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"Sir, I'm so sorry for everything that I've had done to you and your lover, I know I've done unforgivable things but please-"

"Get him!"

Doyoon who was kneeling infront of Seungcheol asking for forgiveness was then dragged by the two guards towards Vladimir's side.

"You are really testing my patience kitten." Vladimir spouted, grabbing Doyoon's jaw hard making the boy wince in pain.

A high dosage of sedative was then injected to the boy's neck in order to stop him from making a scene. He pick up the unconscious Doyoon and made him laid on his lap like a doll while he caressed his hair. His eyes filled with brewing emotions.

"I see." Seungcheol watching the show unfolded before him came to understand everything. "So, you wanted me to spare his life right?"

If you think that Seungcheol would forgive Doyoon just because he asks for forgiveness and kneeled on the ground then you've got it all wrong.

Seungcheol wasn't that forgiving nor he's a saint. He is after all known to be ruthless in the underworld. The way he deals with his nemesis back then was truly terrifying and just remembering what his lovely Jeonghan went through because of this Doyoon and knowing how Chan's ciggaretes burned littered across his arms and back was inflicted by this man before was enough to make his blood boiled.

No one messes with his loved ones and gets away with it.

Vladimir stop stroking Doyoon's hair and looked at Seungcheol with a serious expression. Knowing that the guards had already left leaving the two of them all alone once again plus the unconscious Doyoon, Vladimir finally stood up and for the first time in his whole life, he respectfully bowed his head asking Seungcheol to spare Doyoon's life.

"Fuck this! I'm not asking you to spare his life because I have feelings for him or anything. I'm just doing this because he is my favorite plaything. Doyoon is my favorite doll after all."

Love is really a strange thing.

Seungcheol wondered in his mind. If it was back then, he had also no problem of eradicating everyone that gets in his way, but after meeting the love of his life, things now have greatly changed as Jeonghan's well-being will always be his utmost priority so he needed to also carefully think things.

If he will to kill Doyoon on the spot right there then Vladimir will definitely go on a rampage because the man seems like a fool in love without even knowing it, thus will surely put Jeonghan's life in danger as well.

Seungcheol made up his mind as he stood up not wanting to waste any second of his time longer knowing that Jeonghan was probably being worried again right now, waiting for him at their home.

"Just make sure, he will never show up in front of us ever again." His words held an underlying threat as he finally left Vladimir's residence.


"I'm home, love." Seungcheol announced after getting out of the car and saw Jeonghan in the front porch, stubbornly waiting for him.

Jeonghan immediately stood up and run towards him giving him a tight hug. "Welcome home, did it go?"

"Let's talk inside."

Seungcheol picked up the boy in his arms making Jeonghan giggles as he wrapped his legs around Seungcheol's waist, the presence of the other members has long forgotten as the couple head inside still immense in their own little world.

"What do we expect right?" Dokyeom shrugged as he also head inside along with the others.

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