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"What if I told you that I'm outside of your friend's apartment right now."

No way.....

Jeonghan wasted no time as he sprinted towards the door.

"Hannie Hyung where are you going?"

He didn't even have the time to answer his little brother's question as he push open the door and heads downstairs.

I'm sorry Hoshi-ya, I'll tell you later.

Upon exiting the building, opposite to the cold weather outside, a warm smile spread on Jeonghan's lips as soon as he saw Seungcheol on the other side of the street.

Jeonghan held the still on-call phone close to his ear, "You're really here..." He said while slightly panting.

Instead of hearing a sweet reply, a nagging voice can be heard instead, "Why aren't you wearing a jacket, do you really want to catch a cold?" Seungcheol reprimanded him through the phone while walking over to him.

Seungcheol stood before him, removing his black padded jacket and made Jeonghan wear it.

"I'm sorry love, I suddenly ran downstairs without thinking." Jeonghan said while looking at his boyfriend with an apologetic smile. "Guess, I've just missed you so much, let's go inside."


"Seungcheol Hyung you'll never believe what me and Hannie Hyung went through ear-"

"Seungkwana!" Jeonghan had a nervous smile on his face as he interrupted his little brother from spilling out the unlucky encounter they had with the thugs earlier to his boyfriend.

"Let Hyung take you to the room okay? I think you should already rest."

Jeonghan was about to stand up and went to Seungkwan's side when a pair of arms suddenly coiled around his waist, holding him in place.

"Continue." Seungcheol said in an authoritative manner.

Seungkwan in his drunken state, spilled everything causing Jeonghan to bite his lower lip in nervousness.

Knowing his boyfriend, he will never let this matter go and the thugs who had messed with them will surely bear the dark consequences.

"Love, I know what you are thinking right now, please don't find them, I swear I'm okay." Jeonghan stared at his boyfriend with pleading look. "And besides I already know how to defend myself, they didn't even managed to hurt us, Just don't look for them okay?"

Seungcheol stared at the boy infront of him, moving his hand to touch Jeonghan's cheek, brushing his thumb over it. He leaned in closer before uttering the next words with alarming calmness.

"Then they shouldn't have messed with you in the first place."

A/N: ( I swear I'm gonna write a Yandere S.coups one of these days💀)


The next day after their class ended while Seungkwan and Jeonghan was peacefully walking towards their way home, a familiar group of men started blocking their way again.

But this time, the said group were no longer smug and full of themselves. Instead, the thugs was very remorseful as they started bowing their head, asking for forgiveness.

"Oh my god Hyung, what do you think happened to them?" Seungkwan whispered next to Jeonghan as he saw the worst condition of the men before them.

Some of them wore a cast on their arms, while others had crutches and all of their faces were beaten black and blue. Their eyes still hold the horror of what they've been through.

Jeonghan knew this would definitely happened but what he hadn't expect was for it to happened so fast.

Seungcheol really find them in just less than a day.

Jeonghan stopped the group of men from bowing their heads as some of them are still groaning from the pain. He let them go and made them promise not to harm anyone ever again which made the thugs cried in gratitude as they bowed their head one last time out of respect.


At 6 pm in the evening, since it was his day off, Jeonghan was currently making a dinner for two in the kitchen when Seungkwan suddenly announced that he'll go out.

"Hyung, I'm so sorry but Hansol suddenly invited me on a date." Seungkwan had a sad expression on his face as he had promised the older with dinner first. "But if you want, you can come with us okay?"

Jeonghan laughed at Seungkwan inviting him to join them in a date. "It's okay Seungkwana, let's just have a dinner next time. You go and have fun with your boyfriend, don't mind me." He winked at the younger.

Seungkwan had a bashful smile on his face as he tried to be nonchalant but failed on doing so.

Not long after, Hansol arrived in their house.

Seungkwan eyes light up as he welcomed his boyfriend with a hug. "Where are you taking me?" He asked the man coquettishly, burrowing his face on the man's chest while taking in his scent.

Hansol held Seungkwan even closer while placing a kiss on his lips. "It's a secret babe. You'll know when we get there."

The two lovers was on their own world as they bid their goodbye to Jeonghan before closing the door.

Being left all alone, Jeonghan pick up his phone from the table and sat on the couch as he decided to text his boyfriend.

Seungcheol did tell him that he has an important event to attend to tonight but he kind of miss him.


Where are you right now?


On my way to you, love💓


You are joking right?

You said earlier you have an important event to attend to tonight.


You are more important 😘

Work can wait love.



I made a dinner for two, let's eat together.


Can I have you for dinner instead?


Don't ask me with such things!
Just do it 🙈

Jeonghan put the phone down and didn't wait for his boyfriend's reply. His heart was thumping loudly against his chest as he stood up and clean the slightly messy living room.

Why did I say that?

Jeonghan was a blushing mess. He was about to go upstairs to take a quick shower when a knock on the door suddenly sounded outside.

**To be continued...

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