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"Guys, I think Seungcheol didn't love me anymore." Jeonghan's soft sniffles sounded across the room which made the supposed to be happy atmosphere became damped.

"What is it this time Hyung?" Seungkwan asked the older as Jeonghan started overthinking again, it's been going on for about three days now.

In Seungkwan's mind, he still wonder where the heck did his Jeonghan hyung get the funny idea that Seungcheol will ever leave him when the man was literally so down bad for him, anyone who have eyes can tell that Seungcheol even worship the ground he walks on.

"What happened this time Jeonghannie?" Joshua who was curious as well couldn't help but ask, because as far as he knew, Seungcheol cherishes Jeonghan so much so maybe something happened this time that made Jeonghan emotional like this?

As of the moment, Jeonghan and Seungkwan along with Hoshi who skip a dance practice again went to Joshua's penthouse because Joshua invited them over to hang out and that he has a news to announce as well.

But the supposed to be a happy get together take turns in the opposite way as Jeonghan got tipsy and started getting emotional.

Jeonghan then told his friends what happened earlier before he leaves the villa.


After getting a text from Joshua who have invited them, Jeonghan get out of bed, wear his bunny slippers and was on his way to find his boyfriend in order to let the man know.


Singing a tune out of a random song, Jeonghan made his way towards Seungcheol's study room. The ajar door made him easily spotted the man who was standing in front of fhe floor to ceiling glass window, talking to someone on the phone.

Jeonghan silently tiptoed inside, with the intention of giving the man a jumpscare but after just setting a single foot inside, Seungcheol immediately notices his presence as the man turn around and ended the call.

"Who was that?" Jeonghan asks and just as he'd thought Seungcheol tried to quickly dismissed the topic yet again, his evading gaze didn't go unnoticed by him.

"It's nothing love, just a staff from the company, I think I'll be coming home a little late tonight, so don't wait for me okay?"

"Again? you've been coming home a little bit late these days." Jeonghan complained as he crossed his arms over his chest.

"Sorry love, something came up and I need to deal with the company matters urgently." Seungcheol apologetically hugged the boy in his arms.

Jeonghan just keep his mouth shut since Seungcheol said that it was just a company matters so he didn't prod any further.

"Oh by the way, Shua invited me and Seungkwan to hang out over his place tonight." Jeonghan informed the man. "and we're gonna have a sleepover..." he added. He lied about the second part, Jeonghan just wanted to get on the man's nerve since Seungcheol was being so secretive to him these days.

He knew that Seungcheol was cool in terms of him hanging out with his friends outside, but having a sleepover is difinitely another thing unless the man was with him.

Jeonghan was waiting for Seungcheol's opposition but it never came, instead the man's response to him made him felt numb all over.

"Okay, have fun love."

*flashback ended*

"Hyung you should talk things out with Coups Hyung, don't jump into conclusion. Things will just get hard for the both of you if you don't communicate soon." Hoshi give his piece of advice to the older.

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