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(A/N: Hello everyone, I changed the song guys. I think "To You" more fits Jeongcheol than the previous one haha. I also love that one line "If there's an eternal love, then it's probably you", I don't know about you guys, but its just sounds so romantic to me🥰)

After their little trip to Jeju Island, Jeonghan and the others went into their daily lives as usual and two months later, he finally graduated from college.

Seungcheol and the others surprised him with a karaoke party after his graduation ceremony where everyone who are close to his heart are presents.

"Hyung Congratulations!"

"Congrats Sister-in-Law."

"Congratulation on your graduation Jeonghana, we are so happy for you."

"Congrats Jeonghannie."

"Congratulations on your well-deserved success Hannie."

A series of congratulatory message coming from his friends and previous co-workers in the restaurant he once worked part time with, rang in the private karaoke room.

Jeonghan couldn't contain his happiness as he thanks each one of them from the bottom of his heart. His eyes glassy as tears of joy started to threateningly spill down from his eyes.

"Congratulation once again love, I couldn't be more proud of you, I love you."

And that's when Jeonghan started crying. S.coups message to him made him burst out in tears, of happiness of course.

"Thank you Dadduya, I love you too, so so much..."

Jeonghan buried his face against his boyfriend's chest as S.coups hugged him in his arms.

He was already so emotional during the graduation ceremony earlier, because he felt so loved as S.coups and the other members accompanied him and cheered him on as he took his diploma on stage.

The void in his heart left by his parents who was supposed to be in there, at his graduation was slowly dissipating because of the presence of his new found family who always supports him and got his back no matter what.

The atmosphere became solemn until Hoshi and Dokyeom started hyping everyone up.

"Everyone lets cheers to the new graduate! best wishes for your future Hyung!" Hoshi yelled as he started raising his glass of champagne for a toss.

"Salute!!!" Dokyeom added as everyone burst out in laughter after clinking their glass together.

A blast of music suddenly sounded through out the whole room as everyone started the karaoke party.

Those who loves singing started showcasing their vocals as they take turns, while those who aren't just cheered on the couch with their tambourines while drinking a soju and feasted on foods.

Dokyeom and Seungkwan left everyone speechless as the two made a duet on a famous song called "Kidult" by a global kpop group Seventeen.

(A/N: you see what I did there? 😂🤣)

Everyone give them a round of applause after their amazing performance.

Hoshi also started dancing to "Run BTS", a song from another global and sensational kpop group BTS. He move powerfully and was also in sync on the beat of the music, his jaw dropping performance earned another round of applause from the audience.

Youngji and Zico, two of Jeonghan's co-workers also started showcasing their rapping skills which left everyone stunned at their amazing talent.

"Why don't you sing a song Chan?" Jeonghan asked the kid beside him who just silently watching everyone with a smile on his face, a glass of orange juice in his left hand.

"I don't have a beautiful voice, Hyung." Chan said shyly.

"Don't say that," Jeonghan reprimanded him. "You do have a beautiful voice, I once heard you singing a song so soulfully while you're in the shower. Do you think I didn't heard that? haha."

"Hyung~" Chan whined as he felt more embarrased.

But before Jeonghan could tease the younger further, Dokyeom butted in by announcing his name through the microphone.

"Ahem..mic test..mic test...special request to the pretty~ beautiful~ gorgeous~ precious~ elegant~ luxury world high top class star of the night Yoon Jeonghan to sing a song for us. Come on Sister-in-law sing for us!"

Dokyeom hollered followed by the others as he strode over and give Jeonghan the wireless microphone.

Being put on the sudden spotlight, Jeonghan was a little shy. His eyes then shifted to S.coups who was on his side looking at him with fondness.

Clearing his throat, Jeonghan decided to finally sing as S.coups gives him a nod of encouragement.

He wanted to dedicate a beautiful song for his man.

Everyone went silent as the music started playing and the beautiful melodies flowed in.

(A/N: you can now listen to the media I attached above. 💙💖)

"You, I always need you..." Jeonghan started singing, his delicate yet melodious voice resonated through the room. His eyes never leaving S.coups as he stared at the man lovingly.

"Only the rough wind lingers near me
So, I always need you
For me, who is out of breath
You're the only one, oh
I want to continue seeing you
Even as we're facing at each other

Hey, even there are no words
You're the only one who understands me
Even today, I'm on my way into your arms
Hey hey hey hey
To the thankful you who will welcome me
When I open the door..."

Jeonghan smiled sweetly as he held S.coups hand, intertwining it with his own as he started singing on the chorus wholeheartedly.

"In a swirling day,
You gave me small happiness
In my two empty hands
You put the smile in this world
Even when I'm out of breath on a steep path
Even when I get lost on a cold day
You who holds out your hands with warmth
To you, to you, the story I want to tell you
To you, to you, I want to say it like this even more
Oh, in the swirling wind, If there's an eternal love
then it's probably you."

Throughout the whole song, Jeonghan has his eyes set only on S.coups. It felt like everything slowed down as the two of them stared at each others eyes. The surroundings became quite as if everything ceased to exist but them, their heart beats as one, their fingers entwined as love fills the air.

"If there's an eternal love then it's probably you..." Jeonghan flawlessly ended the song and everyone was moved by his beautiful voice. A series of applause then echoed through the whole room as everyone praises him for being such a good singer.

"You really never fail to take my breath away, love." S.coups held Jeonghan in his arms after Jeonghan passes the mic to Woozi who started preparing to sing also.

"And so do you." Jeonghan replied, cupping S.coups face as he planted a chaste kiss on the man's lips.

The two being lovey dovey on the corner made Chan get away from them as he went to the other side and settled himself between Hoshi and Wonu, his other most favorite Hyungs.

Leaving the lovers into their own little world.

***To be continued...

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