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The following chapter may contain NSFW stuff/sex scenes that may make some readers feel uncomfortable

Readers Discretion Is Advised


"Shall we continue what we have started earlier love?"

Jeonghan turns as he faced the man, his cheeks flushed with light pink as he mumbles something under his breath.

"What? I can't seem to hear you," Seungcheol held Jeonghan's face and made an eye contact. "Say it louder, love."

Jeonghan shifted his gaze to the side as he kept biting his lower lip, his cheeks was unusually red until his lips move to state the next sentence.

"I-I said you can rough me up tonight Daddy, you don't need to be gentle with me this time."

Seungcheol looked at the angelic boy in front of him, a little bit taken aback by this other side of his boyfriend. So far, the two of them only had a vanilla sex as he didn't want to hurt Jeonghan during love making but it seems that his little rabbit has a hidden wild side huh.

Seungcheol grabbed Jeonghan's waist and pulled the boy closer, his smoldering gaze made Jeonghan shivered. Leaning forward, his lips close around Jeonghan's earlobe and bite it between his teeth before licking it; "Is that what you want baby?"

Jeonghan let out a lewd moan as he felt weak against the man's arms.


"But the moment you feel unwanted pain and discomfort in your body, you have to tell me immediately okay, are we clear baby?"

Jeonghan nodded his head at his boyfriend's statement. His heart warms at how Seungcheol was always looking out for his well being.

"Because as much as I wanted to ravish you so badly, your comfort is still my utmost priority, Now get down on your knees." Seungcheol said in an octave voice.

Jeonghan trembled in excitement as he immediately gets down on his knees like an obedient little rabbit. He tilted his head as he stared at the man through his long lashes, waiting for the next order.

Unzipping the fly of his trouser, Seungcheol wrapped his fingers around his already hard cock as he made it free against the confining fabric. His other hand grabbing Jeonghan's chin, pulling the boy's face closer as he rubbed the mushroom head that was already licking with pre-cum at the corner of Jeonghan's lips.

"Suck it."

Jeonghan wasted no time as he enveloped the massive cock of his boyfriend with his mouth. His lips close around the tip as he started sucking on it while also giving the slit a kitten lick. His tongue ran over the long and thick manhood before putting it back inside his mouth as he started bobbing his head in a fast pace.

"Fuck princess, your mouth feels so good... yes... just like that.... you're doing great baby..." Seungcheol grunted in pleasure as he started bucking his hips, placing a hand on top of Jeonghan's head to hold the boy in place.

Jeonghan felt another new waves of pleasure washed over him as Seungcheol slightly pulled his hair. He also hollowed his cheeks when Seungcheol started fucking his mouth. The hard shaft was going back and forth on his wet crevice and sometimes hitting at the back of his throat but Jeonghan took it so well.

"You're already so good at taking my cock now pretty little cock slut...fuck...I'm so close..."

Jeonghan's fingers was clutching at Seungcheol's thighs for support as he felt the change in rhythm in Seungcheol's thrust, indicating that the man was really close. His cheeks burned red as he felt immense pleasure when Seungcheol called him a slut. He was ashamed of his self that he likes this kind of unusual things but on the other hand the pleasure it gives him was exquisite.

With one deep thrust, Jeonghan felt it, the large amount of warm liquid that Seungcheol spurted inside his mouth. Jeonghan was about to swallow the cum but before he could do so, Seungcheol pulled him up and kisses him hard on the lips as the two shared one hot messy kiss.

"That was so good, baby." 

Seungcheol praises Jeonghan as he brushes a finger over Jeonghan's lips to wipe away the remaining white substance off it and if Jeonghan was a cat, he would definitely be purring right now.

"Thank you, daddy."

After removing their clothes fully, Seungcheol lifted him up as the two of them went towards the hotspring pool. The perfect temperature of warm water engulfing their body made them sigh in contentment as both of them felt relax.

Jeonghan moaned as Seungcheol started kissing the center of his chest trailing wet kisses before the man's mouth found his pink nipples and started sucking on it while the man's fingers was slowly working on his behind, stretching him nicely open.

"Hnngh...t-the w-water's coming inside..."

Seungcheol notices Jeonghan's expression and immediately stop. "Are you feeling uncomfortable?"

"N-No...don't stop...daddy please..." Jeonghan whined, burying his face on Seungcheol's neck as he encircled his arms around the man. He didn't feel uncomfortable, it's just that the water that was coming inside everytime Seungcheol stretch his hole, kinda startled him.

"Are you sure?"

"Yes daddy...just don't stop please...I want you......" His needy voice made Seungcheol want to tease him a little.

"Words baby, tell me exactly what do you want." He uttered as he oh so slowly glide his throbbing cock between Jeonghan's ass, making the boy mewled in his arms.

"Want you... to..f-fuck me already...d-daddy..."

"Then, your wish is my command, baby boy."

Seungcheol held the boy's hips as he positioned his cock and push-in deep in one go inside Jeonghan's inviting hole. "God, you feel so good baby, I'll make you feel so good..." He whispered against the boy's ear as he started moving harder and faster causing Jeonghan to bounce on his lap, as the boy rides his cock.

The water splashing as the two of them move in rythm.

"C-choke me..hnnggg...daddy...please..." Jeonghan begged as lust clouded over his mind. Just thinking about Seungcheol's hands wrapping around his neck made him almost come. His own hands grabbing Seungcheol's one as he guided them around his neck.

"You want to be choked?"


Seeing how needy his baby is, Seungcheol complies at Jeonghan's request, but he made sure to just put a right amount of pressure on the boy's neck as he started pressing his fingers around it.

Jeonghan eyes rolled from too much pleasure as his boyfriend finally choked him while fucking him hard and fast, hitting his inside in all the right places. Ecstacy was seeping through in every fiber of his being, as the new sensation brings him into heaven.

The two went on with their intense love making, fullfilling each other's desire. Jeonghan for the first time in his life, discovered something new in him. He was a bit ashamed to this new side of him, but what can he do? He's only a human. His body melted at Seungcheol's touch as the man held on to him tight while whispering sweet nothings into his ear, pounding into his deepest part that made his toe curl from immense pleasure.

The two of them did it more than three times that night as they can't seem to get enough of each other, filling the misted room with their harmonious moan.


The supposed to be three days trip in the little Hawaii of Korea was extended into five days as Jeonghan, Seungcheol and the others further explore the beautiful Island. They went into another tourist spots such as Jeongbang Waterfall, Mangjanggul Cave and Hamdeok Beach while enjoying the fresh air and picturesque scenery of the said places.

Everyone was having a blast while also taking a group picture together in order to keep the beautiful memories forever.

And even after they had all went back to Seoul, each one of them was still over the moon. The trip really healed something within their self which all leaves them fully invigorated, anew and refresh.

***To be continued...

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