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#Alternate Universe

In the middle of the night, Jeonghan suddenly woke up because of the sudden pain he felt in his stomach. It's not hurting too much but the pain made him uncomfortable. Looking at his side, he saw his Alpha sleeping peacefully next to him. Not wanting to disturb the sleep of his husband, Jeonghan carefully removed the man's arm that was coiling around his waist.

He let out a small whimper when the pain started to worsen. Jeonghan bit his lips trying not to let out a sound as he tried to get up but it seems that Alphas keen hearing is not to be underestimated as a pair of arms suddenly held him with worry.

A groggy voice from his husband laced with concern started to bombard him with questions.

"Baby what's wrong? Are you in pain? Which part of your body hurts? Tell me, Should I call a doctor?" 

Jeonghan laugh a little at his husband's paranoia. "I'm fine Cheol-ah, It's nothing serious, I just got a stomach cramp that's all. "

Seungcheol looked at his Omega with serious expression: "What do you mean you're fine? you look really pale right now." He embraced Jeonghan into his arms and release a pheromones to calm his Omega down. The bite mark on Jeonghan's nape felt hot under his touch.

The pain in Jeonghan's stomach started to subdue as he smelled Seungcheol scent. The familiar scent of mint that made him feel safe and protected.

"Thank you." Jeonghan softly said as he snuggled closer into Seungcheol's arms.

"Anything for you baby, are you feeling better?"

"Hmm, I'm feeling a lot better now, sorry for making you worry."

Seungcheol planted a kiss on Jeonghan's forehead as his hand gently caressing Jeonghan's shoulder length hair.  "Baby you don't need to be sorry. You are the love of my life, so everything about you is my concern. Always remember that."

Jeonghan couldn't help but smile as he felt so loved. Did he really save a country in his past life to be this lucky?


The next morning Jeonghan woke up feeling nauseous. He got up and went running to the bathroom in order to throw up.

Seungcheol was distress as he watched his wife having a hard time so he hastily called their family doctor to run a whole body check up on Jeonghan.

In less than thirty minutes, the Doctor arrived. Seungcheol felt relieved as he saw the man. He guided the doctor into their room where Jeonghan was currently sleeping.

The Doctor named Jihoon asked Seungcheol a few questions regarding Jeonghan's health.

"My wife suddenly got a stomach ache last night and he threw up just this morning." Seungcheol worriedly said as he was pacing back and forth. He was really nervous as of the moment.

"I see." Doc. Jihoon calmly analyze the situation and began to run a test on Jeonghan.

After the result came out, the doctor has a wide smile on his face contrary to Seungcheol's worried one.

"Cheol you need to relax, I'm sure it's nothing to worry about, look even Doctor Jihoon is smiling." Jeonghan said trying to lighten up the mood, his hands was holding Seungcheol's cold one indicating that his husband was really nervous.

"I almost lost you once, I don't think I will be able to handle it if anything will happen to you again."

Jeonghan looked at Seungcheol with sadness. He didn't think that what happened to him before left a psychological shadow on Seungcheol but that was another story of them to tell.

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