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The next morning, Jeonghan woke up with a lower back pain.

He felt sluggish and just wanted to sleep but the stickiness he felt all over his body and the dried cum on his legs reminds him that he should take a bath first.

"The water temperature is already warm, let's go."

Jeonghan makes a grabby hands towards his boyfriend as the man walks over to him and carried him towards the bathroom where Seungcheol insisted on washing and cleaning him.

Jeonghan wanted to protest at first because he was embarrassed but the pain that was spreading on his hips along with his shaky legs just made him nod his head in agreement.

After the two cleaned up in the bathroom and brushed their teeth, Seungcheol once again carried Jeonghan towards the bed where he had dressed the smaller boy into his own set of clothes. He also combed Jeonghan's hair and blow dried it that it made Jeonghan felt like he was a damn lazy princess.

And when Jeonghan asked him why he was treating him like this, Seungcheol only replied to him that he deserves to be pampered.

Seungcheol also removed the dirty bed sheet and replaces it with a new clean one and Jeonghan's eyes happened to catch a glimpse of the red spot from it, reminding him that he was already deflowered making his face turned into a deep shade of red.

But just remembering the way how Seungcheol held him and kiss him last night as he pounded deep into him makes Jeonghan's whole body burned with need again.

"What's wrong? are you not feeling well?" Seungcheol asked him in concern as he saw the feverish face of his boyfriend, "Was I too rough last night? I'm sorry."

Jeonghan shook his head as he reassures his boyfriend that he was literally okay. Geez I should stop myself from thinking weird things. Jeonghan just let out a sigh as he really needed to get a hold of himself.

"Lie on your stomach." Seungcheol suddenly stated.

Jeonghan stared at his boyfriend with a confused expression but still followed the order anyway until he felt Seungcheol's hands gently massaging his lower back.

I thought...

Jeonghan cleared his mind as he finally felt relax. "Thank you, love."


Meanwhile outside the room, Wonwoo and Mingyu was pointing at each other who shall knock on the door.

"Mmm yesss...r-right there..."

"T-there feels good..."

"I think we come here at the wrong time." Wonwoo scratched the back of his head as a blush crosses his cheeks.

"Let's go back for now." Mingyu suggested.

"What should we do with these food? It will get cold later." Wonwoo displayed a worried face.

The two was still standing in the hallway when Dokyeom saw them.

"Hey Bros, what's the two of you doing there?"

A smile formed in Mingyu's face as Dokyeom approached them. "Dokyeom, Come here."


"Can you knock on the door for us?"

Dokyeom stared at the two weirdly. "Seriously guys? What's wrong with the two of you? It's just a simple kn-" Dokyeom stopped chattering as he heard a weird noise inside.

"W-wait don't be too hard, it hurts..."

"Ohhh! Damn! they are so bold for doing it at a day time huh." Dokyeom wriggled his brows as a teasing smile formed on his lips.

"Give me that food." Dokyeom snatched the tray of food from Mingyu's hands as he knock over at the door and shouted. "Boss, we're coming in."

"Dokyeom you really have the guts." Wonwoo commented.

"I guess we'll leave it to you now Dokyeom-ah, good luck!" Mingyu held Wonwoo's arm before slowly retreating at the corner, leaving Dokyeom all alone.

"Hey guys! Where are you going?!" Dokyeom whisper-yelled at the two retreating figure. "I thought we are one in this? How can you betray me?!"

Dokyeom left with no choice as his two comrades betrayed him, slowly twisted the door knob and opened the door but the view before him was nowhere near obscene.

His boss was only giving his Sister-in-law a massage.

His two idiots friends were just making a fuss over nothing.

Dokyeom greeted the two before placing down the tray of food in the coffee table.

After bidding his goodbye and left. Dokyeom suddenly got a question in his mind.

But why did our Boss gives Sister-in-law a massage?


"Let's eat."

Seungcheol get the tray of food from the coffee table and place it on the bed. Jeonghan hummed in response as his stomach growls at the sight of food but he notice that there was only one set of spoon and fork in the tray.

"Don't tell me you're going to feed me?" Jeonghan asked Seungcheol with a raise brow.

"Can't I?" Seungcheol smiled at his boyfriend's slightly annoyed face.

What amaze him the most is that even though Jeonghan seems like a shy and timid kid but he knows when to stand up for himself or when to address his concern when the situation is too much for him.

He got a brave little rabbit right there and he's proud of him.

"No, you've been treating me like a baby since this morning so this time I'll be the one to feed you." Jeonghan snickers as he held the utensils in his hand.

"Whatever makes you happy." Seungcheol pinched  the boy's cheeks as he stared lovingly at him.


In the afternoon while in the middle of sleeping, someone woke up Jeonghan from his little nap. A cute yap coming from a little dog made his eyes opened.

"Kkuma-ya!" Jeonghan's eyes sparkled as he saw their daughter playfully biting his hair.

Jeonghan held the cute white dog and place her on top of his stomach while caressing her fluffy fur. Kkuma wags her little tail in return as she bark at Jeonghan with excitement.

"My brother returned her this afternoon." Seungcheol watched his two babies playing with each other in amusement.

Kkuma suddenly jump from Jeonghan's stomach and went into his lap, wanting to play with him also.

Seungcheol held his daughter into his arms as he fixed Kkuma's bangs and clipped it again with the color pink ribbon hairpin.

"My daughter is so pretty." Seungcheol complimented the cute little dog who barked happily in return.

"Kkuma-ya come here..." Jeonghan wanted to get the cute dog but Kkuma wanted to stay with her Dad more.

"Kkuma-ya." Jeonghan called her again only to be ignored.

"Kkuma-ya who do you like more, Mom or Dad?"

Seungcheol just chuckled at Jeonghan's childish question as the three of them spends the rest of the day together in complete happiness.

**To be continued...

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