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"Where are you going?"

Jeonghan froze as he heard the familiar deep yet velvety voice of Scoups. Like in a horror movie, he slowly turned around and his face instantly paled when he saw the man who just woke up beside him.

How come? How did this happened? Why did I not notice that there's someone in the bed earlier? What did I do yesterday?

Jeonghan's head was filled with different questions as to what lead him in this situation right now.

Out of reflex, He let out a yelp and suddenly scurried towards the far corner of the bed and started apologizing.

"I'm so s-sorry Sir, I d-don't remember what exactly h-happened but p-please f-forgive me if I made a m-mistake to you last night." Jeonghan was a stuttering mess, after all the person in front of him is not one to be mess with.

Seungcheol looked at the timid boy infront of him and let out a sigh. "You didn't remember what happened last night?"

Jeonghan glance at Seungcheol and the two made an eye contact for a second before Jeonghan averted his gaze to the side.

He wanted to say that he remembered meeting Scoups at the washroom of the restaurant yesterday but bacause he was ashamed of the ruckus he made, Jeonghan just feigned ignorance.

"I don't really remember Sir." And in Jeonghan's defence he really had no recollection of what happened after the scene in the restaurant last night.

Suddenly, a knock from the door resonated in the whole room followed by Dokyeom's voice: "Boss, your Older Brother is on the phone."

Seungcheol stood up and opened the door, pick the phone from Dokyeom's hand and went into the balcony leaving the two behind.

Jeonghan looked at Dokyeom embarrased.

"Dokyeom-ah I don't know what happened yesterday after we left the restaurant. Did you know the whereabouts of Hoshi and Seungkwan?"

"Don't worry, you friends are still sleeping, they were on the other room."

"Thank you for telling me, But why am I here? How did it turn out that your boss and I were sleeping in the same bed? Did I do something bad yesterday?"

Dokyeom laughed in returned, "Jeonghana you didn't really remember?"

Jeonghan shook his head in defeat. "Seriously I don't, can you tell me please?"

Dokyeom pretended to think, "Okay, I'll tell you but in one condition."

"What?" Jeonghan replied nervously.

"I'll tell you about my request later."

Jeonghan eagerly nodded his head as he was desperate to know what happened. "Okay now tell me what did I do last night?"

Dokyeom whispered the story to him. Jeonghan's face turned red and white as paper in an instant as he listened.

When Dokyeom left, Jeonghan was still in a dazed as he watched Scoups broad back who was still in the balcony talking to his brother on the phone.

Yoon Jeonghan, you're really shameless...

Jeonghan scolded himself silently. He laid down in the bed yet again as his headache due to hangover worsen.

As he closes his eyes, a vague memories from last night came flashing in.

He was in the car with Scoups. Jeonghan kept glancing at him while giggling "Coups-ya, your glasses really looks good on you. You're very handsome."

"Who was that man earlier?"

Jeonghan looked at Scoups confused. "Who?"

"The guy named Joshua."

"Ah Joshua! I know him! He's Hoshi's friend, He treated us with dinner. He's a cool guy."

"You said he's being weird to you earlier and now you're praising him, you have really no sense of danger."

Jeonghan felt the coldness in Scoups voice and Jeonghan felt like crying. Maybe it was due to the alcohol but he was feeling emotional at the moment.

"Coups-ya why are you mad at me?" Jeonghan couldn't help it and started crying.

"Why are you crying, I'm not mad at you."

"No, you are! You keep looking at me with your brows furrowed!"

"You're drunk, let's talk tommorrow."

"I'm not drunk!" Jeonghan argued.

Even after they arrived at the villa. Jeonghan kept crying.

Hoshi and Seungkwan on the other car arrived also. They were assisted by Vernon and Wonwoo to the guest room.

"Hey stop crying I'm not mad at you."

Jeonghan just looked at Scoups with teary eyes as he turned his back and started walking away.

"Jeonghan-ah Let me help you."

"I can walk on my own." Jeonghan stubbornly said but then he lost his balance and stumbled, luckily Scoups caught him in time.

Scoups carried Jeonghan in his arms ignoring his protest as they went inside the mansion. When they arrived at the room in the second floor. Scoups laid Jeonghan on the bed.

"Get some rest."

Jeonghan seeing that Scoups were about to leave, held the man's hand tightly.

"Coups-ya, You're really not mad at me?" Jeonghan asked looking pitifully.

"I'm not."

"Then if you're not mad at me, please don't leave. I'm scared of being alone again." Jeonghan teared up. "After the incident I keep having a nightmare of the man pressing his knife against my neck and chasing after me."

Jeonghan pulled Scoups towards him for a hug. He really felt secure and protected.

When Jeonghan finally opened his eyes again, Scoups were already on his side.

"You're finally awake, Here drink this."

Jeonghan timidly accepted the glass of water and a pain killer tablet from Scoups as he muttered a small "Thank you sir."

"Sir?" Seungcheol asked the latter. "As I remembered, you have no problem calling me by my name last night."

Just remembering that he kept yelling at Scoups and acted like a brat yesterday made Jeonghan want to disappear right in this instant.

"I'm sorry, Sir. I made quite a scene yesterday and I'm really sorry for yelling at you also."

"You finally remembered?"

Jeonghan nodded his head. Embarassed, he keep bowing down his head.

"Jeonghan-ah look at me."

Jeonghan knew it wasn't a request or order. It was an statement. His words is not one to be questioned with.

Lifting his face, he looked at Scoups straight in the eyes.

"Are you afraid of me?"

Now that Jeonghan thought about it, He's never been really scared of Scoups in the first place. He even found Scoups reliable. It was more of he was shy, intimidated and embarrassed around the man because he got a crush on him.

But before he could even answer, Dokyeom knocked around the door again: "Boss your father is here."

Jeonghan's eyes widened as he started panicking.

Scoups father???

**To be continued...

(A/N: Hi guys, just have a survey to ask. What do you think of this story, you want this to be smut or just a pure love story without smut? Comment down below, majority wins 😉.)

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