof still hits different.

It made Jeonghan's heart pound loudly against his chest.

The door from the balcony suddenly opened and Seungcheol came in, coming closer to him and hugged him from behind.

"You're done answering your brother's call?

Seungcheol hummed in response as he started leaving a trail of soft kisses on Jeonghan's nape, which made the latter ticklish.

"Hahaha w-wait haha it tickles..." Jeonghan was in a fit of laughter as he tried to get away from the man.

"Let's go on a trip." Seungcheol suddenly said out of nowhere. Jeonghan turned on his heels as he face the man.

"A trip? To where!?" He asked excitedly.

"Do you have any places in your mind right now?" Seungcheol asked him.

"What about Jeju? eversince I got to Korea I haven't been in that Island yet."

"Let's go to Jeju then."

"Really?!" Jeonghan asked, his eyes sparkle in excitement. He really wanted to go on that Island and explore the nature in there.

Seungcheol cooed at the sight before him. Jeonghan was really excited like a little kid.

It would be really nice for the both of them to go on a trip. They will explore the island together and enjoy the beautiful sceneries of nature right next into each other's arm. They can also visit a hotspring and take a relaxing bath together.

But Seungcheol's ideal trip shattered as Jeonghan already got out of the room and excitedly told everyone that they will all go on a trip.

***To be continued...

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