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Seungcheol took a deep breath before releasing it in one go, sucking on air again as he adjusted the tie on his neck with his sweaty palm, a knot forming at the pit in his stomach.

For the first time in his life he felt so fucking nervous but it was because he's way too happy to be able to marry the love of his life.

"Hey boss,'re losing your cool, remember it's your special day today." Dokyeom teased Seungcheol as his boss keep pacing back and forth and couldn't stay still in one spot.

"Am I?" Seungcheol asked in a serious way.

"Yes!" Every members under his organization yelled in chorus and started laughing, along with the other guests who were sitting nearby the makeshift stage.

Seungcheol stifle a laugh before speaking with a dreamy look in his eyes: "If anyone of you will get to marry your special one someday, then you'll know exactly why I'm acting this way."

"Boss, seriously stop! you're giving me the chills." Minghao cringe, stepping away from his boss in a playful manner and bumping into Jun in the process. The man hung an arm around his shoulder in order to keep him in place.

"I swear our Boss is getting cheesier day by day." Mingyu joined in teasing the whipped man.

"What kind of spell did Jeonghan Hyung casted on you that you turned into a softie?" Woozi commented which made everyone burst out in laughter again.

Everyone started teasing their Boss.

It's not like they can bully this man easily since Seungcheol was always the one on top, giving them orders and always calling the shots so when given an opportunity like this, they all made sure, it will never go to waste.

But Seungcheol just tuned them out. No one and nothing can ruin his great mood today.

"Hello everyone, this is a gentle reminder to all of the guests to please take your seats as the wedding ceremony will soon commence."

The wedding officiant suddenly announced through the mic.

Dokyeom, Woozi, Wonwoo, Mingyu, Jun, Minghao and Vernon---each one of them congratulates Seungcheol and give him a hug as they are genuinely happy for the next chapter in his life. The man is not only their pillar and boss but Seungcheol was also their close confidant, a friend they can always count on and for that, they are forever grateful to him.

Seungcheol got emotional as he return the hug, these seven guys who swore loyalty to him for the rest of their life were all important to him, these are his people. He watched them with a proud smile as they went into their respective seats.

And then, the wedding ceremony finally started.

It began with a processional march.

The man of honor Seungkwan walks down the aisle first, followed by the grooms men Hoshi and Joshua.

Next in line were the ring bearer Chan.

After that the flower girls entered soon, scattering flower petals as they walks through. Seungcheol's lips curved into a smile as he saw how cute his neices are, his older brother was really lucky to have them.

"And now ladies and gentlemen, let's all rise and welcome the beautiful groom." The officiant announced.

Everyone started clapping as they all turned their heads to look at Jeonghan who was now preparing to walk down the aisle.

Seungcheol's breath almost stopped as soon as he saw the love of his life.

Jeonghan was clad in an elegant white suit that were especially tailored for him, accentuating his beautiful figure. His fringes see through bangs fits perfectly over his doll like face and the pearl beads accessories adorning his flowy shoulder length hair makes his ethereal visual more surreal.

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