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The sweet endearment slip past Jeonghan's lips as soon as he was engulfed into a familiar warm hug that made him felt safe and protected. Seungcheol's embrace is what he needed the most as of the moment.

Jeonghan burrowed his face further into his boyfriend chest as tears continuously cascading down his cheeks. Seungcheol's hand keep petting his head while whispering sweet nothings into his ear.

After a good while of letting out all his bottled emotion, Jeonghan finally pulled away from the hug, wiping away his tears and snot on the hem of Seungcheol's shirt.

His reddened eyes look up and met his boyfriend's worried one.

"Stop furrowing your brows, I'm fine now." Jeonghan lifted his hands and smoothened Seungcheol's thick yet nicely shape brows with his fingers. A sweet smile crosses his face.

Seungcheol may not pointed it out but his eyes silently notices all the bruises and scratches around Jeonghan's face and neck. Whoever inflicted this much pain to his boyfriend, he will definitely give it back to that person tenfold.

His gaze travelled to the chain around Jeonghan's feet that were connected to one of the bed post. His hands unknowingly clenched into a fist.

"Stay still for a moment, love." Seungcheol ordered.

A special key was then inserted into the shackle. Jeonghan's eyes widened in amazement as the metal unlocked but a groan escape past his lips when his ankle suddenly hurt as he shifted his right leg.

"Don't move yet." Seungcheol softly caressed the part where it looked sore and started massaging it.

Afrer a minute of silence, Jeonghan reluctantly asked;

"W-who is Doyoon? Was he your ex lover?"

Seungcheol halted his movement and stared at Jeonghan with a genuine confused expression.

"I don't know anyone of that name love, why do you mention?"

Seungcheol indeed attended many gatherings and meet many people due to his line of work but the only person who caught his attention and left a deep impression to him from the very first meeting was Jeonghan, aside from him everyone seems like a blur.

Jeonghan was about to say something when the door suddenly opened, revealing the two guards again that had left earlier.

Their headquarters were suddenly attacked. Many of their men already lost their life. Their boss, Doyoon already escaped from a secret passage along with his little brother but before departing, Doyoon give them an absolute order to kill the boy that were confined in the room.

Even though they didn't want to kill the pretty boy as they wanted him to become their sex slave but they had no other option but to obey their boss. What they hadn't expect though, was for another man's presence inside the room, but it didn't matter as they will kill them both.

"It's a pity we couldn't taste your body, you looked so fuckable though." Guard 1 run his filthy mouth as he darted his lustful gaze towards Jeonghan.

Guard 2 snickers and was about to say something, but before he could utter a single word, a bullet suddenly pass through him and went straight to his side, drilling a hole on his friend's forehead next to him.

Guard 2 was in utter shocked to see his comrade's lifeless body fell on the floor.

Seungcheol averted his gaze to the other one, his face void with any emotion as he pulled the trigger once again, the bullet went straight to the other guard's forehead as well.

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