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"Dokyeom-ah what did you say happened to our Sister in law? I'm sure the boss was really worried right now." Wonwoo asked as he and Dokyeom got into the car but he immediately shut up as he saw his boss stoic face inside.

"Oh Boss, you're already here." Wonwoo said, letting out an awkward laugh at the end of his sentence as he scratched the back of his neck.

He did not hear me right?

"I mean what happened to Jeonghan Hyung?" He asked Dokyeom again, changing the question.

"I don't know the exact situation either but please track his location. He was in a serious danger right now." Dokyeom handed his phone to Wonwoo that contains Jeonghan's last message.

When it comes to technology, the organization can only depend on a few person and Wonwoo is their best asset.

Upon reading the message, Wonwoo was sure of that Jeonghan was being kidnapped.

Our sister-in-law was really in danger.

Not wasting any second longer, Wonwoo opened his laptop. He also opened a software where he began to input Jeonghan's number. Finally getting a hold of Jeonghan's phone IP address, Wonwoo started to track his location as he also infiltrate Jeonghan's phone system to gain access on the default apps.

"Found it." Wonwoo let out a smirk as he looked at the two person inside the car. He immediately told Dokyeom the exact address where Jeonghan was forcefully held captive.

It was located on a suburbs area.

Seungcheol ordered Dokyeom to start the car and head over to the said location immediately.

Wonwoo was still hacking Jeonghan's phone until the line was finally connected and then a panicked voice can be heard over.

"Who is this? Dokyeom-ah? Is this you? Dokyeom-ah?"

Wonwoo handed an airpods to Seungcheol inorder for them to communicate.

"Jeonghana." Seungcheol called out Jeonghan's name with concern.

"Coups-ya? Is this you?"

A melancholic feeling started to stir inside Seungcheol as he heard Jeonghan's crying voice on the other line. "Coups-ya Is this r-really y-you?"

"Yes it's me Jeonghana, listen, just hang in there for a little while okay? we're coming over."

"Please, I'm so scared... I don't know what to do anym-" Jeonghan's voice was then suddenly cut off, there was a brief moment of silence until another voice of a raging man can be heard on the line.

"Who are you talking to in the phone! ----- Hyung please just let me go-----Hyung give me back the..........."

A static sound resonated and then the line was then cut off.

"Jeonghana? Jeonghan? Fuck!" Seungcheol cursed under his breath.

His eyes darkened along with the urges to kill someone.


On the other side, Jeonghan flinched as soon as he saw his mobile phone being smashed down to the ground into pieces.

"Did you call the cops?"

"I d-didn't."

"So did you lie to me earlier when you said you'll go willingly with me and that you'll give me another chance?" Hyungwon taunted, stepping closer to him.

Jeonghan unconsciously step back until he can't no more as his back made a contact on a cold wall.

Yes, he lied earlier in order to buy time.

"Hyung, can't you just let me go?" Jeonghan pleaded again for the tenth time.

"You're asking for the impossible baby, you don't have any idea what I went through in order to look for you." Hyungwon softened his voice this time unlike the raging man earlier and then continued:

"Look I'm sorry for whatever I did to you back then, I promise I won't force you into anything you don't want to, I'll be a better person. I promise I'll change myself for you baby."

Hyungwon hugged the younger into his arms but Jeonghan was still pushing him away.

"Hyung, let go! let go!"

Hyungwon pulled away a little in the hug but still didn't let Jeonghan go and like a switch being flipped, Hyungwon looked at him with a dangerous glint in his eyes. His grip around Jeonghan arms tightened.

"Tell me baby, Do you have someone else in your mind right now? that's why you are so adamant on rejecting me? Tell me who is that fucking bastard and I'll kill him!"

Jeonghan was so done with the man being so full of himself, so using with all the courage he had, he retorted back:

"It didn't matter if I'm seeing anyone. The mere fact that you are here with me right now repulse me to no end! I don't even love you!"


A metallic taste spread inside Jeonghan's mouth as he tasted his own blood on his busted lips. His head was swung to the side and his vision became blurry at the force of the slap he had recieved from the older.

Jeonghan bit back a sob when Hyungwon gripped tightly at his hair, dragging him towards the bed. He pushed Jeonghan down as he hovered on top of him. His fingers clutching at Jeonghan's chin with intent. "I dare you to say that again to me baby."

Jeonghan glared at the man on top of him while trying to endure the pain. "You're evil!"

"And you're an angel, aren't we a match made in heaven Jeonghana?" Hyungwon said laughing, looking deranged.

Jeonghan thrashed around the bed, wanting to get away.

"Do you think you can escape away from me?" Hyungwon grabbed a fistful of his hair again, making him cry out of pain.

Another man entered the room and tried to pulled Hyungwon away from the crying boy. "Hey bro, what are you doing? look if you don't stop right now you might kill him. I don't want any mess inside my house for pete's sake."

Changkyun, a friend of Hyungwon from Korea stepped in. He was also the owner of the place.

"Don't ever tell me of what to do. This bitch deserves it." He glared at his friend.

"Okay okay, but don't come at me later when things go south, I already warned you."

The door closes in and Hyungwon brought his attention to Jeonghan again. His eyes devoid with any emotion.

"If I can't have you, then no one else can."


"Boss we've finally arrived."

*To be continued....

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