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"Here comes my wife." 

Jeonghan heard Seungcheol uttered to the girls as the man stood up and went to his side, taking the other drink in his hand while Seungcheol held his other one and put their entwined fingers together in his coat pocket, knowing how he gets easily cold.

"Thank you." Jeonghan mumbled sweetly at Seungcheol's sweet gesture. It's making his heart melt knowing how Seungcheol was always so attentive when it comes to him.

Meanwhile, the two girls who had witnessed the scene right in front of them couldn't conceal their disappointment which was clearly written on their faces upon knowing that the handsome man was already taken but when their eyes lingered at the said wife, they couldn't take their eyes off of the wife either.

Since Jeonghan has a shoulder length hair partnered with his beautiful face and androgynous appearance, the girls didn't even notice that Jeonghan was on the opposite gender and really thought that he was a girl.

Never in their entire life they have felt so insecure about their appearance because both of the girls have a face that is considered to be pretty but looking at the gorgeous person right before them made them realize what God's favorite truly looked like.

The two girls then left in silence without a word as they felt jealous of the wife's angelic beauty, no wonder the husband looked so whipped, the man didn't even cast a glance at them.

"You're quite famous around girls, I see." Jeonghan stated after the girls had left. Pulling his hand away from Seungcheol's pocket, he sat down on the bench. His lips that was pursed into a pout made Seungheol's lips curled. Can his boyfriend get any cuter than this?

"What did they say to you?" Jeonghan added, trying to sound uninterested.

Seungcheol let out a chuckle which made Jeonghan's eyes squint at him.

"Actually, you don't need to tell me anything, it's not like I badly wanted to know or something."

Jeonghan turned his back against the man as he solely focused his attention on the cold drink that was in his hand.

For some reason he felt suddenly annoyed and because of what? He didn't even know himself or maybe he knew but didn't want to acknowledge it but whatever.

Suddenly, a pair of warm arms was wrapped around his waist when Seungcheol embraced him from behind, the man's hot breath was fanning against his nape. 

"You're so cute when you're jealous, love." Seungcheol whispered against his sensitive ear, the skin where his lips had touched, turned red.

"Me jealous? I'm not." Jeonghan stubbornly denied, pushing Seungcheol's hands away.

"Yes, you are." Seungcheol teases, poking Jeonghan's side which made the latter eventually laugh as he felt ticklish.

"Hahaha...Daddu stop! it tickles!"

Seungcheol paused and admired the giggling adorable boy infront of him as he softly whispered; "Stop being so adorable right this moment love or else I'm going to kiss you senseless."

Jeonghan's whole face turned beet red at his boyfriend's words, his eyes darted at the bustling crowd around the area.

"Geez, stop joking around."

"You know, I wasn't."

The two were staring intensely into each other's eyes until a loud voice break in.

"Hannie Hyung! Cheollie Hyung!"

Jeonghan saw Hoshi and Chan waving at them as the rest were coming towards their way. 

You're My World | JEONGCHEOLWhere stories live. Discover now