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"Please take a seat."

After hearing the deep voice coming from the man he was just admiring not a second ago, Jeonghan scurried over to the opposite side and sit.

Lifting his head to cast another glance of the man, Jeonghan was sure his heart skip a beat when their eyes met.

He felt conscious when the man was looking at him also.

Jeonghan felt awkward. He roamed his eyes around but he couldn't find Dokyeom. It seems like it was just the two of them now.

His eyes then landed on the delicious food on the table and Jeonghan suddenly felt hungry.

He held a hand over his tummy and rubbed it, afraid that it will make a weird sound.

When Seungcheol was finally done with his transaction and put aside his mobile phone, He noticed that the boy was eyeing the food with hunger.

Even if how ambiguous and pretty the appearance of the person opposite next to him. He knew it was a boy.

"You can eat." Seungcheol said in nonchalant as he started eating his own food.

"Thank you, Sir."

After he was given permission, Jeonghan wasted no time as he put different type of dishes in his plate and started to gobble down food.

Mmmm its so delicious

Jeonghan mentally noted as he savored the taste. The awkwardness he felt earlier has long gone as soon as his focus were only directed to the food in front of him.

*****several minute's later*****

Free food is the best!

Jeonghan screamed internally after he felt full.

His eyes then wondered to the man infront of him as he timidly said, "Thank you for the meal Sir and uhm... for saving me yesterday."

Jeonghan said those words heartily but just got a curt nod in return but still he was happy for being acknowledged.

And then it was silent again.

Jeonghan finally decided to gathered his courage and asked the man in front of him. "May I know your name Sir?"

"Just call me Scoups."

Scoups? It sounds foreign but was it really his real name? Why do I feel that its not.

Jeonghan unconsciously sulk as the man didn't want to give him his real name. He then get startled when Scoups started saying:

"Let me get to the point, the main reason why I called you here today is that I want you to keep yesterday's restaurant matter only to yourself. You know what I mean. Don't tell the police or other people you are close with about it."

Jeonghan was kinda puzzled, how did Scoups knew about the restaurant's incidence yesterday? until he put the pieces together that this man before him might be a bigger person that he actually think.

Jeonghan's fingers unconsciously touch the bandage around his neck. He wanted to protest. How could he not report the incident yesterday to the police, when he almost lost his life. Why?

He was about to retort when he heard Scoups threatening voice that send chills up his spine.

"That is, if you still value your life."

Jeonghan keep his mouth shut. His hands trembled a little bit.

The scene in the restaurant yesterday suddenly played in his mind.

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