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"What if I want to eat you for lunch instead?"

"Stop it, they are waiting downstairs." Jeonghan muttered while blushing, linking his arm around Seungcheol's one as he dragged the man outside the room.

A chuckle escape past Seungcheol's lips as he pinch Jeonghan's cheek with fondness. "I'm just teasing you love."

Heading into the dining hall, everyone was looking at them with a knowing smile.

Jeonghan ignored them like usual as he sat beside Chan, ruffling the kid's hair while Seungcheol sat next to him. If there is one thing that he became immune with while living with the members, it was the fact that their teasing was never ending so might as well ignore their antics.

As everyone started eating, the atmosphere became warm and cozy as their little chit chats with one another filled the dining hall with comfortable noise. They may not be a family related by blood but their bonds with one another is one of a kind and truly unbreakable.

"Chan, I heard that you'll start school tomorrow," Minghao stated after sipping his barley tea; "Would you like to give me the honor of driving you there?"

"Okay, Hyung." Chan kindly answered without knowing the chaos it will caused.

"Chan, I want to take you to school on your first day too." Wonwoo appealed also and the other members started showing their enthusiasm of taking Chan to school as well.

"I will take Chan to his school tomorrow." Dokyeom butted in.

Everyone was having a heated discussion.

Chan was absolutely overwhelmed as of the moment, but deep in his heart he was extremely happy also knowing that his Hyungs have cared for him a lot, so he didn't know how to respond to them without invalidating everyone's feeling.

"Guys listen... hello...everyone... listen up first..." Jeonghan tried to gathered the members attention, waving his arms around but his small voice couldn't be heard enough in the midst of loud commotion.

Seungcheol notices Jeonghan's struggle and decided to step up.

"Everyone, be quiet." His deep and enigmatic voice rang in the air that made everyone shut up in an instant. He then made a gesture to the love of his life to finally speak up.

Jeonghan gave Seungcheol a thankful smile before turning his attention towards the members.

"Guys why don't we all accompany Chan to his school tomorrow, okay? we don't need to argue over this." His gaze then landed to the kid beside him, "Chan, what do you say about all of us taking you to school tomorrow, are you okay with it?" His calm and soft voice made Chan looked at him and nodded his head immediately.

"Yes Hyung, you can all take me to school tomorrow, and thank you to each one of you Hyung for taking such good care of me. I promise I will be good in school and my study and I will make you all proud of me one day."

"I'm sure you'll do well in school buddy and we are already so proud of you." Jun ruffled Chan's hair with adoration.

"Chan-ah if anyone tries to bully you in school, don't hesitate to tell us okay? we'll make sure to teach them a little lesson." Mingyu proudly said as he flex his muscular biceps along with Woozi and Dokyeom.

"Chan if you're having a difficulty with any of your subject, feel free to approach me also and I will gladly help you with your study." Vernon who barely spoke give Chan also his share of words.

Chan became so emotional as he was touched by his Hyungs words and the fact that they only wanted him to enjoy his study and make friends while at school filled his heart with warmth.

The next day, true to their words, everyone accompanied Chan to his school which garnered a lot of attention from the students out there as a line of expensive cars suddenly made a stop outside the school gate.

Chan was a little embarrassed to go out.

"Chan, let's go."

Jeonghan held Chan's clammy hand as they get out of the car along with Seungcheol. The other members got out from the other car as well.

"Are you nervous?"

"Yes Hyung..." Chan told his Hannie Hyung truthfully as it was his first time to be away from home and from his Hyungs also.

"Don't be too nervous, you've got this tiger!"

"Hyung, I'm not a tiger, Hoshi Hyung is." Chan said in laughter.

"I'm just trying to make you smile silly, shall we take you directly to your classroom?"

"No, Hyung!" Chan instantly refused, not wanting to garner anymore unwanted attention as the eyes of the students were already glued onto their direction.

Seungcheol suddenly took his left hand and place something in there which made Chan's eyes go wide. "Cheollie Hyung...this.."

"It's yours, you can use it however you want."

Chan knew Seungcheol was rich but to be given a black card like it was just a normal thing to do made him still shocked. The man then patted his shoulder like a father would do to his son.

"Thank you Cheollie Hyung!" Chan said earnestly as he hugged Seungcheol in gratitude.

"Hey hey hey, why did you only hug the boss, where's ours?" Dokyeom jokingly complained as he opened his arms waiting for Chan to hug him as well.

"Geez, you're such a kid." Mingyu shake his head.

Before the two started to bicker, Chan give everyone a hug before he finally went inside the school gate, waving his hand one last time at his lovely Hyungs.


The days go by quickly. Seasons changes, from a delightful spring, hot summer, a refreshing autumn to a freezing cold snowy winter and just like that, a year had already passed.

Jeonghan felt the happiest with each passing days with Seungcheol. The man treated him like a queen and showed him a love like no others.

Knowing how much Seungcheol had treasured him made Jeonghan feel at ease. He thought that the man will never change.

But now he wasn't so sure anymore as these past few days, Seungcheol started being so secretive and it made him really really suspicious that he couldn't help but think:

What if Seungcheol fell out of love with him?

***To be continued...

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