Peter Pevensie x Reader

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Summary: You fall in love with High King Peter 

Warnings: Just mentions of fighting 

Author's Note: This was another request for JulzLOvDraco4Eva. Sorry everyone for not posting yesterday but I was up until 3 am doing homework. 

I sit with Susan and Lucy while my twin brother prepares for battle with Edmund and Peter. Lucy and Susan are telling me about when they first came to Narnia. As they talk, I find my eyes drifting over to Peter leaning over the table holding the battle plans. I'm pulled from my thoughts when I hear Susan say, "Y/N." 

I look at her confused but she's smiling as she says, "Why don't you go talk to him." 

I look at her unsure but she nods encouragingly and take a deep breath as I make my way over. I walk up next to my brother and glance over the plans and I start to feel nervous knowing that my brother, the one person I had left in this world would be on the frontlines. I start biting my nails when Peter asks, "You okay?" 

I look up at him and nod but he doesn't seem to believe me because he says, "Come with me." 

We walk through Aslan's How until we get to the river. The sound of the water calms my nerves and I take a seat on a rock as I watch the river pass us by. Peter doesn't pressure me to speak and for that I'm grateful. Once I feel calmer I say, "I'm nervous for the battle. I love my brother and he's the only family I have left." 

  Peter sits next to me as he says, "I kind of know how you feel. When we first came to Narnia all I wanted was to keep my family safe and the thought of something happening to me in battle was scary." 

I nod as I continue, "I'm just scared my uncle's going to kill my brother than me." I feel Peter take my hand and he says, "Hey, I'll try not to let anything happen to your brother okay?" 

My mouth goes dry because I don't want anything to happen to Peter either but I can't say anything to him. I rest my head on Peter's shoulder as we continue to stare out at the river until he breaks the silence by saying, "Hey Y/N?" 

I hum in response and he says, "Do you think I could try something?" I lift my head from his shoulder and look at him. I take in the way the sun is hitting his blonde hair and that's all I can take in before he's leaning down and kissing me slowly. 

The kiss is soft and gentle like he's unsure how I will respond. But I kiss him back. We break away and he says, "I like you. Would you like to be my girlfriend?" 

I stare at him in disbelief, before I manage to get out, "What about the battle?" He replies, "I already talked to your brother and he told me he's okay with us and that if anything happens to him I'm to take care of you." 

I feel my heart racing a mile a minute and feel torn between wanting to accept and not wanting to so he doesn't have to worry about me as well. After a minute I knew this was what I wanted and I said, "I'd love to be your girlfriend." 

He leans down and kisses my forehead before resting his chin on top of my head. I smile at our proximity and we stay like that for a little longer before going back to Aslan's How. 

The next morning dawns clear and bright, perfect conditions for the battle and no surprises in the weather. If it held up everything would go according to plan. I put on the armor my brother had specially made for me before going to find him and Peter. 

I find them around the stone table going over the plan once more and they both look up at my entrance. I see them share a glance as I walk over to stand between them. I see Lucy sitting off to the side, and she's looking between the three of us. I look down at the plans that I had already memorized when I hear Peter say, "I want you to go with Lucy to find Aslan." 

My head snaps up to look at him in disbelief and anger. I say, "No. I'm staying here." I feel my brother grab my arm but I shove it off. I look at Peter with tears threatening to fall as he takes both of my hands in his. He looks into my eyes as he says, "Your brother and I can't be worrying about you while we're fighting. We want you to be safe." 

I look at him in understanding before nodding my head. He leans down and kisses me for a moment before pulling away. He has a determined look on his face and I nod before going towards Lucy and walking to the horses. 

Lucy and I are riding through the forest with still no signs of Aslan until Lucy's horse comes to a stop at the edge of the clearing. I bring my horse up next to hers and see a majestic lion standing in the middle of the clearing. I feel a sense of calm wash over me, Lucy jumps off her horse runs over to him, and quickly begins to explain what's going on. Once she's done explaining, Aslan assures us that he'll help and he tells us to climb on his back and we're racing through the forest once more. 

It's after the battle, and the Telmarines are surrendering and piling their weapons for us and my eyes are frantically looking over the area until I see my brother. I rush over to him and wrap him in a tight hug as he hugs me back. I look to his right and see Peter. I rush over to him and hug him as well. I feel a huge sense of relief wash over me knowing that they were both okay. 

We spend the next few days celebrating our victory over the Telmarines until we're told that the Pevensie children need to go back. I feel my heart drop like my whole world is falling apart. We're all gathered in the courtyard and I'm fighting back tears as the door to their world opens and my time with Peter is down to only a few minutes. 

Edmund, Susan, and Lucy have all walked through leaving me, Peter, and my brother. I walk over towards Peter ready to say goodbye but I hear my brother say, "Y/N, I want you to go with him." 

I look at him too stunned to say anything and my brother continues, "I want you to be happy." 

I look at him sadly as I ask, "But what about you?" He gives me a small smile, "Don't worry about me. And besides, I know you'll be in good hands with Peter." 

He walks over and shakes Peter's hand before whispering something to him. He comes over and hugs me and I savor this last moment with my brother. Peter takes my hand and we begin walking towards the portal, I take one last look over my shoulder at my brother who gives me a nod of encouragement. With that, I step forward into my new life with Peter.  

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