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"I miss you too, then why don't we show how much we have missed each other love?"

Jeonghan lifted his face, his cheeks still dusted with a beautiful tinge of red but in contrast to his shy appearance, a bold statement just left his lips.

"Then, wanna join me in a bath?"

Seungcheol, who got seduced, started leaning forward to kiss Jeonghan, but before he could claim the boy's lips, a knock on the door suddenly resonated inside, followed by Dokyeom's voice.

"Boss, the kid woke up and started crying. He keeps calling Sister-in-law's name."

Jeonghan, upon hearing Dokyeom's words started getting out of bed out of worry as he limp his way towards the door but before he could take another step, a surprise yelp suddenly escaped his lips as Seungcheol suddenly swept him up off the floor.

"Your ankle still hurts so let me carry you love."

A thankful smile graced Jeonghan's face as he encircled his arms around his boyfriend's neck. Seungcheol, carrying Jeonghan in his arms opened the door as they made their way towards Chan's room where Wonwoo had put him in earlier.

A sobbing sound can be heard as they got closer to the room. Dokyeom opened the door for them. Jeonghan instantly saw Chan crying on the bed while several members stood awkwardly around the bed trying to cease his crying.

I think he got overwhelmed.

Jeonghan thought as Seungcheol softly place him on the mattress.

"Chan-ah, Hyung is here."

Chan lifted his face from his knees as he scurried towards Jeonghan's side and hugged the Hyung whom he felt the safest and most comfortable with.

(A/N: To Wonu the no.1 Dinonara, gwaenchana, gwaenchanayo 🤣)

The others were still not familiar to him yet so when he opened his eyes and couldn't spot Jeonghan from the new faces, he suddenly panicked.

"Hush now, they're not going to hurt you. They are some of the Hyungs I told you about."

Chan sniffles as he roamed his eyes around. Everyone seems to give him a warm and fond smile until his eyes darted on Seungcheol's stoic face.

Jeonghan notice Chan's wary look on Seungcheol. He looked at his boyfriend and made a gesture towards him to curl his lips into a smile in which Seungcheol complied to, curling his lips into an awkward one.

It's not that Seungcheol's not fond of the kid. It's just that he had a hard time showing off his expression to anyone but Jeonghan.

After sometimes, Jeonghan made each one of the members introduce their selves to Chan with Wonu coming up first followed by Mingyu, Dokyeom, and Jun who comes last.

"Some of your other Hyungs, you will meet them later." Jeonghan ruffled Chan's hair.

Meanwhile on the far corner of the room, Dokyeom walks up to Seungcheol in order to give a report.

"Boss, Woozi just give an update about the culprit named Doyoon."

"Go on." Seungcheol stated, crossing his arms over his chest.

"Woozi found out that Doyoon is the first son of Jeong family and also the successor of Jeong Corporation. Doyoon seems to hold a great interest in you and claimed you to be his first moonlight thus he had instigated his younger brother Jaehyun to kidnapped Sister-in-law in order to break the two of you apart. " Dokyeom reported as he give his phone to Seungcheol which contains Doyoon's image.

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