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"Guys have you notice? Our boss seems in a good mood lately and his temperament change, y'all know how short tempered he is." Mingyu was telling the members as they worked out in the gym.

"Well, It's all thanks to our Sister-in-law so why don't we treat him to a meal next time. I'm sure some of you meet him already but some of you haven't yet." Dokyeom suggested and then the boys agree to one another.

"I saw him but I didn't get the chance to introduce myself yet." Jun said while running on the treadmill.

"I haven't seen him." Jihoon added while doing some push up.

"Of course you haven't, you were in Macau the whole time." Mingyu was doing some sit up with Wonwoo holding both of his feet. Everytime he sat up, Mingyu would leaned in a little closer just to enjoy watching Wonwoo's flustered face.

He smirked at the opposite boy from him.

"If you don't stop being unserious, I'm leaving." Wonwoo warned him, Mingyu sat up again, leaning even closer that their lips is almost touching. "Take me with you then."

"Hey hey hey guys stop flirting! Have mercy on a single person like me!" Dokyeom sternly said at the two as his single ass have no one to flirt with.

"Why don't you get yourself a lover then? Go to a bar or something and meet someone there." Jihoon suggested at Dokyeom.

Upon hearing the words lover, a particular person suddenly went into his mind. He smirked at the thought.

"No need, I already have someone I laid my eyes upon on."


After the class ended, Jeonghan went directly into the place he work part time with.

The restaurant was full pack as always and everyone was kind of busy. Jeonghan's phone vibrated in his pocket but he didn't seem to noticed it as he was busy washing dishes as of the moment.

A few hours later when he and his co-workers were finally able to take a break, one of his female co-worker suddenly went inside the kitchen and started gushing and swooning over the two newly arrived customers.

"Damn Han! I thought I saw some greek gods at the moment. They are so handsome and look rich too. Although one of them had a scary aura but that just makes him look even more attractive, even customers from another tables were glancing their ways. I think they are celebrities or maybe some models?"

Jeonghan laughed at his female co-worker. "You're always gushing over handsome men and yet you're still single." Jeonghan jokingly said.

His female co-workers then replied with a sass: "Correction, there is a huge difference of being single and choosing to stay single and I'm the latter. You know my standard in man is higher than the mount everest but you know what, I think I already found the man of my dreams."

"The customer outside?" Jeonghan knowingly guessed.

"Omg Hannie! you're so brilliant! How did you figure it out? That man is really my type..."

Jeonghan's tuned out his co-worker's babbling as he reached out for his phone that just vibrated again in his pocket.

A sweet smile made its way into Jeonghan's lips as he saw two unread messages from his boyfriend.

The first one was sent a few hours earlier as Jeonghan silently read the message.

What time do you get off work?

Then his eyes landed onto the second one which almost made his breath hitch.

I'm at your workplace.

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