Chris Chambers x Reader

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Summary: You are Gordie's sister and have feelings for Chris but don't think he likes you back 

Warnings: Slight Swearing 

Author's note: Nothing really besides just enjoy another little imagine from me. And also sorry if it's a little long.  

 I sit on the pile of pillows and cushions in the corner of the treehouse with my book as I listen to the sounds of my brother and his friends as they play some card game on the crate that was used as a table in the middle of the treehouse. My brother Gordie only had about three close friends, Teddy, Vern, and Chris. Out of all of them, Chris was my favorite but that was probably because I may or may not have had a small crush on him. Now I would never tell this to my brother, my parents, or anyone for that matter since Chris was little little brother of Eyeball Chambers and was considered a no good. My unofficial role in the group was somewhat of a mother to the boys, breaking up fights between them, making sure someone had food if they hadn't eaten that day, and small stuff like that. I look over and see Chris and Teddy have ganged up on Vern who was the one who usually got picked on. I roll my eyes and say, "Chris, Teddy, please let Vern go." They let him go and go back to their game, as they play I eye Chris out of the corner of my eye and take in his blonde hair and blue eyes. He glances up from the game and his eyes meet mine making my face blush before I quickly look away missing the smirk that graces his lips. 

After a few hours Teddy, Vern, and Gordie had left leaving me and Chris alone in the treehouse. I watch as Chris puts away the card that they had been playing with before coming over and taking a seat next to me. I feel my heart start to race at him being so close but I refuse to let anything show on my face. We're both quiet for a bit before Chris asks, "You okay?" I dare not speak for fear that my voice would give away my nervousness so instead I just nod my head. Chris chuckles before saying, "Oh come on. There's no need to be nervous." I think to myself if only he knew. I feel a piece of hair fall in front of my face and I reach up to move it but before I can I feel Chris reaching out and tucking it behind my ear for me. I feel my face flame as I mutter out, "Shit." I quickly stand up still muttering curse words under my breath and as I go to leave I feel Chris grab my wrist. I turn and look at him and he says, "Look I'm sorry if I made you uncomfortable." I say, "No it's not that it's just..." He looks at me waiting for me to continue and I mutter out a quick, "Fuck." Before I say, "I like you, Chris, as in more than a friend. I have for a long time but I don't think that you would feel the same." I pull my wrist from his grasp as I turn to go I hear footsteps approaching me and as turn around I hear a quick, "Fuck it." Before I feel a pair of lips connecting with mine. It takes me a minute to process what is happening but when I do I don't hesitate to kiss back. Once Chris pulls away he rests his hand on my cheek and says, "I feel the same but I didn't think you'd like me." I giggle as I say, "I thought the same." He pulls me into a hug and says, "How about we not tell your brother or parents about this for a while until we figure this out okay?" I nod in agreement before he places a quick kiss on my nose before saying, "Come on, I'll take you home." And together we leave the treehouse hand in hand.    

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