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"Shua Hyung!"

Hoshi beamed with a wide smile. Jeonghan and Seungkwan both looked at the person Hoshi was calling, wanting to see the generous person who will treat them today.

"Hannie Hyung, Seungkwana, this is Shua Hyung my new friend." Hoshi excitedly introduced the new person to them.

Jeonghan felt a little awkward when he noticed that the new comer were only staring at him and when the man came closer to him, Jeonghan unconsiously step back.

"Hi, I'm Joshua Hong, nice to meet you Jeonghan-ah."

The guy called Joshua extended his hand for a shake, although Jeonghan was taken aback, he still accepted they guy's hand not wanting to be rude since it was Hoshi's new friend also.

"Hello, nice to meet you too Sir."

Seungkwan noticed that the new comer was still holding his Hyung's hand and Jeonghan seems uncomfortable so he removed Joshua's hand from Jeonghan and clasped it instead for a greeting.

"Hello Sir, I'm  Seungkwan. Nice to meet you also."

The guy named Joshua turned his attention to Seungkwan and greet him also.

The four of them seated at the table as the waiter started delivering their food.

Hoshi unaware of the awkward situation from both parties just keep on babbling.

"Guys actually Shua Hyung is the son of the owner of Pledis dance studio, remember the both of you used to practiced there before. I got to met him recently, Shua Hyung is a cool guy and then we became friends."

"Oh really?" Seungkwan got excited. The three of them love dancing and sometimes they make a dance cover of popular song before until Jeonghan and Seungkwan stopped going to the dance studio to focus on their academic instead while Hoshi pursue his dream of becoming a pro dancer.

"I saw some of your dance cover video through Hoshi, the three of you got potential, it's a pity you stopped going there but if you want to come, the both of you are welcome anytime."

"Thank you Hyung, we will definitely visit there sometimes." Seungkwan chirped excitedly.

Jeonghan felt glad to see his two brothers beaming with happiness. Seeing them happy brings him joy also.

"Please always take good care of our Hoshi, Sir." Jeonghan said to Joshua with heartfelt care. Hoshi is his lovable little brother. Jeonghan wants nothing but only the best for him.

"You're too formal, you can call me Shua, Jeonghana."

"Then please always take good care of our little tiger Shua-ssi."

Hoshi pursed his lips after hearing Jeonghan's words.

"Hyuuung, I'm not a little, I'm a big tiger!" He whined and growled afterwards.

"What tiger? You're a Hamster Hoshiya." After Seungkwan said those words, he stuffed food inside Hoshi's mouth so the latter can't talk, making him a cute little hamster with full cheek pouch.

"Yah!" Hoshi wanted to retaliate but Seungkwan didn't let him by stuffing another food in his mouth again.

The playfullness of the two end up with them bickering.

Jeonghan just watched the two with adoration in his eyes, meanwhile unknown to him, Joshua was staring at him also.


When the night begin to deepen, Hoshi and Seungkwan was already drunk while Jeonghan was still sober. He didn't drink that much because he needed to take care of the two.

Hoshi was already a mess. He was crying while recalling all of their hardship together while Seungkwan was mumbling something while fighting his eyes open.

Jeonghan looked at his friends and decided to go home already.

"Sir, thank you for treating us with dinner tonight but I think we need to get going."  He said while looking at the time on his wrist watch. They needed to go home, it was already late.

"Nooo Hyung, It's tooo early, let's still drink!" Hoshi whined upon hearing the word going.

"Don't worry Jeonghana, I'll tell my driver to drive the three of you home." Joshua offered to them.

"You don't need to Sir, We will just take a taxi, We don't want to bother you further."

"You are not a bother."  Joshua said while pouring him a drink, "Cheers?"

Jeonghan didn't want to drink anymore but he didn't want to be rude either so he just accept it politely and clinked his shot glass against Joshua and it goes on for a little while.

The taste of whisky burned his throat. He needed to stop, he could feel it, he was already becoming light headed.

"Jeonghana" Joshua called him. Jeonghan looked at the man beside him. He didn't noticed it before but it seems that Joshua was so much closer to him now than earlier. Their distance were only an inches apart, Jeonghan was taken aback.

"Has anyone told you that you're very beautiful." Joshua took the chance and caress Jeonghan's cheek. His other hand was holding Jeonghan's arm.

Jeonghan felt weird at Joshua's action so he stood up to avoid the situation.

"E-excuse me Sir, I think I need to go to the bathroom."

He excuses himself and ask for the washroom. He wanted to wash his face so he could sober up.


After splashing his face with water, Jeonghan didn't sober up, instead he felt dizzy. He knew he was drunk. He just wanted to go home and lie down on his bed already.

Jeonghan didn't want to go back in there because Joshua was being weird but he couldn't leave his two precious brother either.

As he was walking towards the door, Jeonghan staggered as he lost his balance but before he could land on the floor, a strong arms wrapped around his waist preventing him from the unfortunate situation.

Jeonghan muttered a small thank you to the helpful stranger but when he lifted his face, he was shocked to see the face of the person he admired the most and then he laughed.

Jeonghan in his drunken state, hugged the person in front of him. "Coups-ya why am I seeing you? I must be drunk haha. Are you real or not?" He leaned into the man's arms and feel his warmth. "I must be dreaming. "

"You're drunk." Jeonghan heard Scoups raspy voice.

"Why do you sound so real?" He asked, giggling at the thought.

"Let's get you home already."

"Go home? Coups-ya I can't gooo home, My brothers are still there but I don't want to go back because Shua is being weird to me." Like a child being bullied, Jeonghan seek comfort in Scoups presence.

"He keeps touching me, I don't like it."

Jeonghan hugged Scoups tighter seeking for emotional support and he felt relaxed as he felt gentle pats on his head. He felt safe.

The door suddenly opened and Joshua came in.


**To be continued....

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