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"Boss we've finally arrived."

Seungcheol get out of the car without a word and strode over to the house emitting a dark aura.

"I got chills seriously." Dokyeom whispered at Wonu as they followed behind. "Please always remind me to not ever get on his bad side." 

"And do you think you're not on his bad side yet?" Wonu scare Dokyeom as he fastened his pace.

"Hey what do you mean?"

"Nothing~" Wonu laugh as he looked at Dokyeom's fear stricken face. It was fun to watch.


The three arrived at the two story house. Dokyeom then kicked the front door and bursted it open.

"Hey who the hell are you? What are you doing inside my house? This is tresspassing! I'll call the cops if you don't leave immediately!" Changkyun yelled out loud at the three intruder.

"Where is he?" Seungcheol stepped closer in an authoritative manner and asked Changkyun in a cold voice.

Changkyun felt a shudder in his spine as he felt like he was being cornered by a predator who's ready to kill at any moment.

"W-what are you talking abo-" Changkyun was about to deny when suddenly a faint cry can be heard upstairs.

Seungcheol looked at Dokyeom and Wonwoo and the two nodded their head in understandment. Seungcheol then took the stairs and headed towards the second floor.

"Look man, we don't have any business with you but only to that fucker upstairs who kidnapped our Sister in law. So shut it if you still have the will to live." Dokyeom said boredly at Changkyun as he pulled out a gun like it was just a normal thing to do.

Changkyun immediately tense up. From the looks of it, these intruders weren't just a normal thug. Did his friend seriously offended a higher up?

Shit, we're so doomed.


"Hyung you s-said you will not f-force me into anything I don't want to." Jeonghan was still pushing the man away as Hyungwon straddle over him and started to forcibly unbutton his shirt.

"Do you think I'll still listen to you? after what you've said to me?"

"Stop it Hyung!" Jeonghan cried out, accidentally scratching the man's cheek causing it to bleed as he struggled to get away.

"Shit that one hurts."

But that didn't stop Hyungwon as he successfully ripped Jeonghan's shirt away. He used the fabric to tie Jeonghan hands around the bed's headboard in order to keep the smaller male in place.

"My, what a sight to see." Hyungwon licked his lips at the sight of Jeonghan's flawless upper body.

"Now, Let's get the fun started."

Hyungwon was about to lean down and kiss Jeonghan when the door suddenly push opened.

He was taken a back when a stranger suddenly yanked him away from the bed and pummeled him hard on the ground. Hyungwon was about to fight back but the stranger strength was insane and the next thing he knew, he was struggling to breath as fist after fist landed on his stomach, ribs and face.

Seungcheol was still beating the man black and blue, his fist was covered in the man's blood but he has no sign in stopping until he heard Jeonghan's crying voice calling out to him.

"Coups stop! you're going to k-kill him."

Seungcheol looked over his shoulder and instantly stopped, wiping off the blood on his hands into the man's shirt.

He went into Jeonghan's side and untie the boy's hand from the bed's headboard. His eyes landed on Jeonghan's tear stained face and the desire to kill the man strenghten again as he noticed a prominent bruise on Jeonghan's left cheek and a dried blood on his busted lower lip.

Removing his black coat, Seungcheol put it on Jeonghan to cover up his expose upper body.

"I'm sorry, Did I came too late?" Seungcheol heart clenched as he softly rubbed the red marks around Jeonghan's wrist.

Jeonghan shake his head, indicating that Seungcheol was just right on time.

"Thank you for coming."

He was once again save by this man and Jeonghan was beyond thankful words are not enough to express it, tears started to form in the corner of his eyes again.

Seungcheol pulled the younger into a hug as he draws soothing cirles around his back. "It's okay, you can cry Jeonghana, just let it all out. Don't bottle your emotion."

And that's what exactly Jeonghan did as he cried his heart out at the man's embrace and Seungcheol for the first time in his life, felt a strong emotion brewing in his heart at the exact moment.

When Jeonghan finally stopped crying, his eyes finally landed on Hyungwon's unconscious state on the floor.

The man was seriously beaten and injured but Jeonghan felt no remorse at all. He kind of deserve it.

"Why did you stop me earlier?"

Jeonghan looked at Seungcheol and was puzzled on his question.

"I was planning to kill that man earlier."

Jeonghan's eyes went wide at Seungcheol words.

"Don't." He answered in an instant. "I don't want you to stain your hands just because of someone like him and b-besides you can go into jail when you kill someone right? I'm really worried, I d-don't want that to happen."

Suddenly a deep hearty laughter erupted inside the room. Seungcheol was truly amused. It's the first time someone had told him not to kill anyone just because they are worried he might be put into jail.

How innocent

"So you can also laugh?" Jeonghan looked at the man infront of him in amazement. Seungcheol's laughter were like a music to his ears.

But there was no response, instead a thumb were softly brush over the cut on his lower lip.

"Does it still hurt?"

Jeonghan blushed a crimson red as Seungcheol leaned closer to inspect the wound around it.  "I-Im finereallyitdoesn'thurtanymore." Jeonghan chattered nervously.

Seungcheol looked at him directly in the eyes and muttered:  "Then, let's get you out of here." 


Jeonghan was about to jump out of bed but before he could do so, Seungcheol suddenly carried him in a bridal style that made his heart pound loudly against his chest.

"You can put me down. I c-can walk."

"No, I insist." was Seungcheol's absolute reply to him that made Jeonghan all warm and fuzzy inside.

*To be continued...

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