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The day of the most awaited trip finally arrived.

 Jeonghan, Seungcheol, including the members under the organization, Joshua, Seungkwan, Hoshi who took a three days absence from his training in order to join the trip, and Chan---the new kid they all adored, flew to Jeju Island using one of Seungcheol's private plane.

The 13 of them stayed at one of the luxury resorts in Jeju with a traditional Korean style. It is different from the big chain modern resorts, but Seungcheol chooses the place because he knew how Jeonghan loves the sea and the resort where they stayed in, is just a walking distance from the beach which is perfect.

"Wow...this place is beyond amazing!" Jeonghan couldn't contain his excitement as he roamed his eyes around.

Chan also expresses his happiness as this is the first time, in his whole entire life, he have ever been to a trip, while Hoshi was yelling his heart out like a kid, which made the others laugh. 

After talking to the owner of the resort, Seungcheol walks over to them and told everyone to have a great time and relax while they are on a vacation.

Everyone expresses their heartfelt thanks towards the man as Seungcheol covered all the expenses over their 3 days trip.

The man just cleared his throat in return, not really knowing how to respond after he was being praised for being generous and for being a cool boss.

The very accomodating staffs of the resort started to gather and move their luggage towards the spectacular bungalows cottages that are nestled among the white sands and swaying palm trees.

Everyone started getting into their own cottage with the person they want to share a room with.

Jeonghan held Seungcheol's hand as they entered into their own respective cottage while walking hand in hand.

Upon entering the room, his love for the place grows even further. The inside of the bungalow look so elagant yet cozy, and the king sized bed look so clean and comfy. Jeonghan's eyes was then drawn to the full size sliding glass door that leads to a private terrace where you can enjoy the breathaking view of the azure ocean outside.

Beaming with excitement, Jeonghan opened the sliding glass door as he leaned over the railings and basked in the afternoon sun while taking in the picturesque scenery before him.

"This place is...paradise...." Jeonghan commented.

Seungcheol followed after him and put an arm over his shoulder as they enjoy the refreshing tropical breezes together.

"I'm glad you're happy." Seungcheol said next to him while placing a kiss on the top of his head.

Jeonghan looked at the man who holds his heart, "I am beyond happy, thank you for bringing me into this trip, Dadduya."

"Anything for you love. I just want to spoil you rotten." Seungcheol leaned closer and claim his lips into a sweet kiss.

After the sweet kiss ended, Jeonghan replied to the man with a blush,  "but you already spoiled me too much, you are such an amazing and dependable boyfriend, I'm so lucky to have you."

"Just so you know, I can be an amazing and dependable husband too."

Jeonghan blushed even more at Seungcheol's remark, the two were in their own little world as love filled in the air around them.


During the first night of their trip, each of them gathered at the patio as the owner of the resort welcomed them with a lavish dinner.

Everyone was having a good time and was just enjoying the moment.

"Chan, say ah." Hoshi extended his hand that was holding a chopstick as he put a bite size beef steak into Chan's mouth. He was feeding the younger with fondness.

Hoshi especially adored, Chan.  After Jeonghan had introduced Chan to him, and also to Seungkwan and Joshua the day before the trip, Hoshi felt like he had already found his long lost brother, in the form of Chan. The two clicked so well from the start and Chan also felt comfortable around Hoshi as the impression he had for Hoshi is a very funny and adorably weird Hyung.

Chan also found Hoshi's tiger agenda really fascinating as his Hyung actually believed that he's a real tiger in which he thought was absurd by the way, but whatever makes his Hoshi Hyung happy, he will difinitely support it.

On the other side of the table, Dokyeom was carefully cutting the stake into thin pieces and place it on Joshua's plate after, for his boyfriend to eat.

Joshua thanks Dokyeom for always being so attentive to him. Aside from being a sweet boyfriend, Dokyeom also remembered all the little details about him which made him fell for the man even more.

Their first encounter may not be great but what they have right now as of this moment and the feelings they have cultivated for each other through time cannot ever be tainted.

Actually, Joshua was attracted to Jeonghan first, but Dokyeom's perseverance and consistency won his heart at the end.

The man didn't even show any signs of giving up after his countless rejection to him before, albeit it made Dokyeom pursue him even more and one day, Joshua just woke up, with the man named Dokyeom already occupying his heart and mind.

Back to the present, Joshua also pick some of Dokyeom's favorite dishes and put it on Dokyeom's plate, a warm smile spreading on his lips as he stared lovingly at his boyfriend which earned him a flirty wink from the man.

After all of them had their fill, everyone decided to have a light drink of beer except for the underage Chan which was given a glass of milk by Jeonghan.

Under the night sky that was filled with luminous stars, a group of friends forming into circles while sitting next into each other can be seen outside the sea side. A campfire was lit in the middle which keeps them warm from the cold breezes at night.

Jeonghan leaned his head against Seungcheol's shoulder while the man snake an arm around his waist pulling him closer. Both of them looked at each other with a soft smiles on their lips before Jeonghan roam his eyes around. His heart filled with so much happiness as he watched each one of his friends having a good time and just enjoying the moment.

A healing trip like this is what they really needed.

To be able to unwind, laugh freely and relax on a place like this while they are all together is a rare moments they will surely cherished.

***To be continued...

(A/N: I was listening to campfire while writing this and the feels man! Seventeen's bond with each other is the most precious, I swear!...💖 💙)

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