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"Hyung get one of that flavored drink too, I want to try it."

Seungkwan and Jeonghan were currently on a convenience store buying beer and snacks. The two was on their way towards Hoshi's apartment since their friend got scouted at Hybe Corporation and will be a trainee under the multinational entertainment company starting today. Hoshi wanted to celebrate his small success with his friends.

"Let's go, Seungkwana." Jeonghan called his brother as the latter was still eyeing some brands of chocolates after he had pay on the counter.

Since the convenience store was just a walking distance towards Hoshi's place if you take a shortcut on the park, the two decided to take path on that area.

But what they didn't expect was for them to encounter several dangerous people lurking on the said place.

Seungkwan and Jeonghan was still chatting with each other when they notice a group of thug looking people ahead of them who was smoking cigarettes.

Since its none of their business who the hell are they, the two continued chatting as they were about to walk past the group.

But it seems that trouble is really coming when two of the five people suddenly blocked their way.

Jeonghan and Seungkwan suddenly stopped moving as they were surrounded by the group of thug looking people.

"Ohooi these pretty youngsters must still be a highschool students." One of the thug assumed as he whistled staring at the two youngsters who were still clad in their school uniform. "How lucky we are."

"Why don't the two of you join us and have some fun huh." Thug B said while licking his lips.

"Hyung I-Im scared." Seungkwan whispered next to Jeonghan as he gripped on the older's arm.

"It's okay Seungkwana, Hyung will never let them hurt you." Contrary to Seungkwan's fear filled eyes, Jeonghan appeared to be collectively calm. He had a bored look on his face as he observed the group of wannabe gangsters.

Maybe if this kind of situation happened to him back then, Jeonghan might be crying and begging for his life right now but after meeting his boyfriend, Something in him had changed but it was for the better.

Seungcheol may treat him always as a princess but the man also trained him how to defend himself.

At first Jeonghan was just silently observing the others when Seungcheol brought him to the training ground one day where the members of the organization trained and enhanced their skills.

But watching them made Jeonghan wanted to do it also. He wanted to learn self defense and so Seungcheol specially trained him under his care.

Back to the present, Jeonghan pulled Seungkwan behind his back, protecting him. His lips move as he said, "Move out of our way and let us go while we're asking nicely."

The guys snickered at him, laughing at Jeonghan's supposed to be threat, "This one is brave, I like this one." Thug D said while eyeing Jeonghan with interest.

Jeonghan just rolled his eyes as he slightly bend down, pulling up his school pants a little as he muttered under his breath:  "Y'all left me with no choice, don't blame me for it."

Beneath the pant, strapped past above the side of his right ankle is the newest model of a gun with a built-in silencer.

Jeonghan released the strap and held the gun with his dominant hand. His posture was that of a professional one. He load the gun, pulling back the slide and release it, ready to pull the trigger at any moment as he aims the dangerous weapon at one of the wannabe gangsters who was now has a fear stricken face.

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