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"Love, wake up."

Jeonghan stirred in his sleep as he heard the familiar deep raspy voice of his boyfriend. He slowly opened his eyes and his heart feels warm upon seeing Seungcheol in front of him holding his hands tight.

Seungcheol did really came and save him.

Jeonghan tightened his grip around Seungcheol's hand as he tried to sit up.

"Be careful." Seungcheol carefully assisted him.

Jeonghan roamed his eyes around the surroundings only to see that everything inside were white.

"Are we in the hospital?" Jeonghan asked curiously as the place was not familiar to him.

Suddenly the lights inside the white room started to flicker. Jeonghan was confused of what is happening while Seungcheol just stared at him, unmoving.

And then the light completely went off.

"Love, I'm scared." Jeonghan groped the man in the dark as fear started to consume him. His heart felt relieved when Seungcheol finally held him and embrace him.

The light then went on again.

"What is happening?" Jeonghan asked, pulling away from the hug.

But what awaits him was definitely beyond his imagination as the man standing before him were no longer his boyfriend.

"J-Jaehyun?" Jeonghan asked in utter disbelief.

"Welcome home, Sunbae."

Jeonghan pushed the man hard away from him as he scurried over to the other side of the bed. Where did his Seungcheol go?

Jeonghan started calling out his boyfriend's name.



"Seungcheol-ah?" Jeonghan keeps calling the man's name only to be met with dead silence.

Jaehyun walks over to him and cupped his face while making a sad face. "Stop calling out dead people's name Sunbae. Let him rest in peace already."

Jeonghan's anxiety was building up every seconds as he questioned back, tears started forming at the corner of his eyes. "What d-do you m-mean?"

"You know what I mean." Jaehyun drawls out as he laughed hysterically.



That can't be real...


Jeonghan woke up, gasping for air.

Thank god, it was just a nightmare.

Jeonghan thought as he breathed a sigh of relief. His forehead was drenched in sweat as his hearts keep beating loudly against his chest out of nervousness.

Just thinking about his dream made Jeonghan's fell into an utter despair. He will surely break if something bad happened to his boyfriend.

Seungcheol-ah...please always be safe...

Jeonghan covered his palm over his face as he couldn't stop his tears from falling.

"Sister, p-please d-don't c-cry." A small and weak voice suddenly sounded inside the room, consoling him.

Jeonghan bit back a sob as he slowly sat up, resting his back against the bed's headboard as his eyes roam around searching for the owner of the voice.

You're My World | JEONGCHEOLWhere stories live. Discover now