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After the incident in the restaurant, a week had already passed. Jeonghan was back in his old and normal life. He went to university on day time and work part time in the restaurant at night.

Everything was at peace or so it seems.

Jeonghan was currently at the restaurant doing chores. It was already 9pm, 1 more hour to go and he could finally go home. He already missed his bed, just thinking about the soft mattress made him yawn.

At exactly 10pm, Jeonghan went home and bid goodbye to his boss.

He was walking down the street when a beep from a car beside him, startled him.

And then Dokyeom's head popped out in the car's window.

"Jeonghana! Come here, I will drop you off."

Jeonghan was taken a back, it was Dokyeom. It's been a while since the last time he saw him.

Jeonghan started walking towards the car. Who was he to decline the offer right? and its free.

"Dokyeom-ah long time no see and thank you for the offer." Jeonghan gave Dokyeom a sweet smile.

"No problem, Hop in."

Jeonghan wasted no time as he opened the car door but his soul almost left his body when he saw Scoups inside.

If only he knew then he will definitely not accept Dokyeom's offer.

"G-Good evening Sir. I didn't know you were in there, a-actually I can take a bus, I don't want to take up your time and be a hassle. Incase you have an important event to attend to."

"Just hop in." was the only reply Jeonghan received.

So he sat in the back quietly and the car went off.

Jeonghan couldn't help but steal a glance from the person beside him.

Scoups was wearing a classic black frame glasses that really complimented his high nose bridge and his side profile was really a sight to see.

So he couldn't help but stare...

"What? do you have something to say?"

Jeonghan bowed his head immediately after hearing Scoups deep voice, it was so embarrassing that he got caught.

"No Sir, sorry for staring at you its just that the specs looks good on you. I'm not saying you dont look good without it, you're actually very handsome to begin with and... and... look good in it.."

Jeonghan could feel the heat coming from his cheeks. He wanted to get out of the car already. He was so embarrassed he wanted to turn into a puff of air at this moment.

Seungcheol looked at the embarrased boy beside him and found his action cute. He almost smile.

And then his eyes turned into glint when he saw Dokyeom's teasing smile in the front mirror.

Dokyeom stopped smiling immediately and instead ask how Jeonghan and his roomate Seungkwan was to break off the awkward atmosphere.

"I'm doing fine Dokyeom-ah and Seungkwan's doing fine too. He's kinda busy for the upcoming exam."

The two just talked about trivial topics and Seungcheol was just listening to them.

It's rare for Dokyeom to be this carefree around others aside from them, but looking at the delicate boy who speak ever so softly and smiling genuinely beside him, Seungcheol could already see why. Jeonghan has this warmth aura that really made people be at ease, comfortable and relax around him.

When the car finally stopped in front of Jeonghan's house. Jeonghan hurriedly said his thanks and bid his goodbye as he sprint towards his house without even looking back.

Dokyeom's laughed at Jeonghan's silly action and teased Seungcheol about it.

"He's so cute when he's shy, right boss?"

Seungcheol paid him no attention as he looked at the city view outside.

But at the back of his mind, he silently uttered:

Yes, he is...


"Hyung why are you so red? are you not feeling well?"

Jeonghan leaned at the door as he tried to calm his pounding heart.

"No, Seungkwana, I just got chased by a dog on my way home and it scared the hell out of me."

Seungkwan just give him a wierd look and returned his attention on the TV again.

"You shouldn't walk by yourself on your way home Hyung, you know it's pretty dangerous, oh by the way tomorrow is your day off right?"

Jeonghan made a bee line on the sofa and made himself comfortable as he put away his bag.

"Yes, why do you mention?"

"Let's hang out tomorrow."

"What? Shouldn't we study tomorrow? the exam is coming." Jeonghan said in alarm.

"You are such a prude. Let's have some fun, We can study on Sunday okay?"

Jeonghan was still contemplating but Seungkwan begging him nonstop finally broke his resolve.

"Okay, stop shaking me. Where are we going tomorrow?"

"Hoshi invited us to a famous restaurant downtown, we can go there to eat and drink to our hearts content."

"Okay, then."


The very next day, the three went to the restaurant downtown at exactly 6pm.

The restaurant looked elegant and the ambiance was great. Everything inside looked sophisticated.

Just looking at the restaurant, Jeonghan already knew that the food in there will cost them dollars.

"Hoshi, are you sure we're in the right place?" He couldn't help but asked.

And the people inside were wearing formal attires unlike the three of them that stood out like a sore thumbs.

"Yes Hyung, I'm sure this is the right address."

Seungkwan and Jeonghan just nodded.

They follow Hoshi to the second floor were a reserved table for them was located.

Jeonghan was in awe at the place. The second floor looked even more amazing.

They finally sit down and Seungkwan couldn't help but to take aesthetics pictures of the surroundings.

"Who is this new friend of yours? he's so generous treating us today." Seungkwan asked Hoshi after sometimes.

"He he."

Hoshi let out a sheepish laugh as he scratched the back of his head.

"Actually, my new friend wanted to meet Jeonghan Hyung personally, that's why he told me to invite the both of you today."

"Me?" Jeonghan asked in disbelief.

Why would someone wanted to meet me?

"Yes, Hyung. He said that he wanted to be your friend too. By the way his name is- "

Hoshi's words were cut off as soon as he saw the person coming towards them.

"Oh! He's finally here."

***To be continued...

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