Newt Scamander x Reader

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Summary: You have to force your husband Newt to stop his work and come to bed. 

Warnings: None, just pure fluff and cuteness. 

Author's Note: This was requested by @WriterGirlme. Sorry, I am technically posting this on Tuesday but I didn't have time on Monday. So this week's schedule is I have a request for Wednesday then I have something planned for Friday already. So for those of you wanting a request, it will be up Saturday. 

I roll over in my bed, searching for the warmth of my husband. My arm reaches out towards his side of the bed only to find it cold. I sit up a little and don't see the light on in the bathroom meaning that he was still working. 

I sigh, and grab my robe from the end of the bed, and slip it on wrapping it around myself and holding it closed with my arm. I grab my wand from the bedside table where I always kept it, I mutter "Lumos" and a small light appears at the tip of my wand. 

With the small light, I'm able to make out the shape of my husband's case which is still lying open even more proof that he's lost track of time while working. I carefully lift one foot up and over the edge of the case making sure I have a good hold of the ladder as I begin my descent. 

Once I reach the bottom, I look around at the small little shack as my eyes land on my husband. He's bent over his desk furiously scribbling something down, his brows are knit in concentration and his blonde hair is sticking up all over the place. I walk closer and gently place my hand on his shoulder. 

He mindlessly reaches up and squeezes my hand before looking up from what he's doing. I notice the dark circles under his eyes and how droopy they are. I say softly, "Come to bed." 

He looks back to what he was working on but I give him a stern look and he thankfully stands up from his spot. We climb back up the ladder and under my watchful eye, Newt gets ready for bed. He climbs in next to me and we snuggle up together. It isn't long before his breathing evens out and I hear soft snores passing from his lips a telltale sign that he's asleep. 

I smile to myself as I look down at his peaceful form and I run my fingers through his hair. It was quiet moments like this that I cherished the most. They didn't happen very often since he was usually buried up to his neck in work but when they did I made sure to cherish them. 

The next morning, I wake up with a pair of arms around my waist and I shift so I can see my husband. Much to my surprise, he's still asleep. I watch as he lazily opens his eyes and with sleep still in his voice says, "Morning love." 

Even after all this time the nickname still gave me butterflies no matter how many times he said it. He snuggles closer to me before lazily muttering out, "Can we stay in bed today?" 

I'm surprised by his request since he usually wants to work but he's looking at me with his green eyes and I nod in agreement. We spend the day in our own little bubble, with goofy lovestruck smiles and soft kisses.     

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