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Biting his nails out of habit when being tense, Jeonghan glance at the clock once again wondering where the heck is his boyfriend. It's past midnight already and his man didn't come home yet. 

Jeonghan has been anxious for quite a while now. It was very unlikely of Seungcheol to leave him in the dark as the man would always inform him on his whereabouts whenever coming home late.

Picking up his phone from the coffee table, Jeonghan pressed the call button once again, but Seungcheol still didn't pick up making him distress even more.

Actually, it's not just Seungcheol but all of the members under the organization were unreachable as well.

As of the moment, the only people in the villa were only him, Seungkwan and Chan along with the guards stationed within the vicinity of the place.

As for Seungkwan, he was also living among them in the villa. Jeonghan took him the moment he moved in as he couldn't leave the boy all alone in their old apartment and the event that transpired back then even made the nonchalant Hansol ecstatic.

"Is it just me or the guards outside doubled in numbers?" Seungkwan asked Jeonghan as the two of them were currently in the balcony while waiting for everyone to arrive as Chan already fell asleep. Seungkwan's gaze landed on the armed guards below.

"Something must be up." Jeonghan said with worry. He then remembered how Wonwoo quickly leave the villa earlier after bringing him and Chan home from school.

"Hyung let's just wait inside, it's getting colder in here." Seungkwan rubbed his hands as he felt the chilly air.

"You can go in first, I'll follow in a moment."

"Okay Hyung, just don't take too long or you might catch a cold."

Jeonghan give Seungkwan a reassuring smile before picking up his phone again, staring into it while the worry in his heart deepened.

Choi Seungcheol you are so dead when you get home!

You want me to worry to death huh!

Was it so hard to send me a text!

To let me know where the hell of the earth are you!

You will see!

While ranting at the back of his head, the familiar sounds of car engines in the near distance made Jeonghan stood up in abrupt.

A line up of five Black Mercedes-Benz then started going in inside the villa as soon as the gate opened.

"Hyung they're finally here!" Seungkwan gladly announced, pulling Jeonghan's arm as they descended the stairs.

When Jeonghan opened the main door, a sigh of relief escape past his lips as smile graced over his face as soon as he saw Seungcheol got out of the car just fine, but then he remembered that he was supposed to be upset with the man.

His face must be turned into a scowl as the other members seems to evade his gaze and took a detour on the other entrance of the house, trying to avoid him except for Hansol who took a step forward towards Seungkwan as he hugged the boy in his arms before they heads inside, thus left him alone with Seungcheol who was now standing before him.

"I'm sorry, love." Seungcheol uttered first, his face looks like he was the one who was wronged.

"Glad to know that you're sorry Mr. Choi...Seungcheol..." Jeonghan dragged the man's name out knowing how Seungcheol disliked being called by his full name. He then turned on his heels and walked away while the man followed after him like a scolded lion.

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