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An unknown person entered inside the room.


Jeonghan saw Chan's face turned white as he straight away scurried towards the person's side whom he just called master.

Chan started saying sorry, but the so-called master paid him no mind as his gaze fixed on Jeonghan's spot.

Jeonghan didn't look away either and looked at the person also with a glare.

So, this is the horrible person who made Chan's life miserable.

Jeonghan observed the newcomer who had a delicate appearance and a beauty that looked so pure. You really cannot judge a book by its cover.

"So, you're the bitch my little brother is obsessed with?"

Doyoon stride over towards Jeonghan and crossed his arms over his chest as he eyed the boy from head to foot with contempt.

But the very main reason why he hated the boy in front of him so much was that knowing that this cheap little bitch right there happened to capture Seungcheol's heart.

Doyoon's family is in line and is one of the richest and most powerful families in South Korea. He is the eldest son of Jeong, a conglomerate family, the owner of Jeong Corporation and he's also the future successor of the said company. Jaehyun is his little brother who was still in sophomore college.

He knew his brother had someone he set his eyes upon on, but Doyoon pay no attention to his brother's love life not until lately when his little brother had begged and pestered him to help him get the love of his life by hook or by crook.

Doyoon ran a background check first on the said person but what shocked him most to the core was that the person his little brother is obsessed with is actually associated with the person whom his heart desires, the head of Choi Corporation, Choi Seungcheol.

Jealousy blackened his heart as he investigated the relationship of the two further only to find out that the bitch is apparently in relationship with the man of his dreams.

But his coward of a brother suddenly got soft and took all his words back about wanting to own the person he liked and just wishes for the person's true happiness, so Doyoon took the matter in his own hand as he brainwashed and instigated his brother of doing things that will benefit the both of them.

Doyoon like Seungcheol first. He had met him first. The first time he laid his eyes on the man at that one gathering his father had brought him into was still vivid in his mind as he couldn't take his eyes off on the second son of Choi family. He knew it was love at first sight.

Since then, Doyoon often saw Seungcheol at the gatherings of elite, but the man was very hard to get close to as he had an invisible wall built around him.

Doyoon also thought that Seungcheol was straight, so he didn't make a move as he was afraid of being hated by the man but after knowing that Seungcheol was already in a relationship, and let alone to a boy, Doyoon couldn't accept it.

He is far more beautiful and successful compared to the wench before him.

The only person who deserves to be on Seungcheol's side is only him.

Jeonghan noticed how Doyoon was looking at him with pure disdain in his eyes.

What's wrong with this person? It feels like he hated me so much, I didn't even do anything to him in the first place. Jeonghan couldn't help but asked at the back of his mind.

Doyoon got closer to him and suddenly yelled;

"You wench!"


Jeonghan was taken a back as he got suddenly slapped hard on the cheek. Doyoon's long nails, leave a scratch on his cheek, causing it to bleed.

Wiping the blood off his right cheek, Jeonghan glared at Doyoon as he lunged forward, grabbing a fistful of his hair as he slapped him twice hard causing Doyoon's lower lip to bleed.

"You are what you said." Jeonghan retorted.

The two got into a fight, with Jeonghan having the upperhand. He got trained by his boyfriend to a close combat after all.

Chan wanted to stop the fight infront of him but he got scared and started shaking, his lips trembled as he watched the two adults fight before him.

Doyoon cried out in pain as Jeonghan slapped him again. He finally called out for help from the bodyguards who are stationed outside the room. The door opened and two muscular man entered, pulling Jeonghan away from him.

"You bitch! I'm so going to kill you right now!" Doyoon was raging in anger as he wrapped his hands around Jeonghan's neck squeezing his windpipe.

Jeonghan struggled to breath. He wanted to break free but the two bodyguards were holding his arms tight. His vision started to turn dark but before he could collapse from the lack of air, Jaehyun's voice suddenly rang inside the room.

"Hyung, what are you doing!" Jaehyun pulled his Hyung away from Jeonghan, a little too hard Doyoon fell on the floor as he also glared at the two bodyguards who in return, immediately let go of Jeonghan's arms.

"Why are you trying to kill him!?" Jaehyun drawls out at his older brother as he patted Jeonghan's back who's still gasping for air.

"He started it! You see the blood on my lips? He slapped me, Jaehyun-ah." Doyoon acted pitifully, shedding tears. "I'm just teaching him a lesson because he inflicted pain on me first."

"Get out! All of you get out!" Jaehyun started yelling.

"Okay, calm down. I'm leaving now." Doyoon said to appeased his little brother. He might be evil but the love he has for his little brother is beyond measures. He glared one last time at Jeonghan before turning his back.

I'm not done with you yet you fucking bitch. Doyoon cursed at the back of his mind.

"D-don't let Chan g-go with them Jaehyun." Jeonghan barely said as his throat hurts.

"You, stay." Jaehyun ordered at the slave his brother owned.


"Boss, Wonwoo's finally tracked the place where Sister-in-law is being held captive." Dokyeom informed his boss who in the moment is eerily quiet.

The kidnapper might be prepared this time as he threw Jeonghan's phone away in the middle of the road in order not to track their whereabouts, but what the kidnapper hadn't anticipate was that the ring on Jeonghan's finger has a censor and GPS tracker on it.

Seungcheol had an unreadable look on his face. It seems like he got too lenient these days that some fucking lowly assholes keep testing his patience.

This time, he will make sure to unleashed hell on the culprit.

**To be continued...

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