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"Happy Birthday, love." Jeonghan greeted his boyfriend, placing a chaste kiss on Seungcheol's lips before shyly handing the man a birthday bag which contains a pair of louis vuitton slippers.

"It's my simple gift for you."

(A/N: Yes, it's the same gift Jeonghan had gifted to Seungcheol on his birthday last year 😆)

Thank you, love." Seungcheol's lips curved into a sweet smile as he presses a kiss on Jeonghan's forehead and was about to embrace the smaller male but a high pitch voice of a woman suddenly interrupted their little moments.

"Hannie! My dear beautiful daughter-in-law, Mom miss you so much!"

Jeonghan looked at Seungcheol with an apologetic smile as he pulled away from him and went into his boyfriend's mom for a hug. "I miss you too mom, sorry I haven't visited you in these past few weeks, I got busy with the school lately."

Thankfully, Jeonghan has a good relationship with Seungcheol's parents, especially to his mom, Mrs. Choi was so kind to him and treated him like her own. Jeonghan could only laugh at the past memories where he got jealous unknowingly at Seungcheol's mom at one point.

Even though the woman was in her late 40s, she still looked so young and beautiful, no wonder Seungcheol's father was so head over heels for his wife, but Mr. Choi was also nothing short of extraordinary. The good genes really do run in their family.

"It's okay dear and thank god you've finally arrived! You know what? This stubborn son of mine has no plan to start the party unless you are here."

Jeonghan blush and started muttering a small sorry at Seungcheol for the inconvenience he may have caused.

"Don't ever be sorry, love. You are not and will never be an inconvenience." Seungcheol's words of affirmation melted Jeonghan's heart as of the moment.

In the span of 8 months, many things had already happened. In their first 3 months of relationship, Seungcheol took Jeonghan to his hometown in Daegu in order to meet and introduce him to his parents which the latter was welcomed warmly.

Thinking about that moment, there was still a lingering feeling of how nerve-wracking the whole situation of meet and greet the parents was and Jeonghan's really low self esteem at that time wasn't helping at the slightest.

Prior to their trip at that time on Daegu, Jeonghan was often overthinking about negative things like what if Seungcheol's parents didn't like him and deemed him no good for their son?

What if Seungcheol's parents offered him a huge amount of money in order for him to stay away from their son?

And the worst one he could think of is that what if Seungcheol's parents hired an assassin to kill him?

Jeonghan knows the dangerous background of Seungcheol's family since Seungcheol didn't keep it a secret from him.

But all of these unwanted thoughts vanished the moment Seungcheol's parents warmly welcomed him and treated him like he was already a part of the Choi family.

In their 6 months of relationship, Seungcheol wanted him to move in the Villa and quit his part time job in which Jeonghan politely declined, well aside from the black card he had reluctantly accepted since Seungcheol was so persistent on giving it to him but he didn't use it anyway.

Even though his boyfriend was filthy rich, Jeonghan wanted to stand on his own hand. He wanted to be independent. Jeonghan love Seungcheol for the person he is and not for his richness.

(A/N: Sinetch Itey, Independent daw pero nagpapa-baby kay Seungcheol🙄  wag kami beh, pass kami sa halata🤣)

Back to the present, Jeonghan linked his arm around Seungcheol's one as they heads towards the grand hall where the birthday party was located.

The party was grand but the people who are privileged to attend was limited.

Jeonghan sat with the members and his friends since Seungcheol was still surrounded by big tycoons in the business world who are wishing him a happy birthday and maybe talked about some business related stuff in which both party could benefit.

A few moments later, Seungkwan suddenly mouthed at him:

"Hyung, Fighting!"

Jeonghan was a little clueless as to why Seungkwan was cheering him up when a person suddenly sit next to him and wrapped an arm around his waist.

Jeonghan leaned on the man as he asked: "You're done talking with the guests?"

Seungcheol hummed in response and ask him a question in return, "Are you having fun?"

Jeonghan nodded his head as he happily answered "Yes". The members antics were enough to entertain him as he watched them being chaotic along with Hoshi and Seungkwan who are also crackheads.

Joshua was also with them.

Jeonghan didn't know when and how it happened but it seems that Dokyeom finally succeeded on capturing the feisty man's heart and now the two of them are together.

Joshua already apologized to him about his past behaviour towards him and Jeonghan already accepted his apology. Now the two of them are good friends.

The members also often teased Dokyeom about him being no longer a single man.


Everyone was having a good time and was enjoying the party as the night deepened. 

Jeonghan hugged the man beside him as he felt a little tipsy.

When it was his turn to drink again, Mingyu handed him a glass of whiskey. Jeonghan accepted it but Seungcheol suddenly snatch the alcohol on his hand and drink it instead on his place.

"Whoaa our boss is so cool!"

"Boss drink mine too! I don't want to drink already"

"I want to be in a relationship so badly!"

"Lol keep dreaming! You'll be single for life!"

"Don't put a curse on me damn it!"

Several members started teasing them as laughters filled the air.

"Stop giving him a drink." Seungcheol said to no one in particular and everyone nodded their head in agreement.

"But I'm not drunk." Jeonghan whined.

"You will be if you don't stop now and you'll have a bad headache tomorrow."

Jeonghan pouted his lips as he stared at his boyfriend. His eyes was looking at Seungcheol with a hidden desire as Seungkwan's absurd idea suddenly flashed in his mind.

"Stop looking at me with those eyes." Seungcheol warned him.

"What eyes?" Jeonghan feigned innocence as he keep staring at the man while slightly biting his lower lip.

"Stop looking at me like you want me to make a mess out of you baby. You're playing with fire."

Jeonghan then leaned forward and whispered the next words into Seungcheol's ear:

"Then why don't you make a mess out of me, Daddy."

**To be continued....

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